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const ethSigUtil = require('eth-sig-util');
const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet').default;
const { getDomain, domainType, domainSeparator, hashTypedData } = require('../../helpers/eip712');
const { getChainId } = require('../../helpers/chainid');
const { mapValues } = require('../../helpers/map-values');
const EIP712Verifier = artifacts.require('$EIP712Verifier');
contract('EIP712', function (accounts) {
const [mailTo] = accounts;
const name = 'A Name';
const version = '1';
beforeEach('deploying', async function () {
this.eip712 = await EIP712Verifier.new(name, version);
this.domain = {
chainId: await getChainId(),
verifyingContract: this.eip712.address,
this.domainType = domainType(this.domain);
describe('domain separator', function () {
it('is internally available', async function () {
const expected = await domainSeparator(this.domain);
expect(await this.eip712.$_domainSeparatorV4()).to.equal(expected);
it("can be rebuilt using EIP-5267's eip712Domain", async function () {
const rebuildDomain = await getDomain(this.eip712);
expect(mapValues(rebuildDomain, String)).to.be.deep.equal(mapValues(this.domain, String));
it('hash digest', async function () {
const structhash = web3.utils.randomHex(32);
expect(await this.eip712.$_hashTypedDataV4(structhash)).to.be.equal(hashTypedData(this.domain, structhash));
it('digest', async function () {
const message = {
to: mailTo,
contents: 'very interesting',
const data = {
types: {
EIP712Domain: this.domainType,
Mail: [
{ name: 'to', type: 'address' },
{ name: 'contents', type: 'string' },
domain: this.domain,
primaryType: 'Mail',
const wallet = Wallet.generate();
const signature = ethSigUtil.signTypedMessage(wallet.getPrivateKey(), { data });
await this.eip712.verify(signature, wallet.getAddressString(), message.to, message.contents);