'use strict';
var LimitBalanceMock = artifacts.require('helpers/LimitBalanceMock.sol');
const assertJump = require('./helpers/assertJump');
contract('LimitBalance', function(accounts) {
let lb;
beforeEach(async function() {
lb = await LimitBalanceMock.new();
let LIMIT = 1000;
it('should expose limit', async function() {
let limit = await lb.limit();
assert.equal(limit, LIMIT);
it('should allow sending below limit', async function() {
let amount = 1;
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount});
assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(lb.address), amount);
it('shouldnt allow sending above limit', async function() {
let amount = 1110;
try {
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount});
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
it('should allow multiple sends below limit', async function() {
let amount = 500;
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount});
assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(lb.address), amount);
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount});
assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(lb.address), amount*2);
it('shouldnt allow multiple sends above limit', async function() {
let amount = 500;
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount});
assert.equal(web3.eth.getBalance(lb.address), amount);
try {
await lb.limitedDeposit({value: amount+1});
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');