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const {
constants: { ZERO_ADDRESS },
} = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const AccessManaged = artifacts.require('$AccessManagedMock');
const SimpleAuthority = artifacts.require('SimpleAuthority');
contract('AccessManaged', function (accounts) {
const [authority, other, user] = accounts;
it('construction', async function () {
const managed = await AccessManaged.new(authority);
expectEvent.inConstruction(managed, 'AuthorityUpdated', {
oldAuthority: ZERO_ADDRESS,
newAuthority: authority,
expect(await managed.authority()).to.equal(authority);
describe('setAuthority', function () {
it(`current authority can change managed's authority`, async function () {
const managed = await AccessManaged.new(authority);
const set = await managed.setAuthority(other, { from: authority });
expectEvent(set, 'AuthorityUpdated', {
sender: authority,
newAuthority: other,
expect(await managed.authority()).to.equal(other);
it(`other account cannot change managed's authority`, async function () {
const managed = await AccessManaged.new(authority);
await expectRevert(managed.setAuthority(other, { from: other }), 'AccessManaged: not current authority');
describe('restricted', function () {
const selector = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature('restrictedFunction()');
it('allows if authority returns true', async function () {
const authority = await SimpleAuthority.new();
const managed = await AccessManaged.new(authority.address);
await authority.setAllowed(user, managed.address, selector);
const restricted = await managed.restrictedFunction({ from: user });
expectEvent(restricted, 'RestrictedRan');
it('reverts if authority returns false', async function () {
const authority = await SimpleAuthority.new();
const managed = await AccessManaged.new(authority.address);
await expectRevert(managed.restrictedFunction({ from: user }), 'AccessManaged: authority rejected');