const { constants, expectEvent, shouldFail } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers');
const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;
function shouldBehaveLikeOwnable (owner, [other]) {
describe('as an ownable', function () {
it('should have an owner', async function () {
(await this.ownable.owner()).should.equal(owner);
it('changes owner after transfer', async function () {
(await this.ownable.isOwner({ from: other })).should.be.equal(false);
const { logs } = await this.ownable.transferOwnership(other, { from: owner });
expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'OwnershipTransferred');
(await this.ownable.owner()).should.equal(other);
(await this.ownable.isOwner({ from: other })).should.be.equal(true);
it('should prevent non-owners from transferring', async function () {
await shouldFail.reverting.withMessage(
this.ownable.transferOwnership(other, { from: other }),
'Ownable: caller is not the owner'
it('should guard ownership against stuck state', async function () {
await shouldFail.reverting.withMessage(
this.ownable.transferOwnership(ZERO_ADDRESS, { from: owner }),
'Ownable: new owner is the zero address'
it('loses owner after renouncement', async function () {
const { logs } = await this.ownable.renounceOwnership({ from: owner });
expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'OwnershipTransferred');
(await this.ownable.owner()).should.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS);
it('should prevent non-owners from renouncement', async function () {
await shouldFail.reverting.withMessage(
this.ownable.renounceOwnership({ from: other }),
'Ownable: caller is not the owner'
module.exports = {