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const { assertJump } = require('../helpers/assertJump');
const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;
const SafeMathMock = artifacts.require('SafeMathMock');
contract('SafeMath', () => {
const MAX_UINT = new BigNumber(2).pow(256).minus(1);
beforeEach(async function () {
this.safeMath = await SafeMathMock.new();
describe('add', function () {
it('adds correctly', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(5678);
const b = new BigNumber(1234);
const result = await this.safeMath.add(a, b);
it('throws an error on addition overflow', async function () {
const a = MAX_UINT;
const b = new BigNumber(1);
await assertJump(this.safeMath.add(a, b));
describe('sub', function () {
it('subtracts correctly', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(5678);
const b = new BigNumber(1234);
const result = await this.safeMath.sub(a, b);
it('throws an error if subtraction result would be negative', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(1234);
const b = new BigNumber(5678);
await assertJump(this.safeMath.sub(a, b));
describe('mul', function () {
it('multiplies correctly', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(1234);
const b = new BigNumber(5678);
const result = await this.safeMath.mul(a, b);
it('handles a zero product correctly', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(0);
const b = new BigNumber(5678);
const result = await this.safeMath.mul(a, b);
it('throws an error on multiplication overflow', async function () {
const a = MAX_UINT;
const b = new BigNumber(2);
await assertJump(this.safeMath.mul(a, b));
describe('div', function () {
it('divides correctly', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(5678);
const b = new BigNumber(5678);
const result = await this.safeMath.div(a, b);
it('throws an error on zero division', async function () {
const a = new BigNumber(5678);
const b = new BigNumber(0);
await assertJump(this.safeMath.div(a, b));