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const { expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { getAddressInSlot, ImplementationSlot } = require('../../helpers/erc1967');
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError');
const ERC1967Proxy = artifacts.require('ERC1967Proxy');
const UUPSUpgradeableMock = artifacts.require('UUPSUpgradeableMock');
const UUPSUpgradeableUnsafeMock = artifacts.require('UUPSUpgradeableUnsafeMock');
const NonUpgradeableMock = artifacts.require('NonUpgradeableMock');
const UUPSUnsupportedProxiableUUID = artifacts.require('UUPSUnsupportedProxiableUUID');
const Clones = artifacts.require('$Clones');
contract('UUPSUpgradeable', function () {
before(async function () {
this.implInitial = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.new();
this.implUpgradeOk = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.new();
this.implUpgradeUnsafe = await UUPSUpgradeableUnsafeMock.new();
this.implUpgradeNonUUPS = await NonUpgradeableMock.new();
this.implUnsupportedUUID = await UUPSUnsupportedProxiableUUID.new();
// Used for testing non ERC1967 compliant proxies (clones are proxies that don't use the ERC1967 implementation slot)
this.cloneFactory = await Clones.new();
beforeEach(async function () {
const { address } = await ERC1967Proxy.new(this.implInitial.address, '0x');
this.instance = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.at(address);
it('upgrade to upgradeable implementation', async function () {
const { receipt } = await this.instance.upgradeTo(this.implUpgradeOk.address);
expect(receipt.logs.filter(({ event }) => event === 'Upgraded').length).to.be.equal(1);
expectEvent(receipt, 'Upgraded', { implementation: this.implUpgradeOk.address });
expect(await getAddressInSlot(this.instance, ImplementationSlot)).to.be.equal(this.implUpgradeOk.address);
it('upgrade to upgradeable implementation with call', async function () {
expect(await this.instance.current()).to.be.bignumber.equal('0');
const { receipt } = await this.instance.upgradeToAndCall(
expect(receipt.logs.filter(({ event }) => event === 'Upgraded').length).to.be.equal(1);
expectEvent(receipt, 'Upgraded', { implementation: this.implUpgradeOk.address });
expect(await getAddressInSlot(this.instance, ImplementationSlot)).to.be.equal(this.implUpgradeOk.address);
expect(await this.instance.current()).to.be.bignumber.equal('1');
it('calling upgradeTo on the implementation reverts', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(
it('calling upgradeToAndCall on the implementation reverts', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(
it('calling upgradeTo from a contract that is not an ERC1967 proxy (with the right implementation) reverts', async function () {
const receipt = await this.cloneFactory.$clone(this.implUpgradeOk.address);
const instance = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.at(
receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event === 'return$clone').args.instance,
await expectRevertCustomError(
it('calling upgradeToAndCall from a contract that is not an ERC1967 proxy (with the right implementation) reverts', async function () {
const receipt = await this.cloneFactory.$clone(this.implUpgradeOk.address);
const instance = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.at(
receipt.logs.find(({ event }) => event === 'return$clone').args.instance,
await expectRevertCustomError(
instance.upgradeToAndCall(this.implUpgradeUnsafe.address, '0x'),
it('rejects upgrading to an unsupported UUID', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(
[web3.utils.keccak256('invalid UUID')],
it('upgrade to and unsafe upgradeable implementation', async function () {
const { receipt } = await this.instance.upgradeTo(this.implUpgradeUnsafe.address);
expectEvent(receipt, 'Upgraded', { implementation: this.implUpgradeUnsafe.address });
expect(await getAddressInSlot(this.instance, ImplementationSlot)).to.be.equal(this.implUpgradeUnsafe.address);
// delegate to a non existing upgradeTo function causes a low level revert
it('reject upgrade to non uups implementation', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(
it('reject proxy address as implementation', async function () {
const { address } = await ERC1967Proxy.new(this.implInitial.address, '0x');
const otherInstance = await UUPSUpgradeableMock.at(address);
await expectRevertCustomError(this.instance.upgradeTo(otherInstance.address), 'ERC1967InvalidImplementation', [