mirror of openzeppelin-contracts
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.7 KiB

default: help
SRC := ../contracts
DST := patched
DIFF := diff
SRCS := $(shell find $(SRC) -type f)
DSTS := $(shell find $(DST) -type f)
DIFFS := $(shell find $(DIFF) -type f)
# Apply all patches in the $DIFF folder to the $DST folder
apply: $(DST) $(patsubst $(DIFF)/%.patch,$(DST)/%,$(subst _,/,$(DIFFS)))
# Reset the $DST folder
@rm -rf $@
@cp -r $(SRC) $@
# Update a solidity file in the $DST directory using the corresponding patch
$(DST)/%.sol: FORCE
@echo Applying patch to $@
@patch -p0 -d $(DST) < $(patsubst $(DST)_%,$(DIFF)/%.patch,$(subst /,_,$@))
# Record all difference between $SRC and $DST in patches
record: $(DIFF) $(patsubst %,$(DIFF)/%.patch,$(subst /,_,$(subst $(SRC)/,,$(SRCS)) $(subst $(DST)/,,$(DSTS))))
# Create the $DIFF folder
@rm -rf $@
@mkdir $@
# Create the patch file by comparing the source and the destination
$(DIFF)/%.patch: FORCE
@echo Generating patch $@
@diff -ruN \
$(patsubst $(DIFF)/%.patch,$(SRC)/%,$(subst _,/,$@)) \
$(patsubst $(DIFF)/%.patch,$(DST)/%,$(subst _,/,$@)) \
| sed 's+$(SRC)/++g' \
| sed 's+$(DST)/++g' \
> $@
@[ -s $@ ] || rm $@
@echo "usage:"
@echo " make apply: create $(DST) directory by applying the patches to $(SRC)"
@echo " make record: record the patches capturing the differences between $(SRC) and $(DST)"
@echo " make clean: remove all generated files (those ignored by git)"
git clean -fdX