// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {PackedUserOperation} from "../../interfaces/draft-IERC4337.sol";
import {Math} from "../../utils/math/Math.sol";
import {Packing} from "../../utils/Packing.sol";
* @dev Library with common ERC-4337 utility functions.
* See https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4337[ERC-4337].
library ERC4337Utils {
using Packing for *;
/// @dev For simulation purposes, validateUserOp (and validatePaymasterUserOp) return this value on success.
uint256 internal constant SIG_VALIDATION_SUCCESS = 0;
/// @dev For simulation purposes, validateUserOp (and validatePaymasterUserOp) must return this value in case of signature failure, instead of revert.
uint256 internal constant SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED = 1;
/// @dev Parses the validation data into its components. See {packValidationData}.
function parseValidationData(
uint256 validationData
) internal pure returns (address aggregator, uint48 validAfter, uint48 validUntil) {
validAfter = uint48(bytes32(validationData).extract_32_6(0));
validUntil = uint48(bytes32(validationData).extract_32_6(6));
aggregator = address(bytes32(validationData).extract_32_20(12));
if (validUntil == 0) validUntil = type(uint48).max;
/// @dev Packs the validation data into a single uint256. See {parseValidationData}.
function packValidationData(
address aggregator,
uint48 validAfter,
uint48 validUntil
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return uint256(bytes6(validAfter).pack_6_6(bytes6(validUntil)).pack_12_20(bytes20(aggregator)));
/// @dev Same as {packValidationData}, but with a boolean signature success flag.
function packValidationData(bool sigSuccess, uint48 validAfter, uint48 validUntil) internal pure returns (uint256) {
address(uint160(Math.ternary(sigSuccess, SIG_VALIDATION_SUCCESS, SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED))),
* @dev Combines two validation data into a single one.
* The `aggregator` is set to {SIG_VALIDATION_SUCCESS} if both are successful, while
* the `validAfter` is the maximum and the `validUntil` is the minimum of both.
function combineValidationData(uint256 validationData1, uint256 validationData2) internal pure returns (uint256) {
(address aggregator1, uint48 validAfter1, uint48 validUntil1) = parseValidationData(validationData1);
(address aggregator2, uint48 validAfter2, uint48 validUntil2) = parseValidationData(validationData2);
bool success = aggregator1 == address(uint160(SIG_VALIDATION_SUCCESS)) &&
aggregator2 == address(uint160(SIG_VALIDATION_SUCCESS));
uint48 validAfter = uint48(Math.max(validAfter1, validAfter2));
uint48 validUntil = uint48(Math.min(validUntil1, validUntil2));
return packValidationData(success, validAfter, validUntil);
/// @dev Returns the aggregator of the `validationData` and whether it is out of time range.
function getValidationData(uint256 validationData) internal view returns (address aggregator, bool outOfTimeRange) {
(address aggregator_, uint48 validAfter, uint48 validUntil) = parseValidationData(validationData);
return (aggregator_, block.timestamp < validAfter || validUntil < block.timestamp);
/// @dev Computes the hash of a user operation for a given entrypoint and chainid.
function hash(
PackedUserOperation calldata self,
address entrypoint,
uint256 chainid
) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 result = keccak256(
return result;
/// @dev Returns `factory` from the {PackedUserOperation}, or address(0) if the initCode is empty or not properly formatted.
function factory(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (address) {
return self.initCode.length < 20 ? address(0) : address(bytes20(self.initCode[0:20]));
/// @dev Returns `factoryData` from the {PackedUserOperation}, or empty bytes if the initCode is empty or not properly formatted.
function factoryData(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (bytes calldata) {
return self.initCode.length < 20 ? _emptyCalldataBytes() : self.initCode[20:];
/// @dev Returns `verificationGasLimit` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function verificationGasLimit(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return uint128(self.accountGasLimits.extract_32_16(0));
/// @dev Returns `callGasLimit` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function callGasLimit(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return uint128(self.accountGasLimits.extract_32_16(16));
/// @dev Returns the first section of `gasFees` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function maxPriorityFeePerGas(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return uint128(self.gasFees.extract_32_16(0));
/// @dev Returns the second section of `gasFees` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function maxFeePerGas(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return uint128(self.gasFees.extract_32_16(16));
/// @dev Returns the total gas price for the {PackedUserOperation} (ie. `maxFeePerGas` or `maxPriorityFeePerGas + basefee`).
function gasPrice(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal view returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
// Following values are "per gas"
uint256 maxPriorityFee = maxPriorityFeePerGas(self);
uint256 maxFee = maxFeePerGas(self);
return Math.min(maxFee, maxPriorityFee + block.basefee);
/// @dev Returns the first section of `paymasterAndData` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function paymaster(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (address) {
return self.paymasterAndData.length < 52 ? address(0) : address(bytes20(self.paymasterAndData[0:20]));
/// @dev Returns the second section of `paymasterAndData` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function paymasterVerificationGasLimit(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return self.paymasterAndData.length < 52 ? 0 : uint128(bytes16(self.paymasterAndData[20:36]));
/// @dev Returns the third section of `paymasterAndData` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function paymasterPostOpGasLimit(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return self.paymasterAndData.length < 52 ? 0 : uint128(bytes16(self.paymasterAndData[36:52]));
/// @dev Returns the fourth section of `paymasterAndData` from the {PackedUserOperation}.
function paymasterData(PackedUserOperation calldata self) internal pure returns (bytes calldata) {
return self.paymasterAndData.length < 52 ? _emptyCalldataBytes() : self.paymasterAndData[52:];
// slither-disable-next-line write-after-write
function _emptyCalldataBytes() private pure returns (bytes calldata result) {
assembly ("memory-safe") {
result.offset := 0
result.length := 0