// Remove the default account from the accounts list used in tests, in order
// to protect tests against accidentally passing due to the contract
// deployer being used subsequently as function caller
// This operation affects:
// - the accounts (and signersAsPromise) parameters of `contract` blocks
// - the return of hre.ethers.getSigners()
extendEnvironment(hre => {
// TODO: replace with a mocha root hook.
// (see https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/issues/819#issuecomment-1762963679)
if (!process.env.COVERAGE) {
// override hre.ethers.getSigner()
// note that we don't just discard the first signer, we also cache the value to improve speed.
const originalGetSigners = hre.ethers.getSigners;
const filteredSignersAsPromise = originalGetSigners().then(signers => signers.slice(1));
hre.ethers.getSigners = () => filteredSignersAsPromise;
// override hre.contract
const originalContract = hre.contract;
hre.contract = function (name, body) {
originalContract.call(this, name, accounts => {
let snapshot;
before(async function () {
// reset the state of the chain in between contract test suites
// TODO: this should be removed when migration to ethers is over
const { takeSnapshot } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
snapshot = await takeSnapshot();
after(async function () {
// reset the state of the chain in between contract test suites
// TODO: this should be removed when migration to ethers is over
await snapshot.restore();