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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
async function fixture() {
const [admin, other] = await ethers.getSigners();
const v1 = await ethers.deployContract('Implementation1');
const v2 = await ethers.deployContract('Implementation2');
const beacon = await ethers.deployContract('UpgradeableBeacon', [v1, admin]);
return { admin, other, beacon, v1, v2 };
describe('UpgradeableBeacon', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
it('cannot be created with non-contract implementation', async function () {
await expect(ethers.deployContract('UpgradeableBeacon', [this.other, this.admin]))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.beacon, 'BeaconInvalidImplementation')
describe('once deployed', async function () {
it('emits Upgraded event to the first implementation', async function () {
await expect(this.beacon.deploymentTransaction()).to.emit(this.beacon, 'Upgraded').withArgs(this.v1.target);
it('returns implementation', async function () {
expect(await this.beacon.implementation()).to.equal(this.v1.target);
it('can be upgraded by the admin', async function () {
await expect(this.beacon.connect(this.admin).upgradeTo(this.v2))
.to.emit(this.beacon, 'Upgraded')
expect(await this.beacon.implementation()).to.equal(this.v2.target);
it('cannot be upgraded to a non-contract', async function () {
await expect(this.beacon.connect(this.admin).upgradeTo(this.other))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.beacon, 'BeaconInvalidImplementation')
it('cannot be upgraded by other account', async function () {
await expect(this.beacon.connect(this.other).upgradeTo(this.v2))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.beacon, 'OwnableUnauthorizedAccount')