import EVMRevert from './helpers/EVMRevert';
var Message = artifacts.require('./mock/MessageHelper.sol');
var ERC827TokenMock = artifacts.require('./mock/ERC827TokenMock.sol');
var BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;
var ethjsABI = require('ethjs-abi');
contract('ERC827 Token', function (accounts) {
let token;
beforeEach(async function () {
token = await ERC827TokenMock.new(accounts[0], 100);
it('should return the correct totalSupply after construction', async function () {
let totalSupply = await token.totalSupply();
assert.equal(totalSupply, 100);
it('should return the correct allowance amount after approval', async function () {
let token = await ERC827TokenMock.new();
await token.approve(accounts[1], 100);
let allowance = await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);
assert.equal(allowance, 100);
it('should return correct balances after transfer', async function () {
await token.transfer(accounts[1], 100);
let balance0 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[0]);
assert.equal(balance0, 0);
let balance1 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[1]);
assert.equal(balance1, 100);
it('should throw an error when trying to transfer more than balance', async function () {
await token.transfer(accounts[1], 101).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMRevert);
it('should return correct balances after transfering from another account', async function () {
await token.approve(accounts[1], 100);
await token.transferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[2], 100, { from: accounts[1] });
let balance0 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[0]);
assert.equal(balance0, 0);
let balance1 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[2]);
assert.equal(balance1, 100);
let balance2 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[1]);
assert.equal(balance2, 0);
it('should throw an error when trying to transfer more than allowed', async function () {
await token.approve(accounts[1], 99);
await token.transferFrom(
accounts[0], accounts[2], 100,
{ from: accounts[1] }
it('should throw an error when trying to transferFrom more than _from has', async function () {
let balance0 = await token.balanceOf(accounts[0]);
await token.approve(accounts[1], 99);
await token.transferFrom(
accounts[0], accounts[2], balance0 + 1,
{ from: accounts[1] }
describe('validating allowance updates to spender', function () {
let preApproved;
it('should start with zero', async function () {
preApproved = await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);
assert.equal(preApproved, 0);
it('should increase by 50 then decrease by 10', async function () {
await token.increaseApproval(accounts[1], 50);
let postIncrease = await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);
await token.decreaseApproval(accounts[1], 10);
let postDecrease = await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);
it('should increase by 50 then set to 0 when decreasing by more than 50', async function () {
await token.approve(accounts[1], 50);
await token.decreaseApproval(accounts[1], 60);
let postDecrease = await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1]);
it('should throw an error when trying to transfer to 0x0', async function () {
await token.transfer(0x0, 100).should.be.rejectedWith(EVMRevert);
it('should throw an error when trying to transferFrom to 0x0', async function () {
await token.approve(accounts[1], 100);
await token.transferFrom(accounts[0], 0x0, 100, { from: accounts[1] })
describe('Test ERC827 methods', function () {
it('should return correct balances after transfer (with data) and show the event on receiver contract', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
// Use method #8 tranfer of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[8],
[message.contract.address, 100, extraData]
const transaction = await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: transferData }
assert.equal(2, transaction.receipt.logs.length);
new BigNumber(100).should.be.bignumber.equal(
await token.balanceOf(message.contract.address)
it('should return correct allowance after approve (with data) and show the event on receiver contract', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
// Use method #3 approve of the abi to encode the data tx
const approveData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[3],
[message.contract.address, 100, extraData]
const transaction = await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: approveData }
assert.equal(2, transaction.receipt.logs.length);
new BigNumber(100).should.be.bignumber.equal(
await token.allowance(accounts[0], message.contract.address)
it('should return correct balances after transferFrom (with data) and show the event on receiver contract', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
await token.approve(accounts[1], 100, { from: accounts[0] });
new BigNumber(100).should.be.bignumber.equal(
await token.allowance(accounts[0], accounts[1])
// Use method #7 transferFrom of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferFromData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[7],
[accounts[0], message.contract.address, 100, extraData]
const transaction = await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[1], data: transferFromData }
assert.equal(2, transaction.receipt.logs.length);
new BigNumber(100).should.be.bignumber.equal(
await token.balanceOf(message.contract.address)
it('should fail inside approve (with data)', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.fail.getData();
// Use method #3 approve of the abi to encode the data tx
const approveData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[3],
[message.contract.address, 10, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: approveData }
// approval should not have gone through so allowance is still 0
new BigNumber(0).should.be.bignumber
.equal(await token.allowance(accounts[1], message.contract.address));
it('should fail inside transfer (with data)', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.fail.getData();
// Use method #8 tranfer of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[8],
[message.contract.address, 10, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: transferData }
// transfer should not have gone through, so balance is still 0
new BigNumber(0).should.be.bignumber
.equal(await token.balanceOf(message.contract.address));
it('should fail inside transferFrom (with data)', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.fail.getData();
await token.approve(accounts[1], 10, { from: accounts[2] });
// Use method #7 tranferFrom of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferFromData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[7],
[accounts[2], message.contract.address, 10, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[1], data: transferFromData }
// transferFrom should have failed so balance is still 0 but allowance is 10
new BigNumber(10).should.be.bignumber
.equal(await token.allowance(accounts[2], accounts[1]));
new BigNumber(0).should.be.bignumber
.equal(await token.balanceOf(message.contract.address));
it('should fail approve (with data) when using token contract address as receiver', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
// Use method #3 approve of the abi to encode the data tx
const approveData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[3],
[token.contract.address, 100, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: approveData }
it('should fail transfer (with data) when using token contract address as receiver', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
// Use method #8 tranfer of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[8],
[token.contract.address, 100, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[0], data: transferData }
it('should fail transferFrom (with data) when using token contract address as receiver', async function () {
const message = await Message.new();
const extraData = message.contract.showMessage.getData(
web3.toHex(123456), 666, 'Transfer Done'
await token.approve(accounts[1], 1, { from: accounts[0] });
// Use method #7 tranferFrom of the abi to encode the data tx
const transferFromData = ethjsABI.encodeMethod(token.abi[7],
[accounts[0], token.contract.address, 1, extraData]
await token.sendTransaction(
{ from: accounts[1], data: transferFromData }