const assertJump = require('./helpers/assertJump');
const timer = require('./helpers/timer');
var VestedTokenMock = artifacts.require("./helpers/VestedTokenMock.sol");
contract('VestedToken', function(accounts) {
let token = null
let now = 0
const tokenAmount = 50
const granter = accounts[0]
const receiver = accounts[1]
beforeEach(async () => {
token = await VestedTokenMock.new(granter, 100);
now = web3.eth.getBlock(web3.eth.blockNumber).timestamp;
it('granter can grant tokens without vesting', async () => {
await token.transfer(receiver, tokenAmount, { from: granter })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), tokenAmount);
assert.equal(await token.transferableTokens(receiver, now), tokenAmount);
describe('getting a revokable/non-burnable token grant', async () => {
const cliff = 10000
const vesting = 20000 // seconds
beforeEach(async () => {
await token.grantVestedTokens(receiver, tokenAmount, now, now + cliff, now + vesting, true, false, { from: granter })
it('tokens are received', async () => {
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), tokenAmount);
it('has 0 transferable tokens before cliff', async () => {
assert.equal(await token.transferableTokens(receiver, now), 0);
it('all tokens are transferable after vesting', async () => {
assert.equal(await token.transferableTokens(receiver, now + vesting + 1), tokenAmount);
it('throws when trying to transfer non vested tokens', async () => {
try {
await token.transfer(accounts[7], 1, { from: receiver })
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
it('throws when trying to transfer from non vested tokens', async () => {
try {
await token.approve(accounts[7], 1, { from: receiver })
await token.transferFrom(receiver, accounts[7], tokenAmount, { from: accounts[7] })
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
it('can be revoked by granter', async () => {
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: granter });
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), 0);
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(granter), 100);
it('cannot be revoked by non granter', async () => {
try {
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: accounts[3] });
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
it('can be revoked by granter and non vested tokens are returned', async () => {
await timer(cliff);
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: granter });
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), tokenAmount * cliff / vesting);
it('can transfer all tokens after vesting ends', async () => {
await timer(vesting + 1);
await token.transfer(accounts[7], tokenAmount, { from: receiver })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(accounts[7]), tokenAmount);
it('can approve and transferFrom all tokens after vesting ends', async () => {
await timer(vesting + 1);
await token.approve(accounts[7], tokenAmount, { from: receiver })
await token.transferFrom(receiver, accounts[7], tokenAmount, { from: accounts[7] })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(accounts[7]), tokenAmount);
it('can handle composed vesting schedules', async () => {
await timer(cliff);
await token.transfer(accounts[7], 12, { from: receiver })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(accounts[7]), 12);
let newNow = web3.eth.getBlock(web3.eth.blockNumber).timestamp
await token.grantVestedTokens(receiver, tokenAmount, newNow, newNow + cliff, newNow + vesting, false, false, { from: granter })
await token.transfer(accounts[7], 13, { from: receiver })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(accounts[7]), tokenAmount / 2);
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), 3 * tokenAmount / 2)
assert.equal(await token.transferableTokens(receiver, newNow), 0)
await timer(vesting);
await token.transfer(accounts[7], 3 * tokenAmount / 2, { from: receiver })
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(accounts[7]), tokenAmount * 2)
describe('getting a non-revokable token grant', async () => {
const cliff = 10000
const vesting = 20000 // seconds
beforeEach(async () => {
await token.grantVestedTokens(receiver, tokenAmount, now, now + cliff, now + vesting, false, false, { from: granter })
it('tokens are received', async () => {
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), tokenAmount);
it('throws when granter attempts to revoke', async () => {
try {
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: granter });
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
describe('getting a revokable/burnable token grant', async () => {
const cliff = 100000
const vesting = 200000 // seconds
const burnAddress = '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead'
beforeEach(async () => {
await token.grantVestedTokens(receiver, tokenAmount, now, now + cliff, now + vesting, true, true, { from: granter })
it('tokens are received', async () => {
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), tokenAmount);
it('can be revoked by granter and tokens are burned', async () => {
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: granter });
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(receiver), 0);
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(burnAddress), tokenAmount);
it('cannot be revoked by non granter', async () => {
try {
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: accounts[3] });
} catch(error) {
return assertJump(error);
assert.fail('should have thrown before');
it('can be revoked by granter and non vested tokens are returned', async () => {
await timer(cliff);
await token.revokeTokenGrant(receiver, 0, { from: granter });
assert.equal(await token.balanceOf(burnAddress), tokenAmount * cliff / vesting);