const { BN, ether, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const WhitelistCrowdsale = artifacts.require('WhitelistCrowdsaleImpl');
const SimpleToken = artifacts.require('SimpleToken');
contract('WhitelistCrowdsale', function ([_, wallet, whitelister, whitelisted, otherWhitelisted, other]) {
const rate = new BN(1);
const value = ether('42');
const tokenSupply = new BN('10').pow(new BN('22'));
beforeEach(async function () {
this.token = await SimpleToken.new({ from: whitelister });
this.crowdsale = await WhitelistCrowdsale.new(rate, wallet, this.token.address, { from: whitelister });
await this.token.transfer(this.crowdsale.address, tokenSupply, { from: whitelister });
async function purchaseShouldSucceed (crowdsale, beneficiary, value) {
await crowdsale.buyTokens(beneficiary, { from: beneficiary, value });
await crowdsale.sendTransaction({ from: beneficiary, value });
async function purchaseExpectRevert (crowdsale, beneficiary, value) {
await expectRevert(crowdsale.buyTokens(beneficiary, { from: beneficiary, value }),
'WhitelistCrowdsale: beneficiary doesn\'t have the Whitelisted role'
await expectRevert(crowdsale.sendTransaction({ from: beneficiary, value }),
'WhitelistCrowdsale: beneficiary doesn\'t have the Whitelisted role'
context('with no whitelisted addresses', function () {
it('rejects all purchases', async function () {
await purchaseExpectRevert(this.crowdsale, other, value);
await purchaseExpectRevert(this.crowdsale, whitelisted, value);
context('with whitelisted addresses', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.crowdsale.addWhitelisted(whitelisted, { from: whitelister });
await this.crowdsale.addWhitelisted(otherWhitelisted, { from: whitelister });
it('accepts purchases with whitelisted beneficiaries', async function () {
await purchaseShouldSucceed(this.crowdsale, whitelisted, value);
await purchaseShouldSucceed(this.crowdsale, otherWhitelisted, value);
it('rejects purchases from whitelisted addresses with non-whitelisted beneficiaries', async function () {
await expectRevert.unspecified(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(other, { from: whitelisted, value }));
it('rejects purchases with non-whitelisted beneficiaries', async function () {
await purchaseExpectRevert(this.crowdsale, other, value);