import "helpers/helpers.spec";
methods {
function pushFront(bytes32) external envfree;
function pushBack(bytes32) external envfree;
function popFront() external returns (bytes32) envfree;
function popBack() external returns (bytes32) envfree;
function clear() external envfree;
// exposed for FV
function begin() external returns (uint128) envfree;
function end() external returns (uint128) envfree;
// view
function length() external returns (uint256) envfree;
function empty() external returns (bool) envfree;
function front() external returns (bytes32) envfree;
function back() external returns (bytes32) envfree;
function at_(uint256) external returns (bytes32) envfree; // at is a reserved word
definition full() returns bool = length() == max_uint128;
│ Invariant: empty() is length 0 and no element exists │
invariant emptiness()
empty() <=> length() == 0
filtered { f -> !f.isView }
│ Invariant: front points to the first index and back points to the last one │
invariant queueFront()
at_(0) == front()
filtered { f -> !f.isView }
invariant queueBack()
at_(require_uint256(length() - 1)) == back()
filtered { f -> !f.isView }
│ Function correctness: pushFront adds an element at the beginning of the queue │
rule pushFront(bytes32 value) {
uint256 lengthBefore = length();
bool fullBefore = full();
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> !fullBefore, "never revert if not previously full";
// effect
assert success => front() == value, "front set to value";
assert success => to_mathint(length()) == lengthBefore + 1, "queue extended";
│ Rule: pushFront preserves the previous values in the queue with a +1 offset │
rule pushFrontConsistency(uint256 index) {
bytes32 beforeAt = at_(index);
bytes32 value;
// try to read value
bytes32 afterAt = at_@withrevert(require_uint256(index + 1));
assert !lastReverted, "value still there";
assert afterAt == beforeAt, "data is preserved";
│ Function correctness: pushBack adds an element at the end of the queue │
rule pushBack(bytes32 value) {
uint256 lengthBefore = length();
bool fullBefore = full();
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> !fullBefore, "never revert if not previously full";
// effect
assert success => back() == value, "back set to value";
assert success => to_mathint(length()) == lengthBefore + 1, "queue increased";
│ Rule: pushBack preserves the previous values in the queue │
rule pushBackConsistency(uint256 index) {
bytes32 beforeAt = at_(index);
bytes32 value;
// try to read value
bytes32 afterAt = at_@withrevert(index);
assert !lastReverted, "value still there";
assert afterAt == beforeAt, "data is preserved";
│ Function correctness: popFront removes an element from the beginning of the queue │
rule popFront {
uint256 lengthBefore = length();
bytes32 frontBefore = front@withrevert();
bytes32 popped = popFront@withrevert();
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> lengthBefore != 0, "never reverts if not previously empty";
// effect
assert success => frontBefore == popped, "previous front is returned";
assert success => to_mathint(length()) == lengthBefore - 1, "queue decreased";
│ Rule: at(x) is preserved and offset to at(x - 1) after calling popFront |
rule popFrontConsistency(uint256 index) {
// Read (any) value that is not the front (this asserts the value exists / the queue is long enough)
require index > 1;
bytes32 before = at_(index);
// try to read value
bytes32 after = at_@withrevert(require_uint256(index - 1));
assert !lastReverted, "value still exists in the queue";
assert before == after, "values are offset and not modified";
│ Function correctness: popBack removes an element from the end of the queue │
rule popBack {
uint256 lengthBefore = length();
bytes32 backBefore = back@withrevert();
bytes32 popped = popBack@withrevert();
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> lengthBefore != 0, "never reverts if not previously empty";
// effect
assert success => backBefore == popped, "previous back is returned";
assert success => to_mathint(length()) == lengthBefore - 1, "queue decreased";
│ Rule: at(x) is preserved after calling popBack |
rule popBackConsistency(uint256 index) {
// Read (any) value that is not the back (this asserts the value exists / the queue is long enough)
require to_mathint(index) < length() - 1;
bytes32 before = at_(index);
// try to read value
bytes32 after = at_@withrevert(index);
assert !lastReverted, "value still exists in the queue";
assert before == after, "values are offset and not modified";
│ Function correctness: clear sets length to 0 │
rule clear {
// liveness
assert !lastReverted, "never reverts";
// effect
assert length() == 0, "sets length to 0";
│ Rule: front/back access reverts only if the queue is empty or querying out of bounds │
rule onlyEmptyOrFullRevert(env e) {
require nonpayable(e);
method f;
calldataarg args;
bool emptyBefore = empty();
bool fullBefore = full();
f@withrevert(e, args);
assert lastReverted => (
(f.selector == sig:front().selector && emptyBefore) ||
(f.selector == sig:back().selector && emptyBefore) ||
(f.selector == sig:popFront().selector && emptyBefore) ||
(f.selector == sig:popBack().selector && emptyBefore) ||
(f.selector == sig:pushFront(bytes32).selector && fullBefore ) ||
(f.selector == sig:pushBack(bytes32).selector && fullBefore ) ||
f.selector == sig:at_(uint256).selector // revert conditions are verified in onlyOutOfBoundsRevert
), "only revert if empty or out of bounds";
│ Rule: at(index) only reverts if index is out of bounds |
rule onlyOutOfBoundsRevert(uint256 index) {
assert lastReverted <=> index >= length(), "only reverts if index is out of bounds";
│ Rule: only clear/push/pop operations can change the length of the queue │
rule noLengthChange(env e) {
method f;
calldataarg args;
uint256 lengthBefore = length();
f(e, args);
uint256 lengthAfter = length();
assert lengthAfter != lengthBefore => (
(f.selector == sig:pushFront(bytes32).selector && to_mathint(lengthAfter) == lengthBefore + 1) ||
(f.selector == sig:pushBack(bytes32).selector && to_mathint(lengthAfter) == lengthBefore + 1) ||
(f.selector == sig:popBack().selector && to_mathint(lengthAfter) == lengthBefore - 1) ||
(f.selector == sig:popFront().selector && to_mathint(lengthAfter) == lengthBefore - 1) ||
(f.selector == sig:clear().selector && lengthAfter == 0)
), "length is only affected by clear/pop/push operations";
│ Rule: only push/pop can change values bounded in the queue (outside values aren't cleared) │
rule noDataChange(env e) {
method f;
calldataarg args;
uint256 index;
bytes32 atBefore = at_(index);
f(e, args);
bytes32 atAfter = at_@withrevert(index);
bool atAfterSuccess = !lastReverted;
assert !atAfterSuccess <=> (
(f.selector == sig:clear().selector ) ||
(f.selector == sig:popBack().selector && index == length()) ||
(f.selector == sig:popFront().selector && index == length())
), "indexes of the queue are only removed by clear or pop";
assert atAfterSuccess && atAfter != atBefore => (
f.selector == sig:popFront().selector ||
f.selector == sig:pushFront(bytes32).selector
), "values of the queue are only changed by popFront or pushFront";