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const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber
import moment from 'moment'
import latestTime from './helpers/latestTime'
import increaseTime from './helpers/increaseTime'
const MintableToken = artifacts.require('MintableToken')
const TokenTimelock = artifacts.require('TokenTimelock')
contract('TokenTimelock', function ([_, owner, beneficiary]) {
const amount = new BigNumber(100)
beforeEach(async function () {
this.token = await MintableToken.new({from: owner})
this.releaseTime = latestTime().add(1, 'year').unix()
this.timelock = await TokenTimelock.new(this.token.address, beneficiary, this.releaseTime)
await this.token.mint(this.timelock.address, amount, {from: owner})
it('cannot be claimed before time limit', async function () {
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.rejected
it('cannot be claimed just before time limit', async function () {
await increaseTime(moment.duration(0.99, 'year'))
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.rejected
it('can be claimed just after limit', async function () {
await increaseTime(moment.duration(1.01, 'year'))
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.fulfilled
const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)
it('can be claimed after time limit', async function () {
await increaseTime(moment.duration(2, 'year'))
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.fulfilled
const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)
it('cannot be claimed twice', async function () {
await increaseTime(moment.duration(2, 'year'))
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.fulfilled
await this.timelock.claim({from: beneficiary}).should.be.rejected
const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)