const { expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError');
const UpgradeableBeacon = artifacts.require('UpgradeableBeacon');
const Implementation1 = artifacts.require('Implementation1');
const Implementation2 = artifacts.require('Implementation2');
contract('UpgradeableBeacon', function (accounts) {
const [owner, other] = accounts;
it('cannot be created with non-contract implementation', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(UpgradeableBeacon.new(other, owner), 'BeaconInvalidImplementation', [other]);
context('once deployed', async function () {
beforeEach('deploying beacon', async function () {
this.v1 = await Implementation1.new();
this.beacon = await UpgradeableBeacon.new(this.v1.address, owner);
it('returns implementation', async function () {
expect(await this.beacon.implementation()).to.equal(this.v1.address);
it('can be upgraded by the owner', async function () {
const v2 = await Implementation2.new();
const receipt = await this.beacon.upgradeTo(v2.address, { from: owner });
expectEvent(receipt, 'Upgraded', { implementation: v2.address });
expect(await this.beacon.implementation()).to.equal(v2.address);
it('cannot be upgraded to a non-contract', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(this.beacon.upgradeTo(other, { from: owner }), 'BeaconInvalidImplementation', [
it('cannot be upgraded by other account', async function () {
const v2 = await Implementation2.new();
await expectRevertCustomError(this.beacon.upgradeTo(v2.address, { from: other }), 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount', [