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const { expectThrow } = require('../../helpers/expectThrow');
const expectEvent = require('../../helpers/expectEvent');
const RBACMock = artifacts.require('RBACMock');
const ROLE_ADVISOR = 'advisor';
contract('RBAC', function ([_, admin, anyone, advisor, otherAdvisor, futureAdvisor]) {
let mock;
beforeEach(async () => {
mock = await RBACMock.new([advisor, otherAdvisor], { from: admin });
context('in normal conditions', () => {
it('allows admin to call #onlyAdminsCanDoThis', async () => {
await mock.onlyAdminsCanDoThis({ from: admin });
it('allows admin to call #onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis', async () => {
await mock.onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis({ from: admin });
it('allows advisors to call #onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis', async () => {
await mock.onlyAdvisorsCanDoThis({ from: advisor });
it('allows admin to call #eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis', async () => {
await mock.eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis({ from: admin });
it('allows advisors to call #eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis', async () => {
await mock.eitherAdminOrAdvisorCanDoThis({ from: advisor });
it('does not allow admins to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => {
await expectThrow(mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: admin }));
it('does not allow advisors to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => {
await expectThrow(mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: advisor }));
it('does not allow anyone to call #nobodyCanDoThis', async () => {
await expectThrow(mock.nobodyCanDoThis({ from: anyone }));
it('allows an admin to remove an advisor\'s role', async () => {
await mock.removeAdvisor(advisor, { from: admin });
it('allows admins to #adminRemoveRole', async () => {
await mock.adminRemoveRole(advisor, ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin });
it('announces a RoleAdded event on addRole', async () => {
await expectEvent.inTransaction(
mock.adminAddRole(futureAdvisor, ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin }),
it('announces a RoleRemoved event on removeRole', async () => {
await expectEvent.inTransaction(
mock.adminRemoveRole(futureAdvisor, ROLE_ADVISOR, { from: admin }),
context('in adversarial conditions', () => {
it('does not allow an advisor to remove another advisor', async () => {
await expectThrow(mock.removeAdvisor(otherAdvisor, { from: advisor }));
it('does not allow "anyone" to remove an advisor', async () => {
await expectThrow(mock.removeAdvisor(advisor, { from: anyone }));