const AutoIncrementing = artifacts.require('AutoIncrementingImpl');
const EXPECTED = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const KEY1 = web3.sha3('key1');
const KEY2 = web3.sha3('key2');
contract('AutoIncrementing', function ([_, owner]) {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.mock = await AutoIncrementing.new({ from: owner });
context('custom key', async function () {
it('should return expected values', async function () {
for (const expectedId of EXPECTED) {
await this.mock.doThing(KEY1, { from: owner });
const actualId = await this.mock.theId();
context('parallel keys', async function () {
it('should return expected values for each counter', async function () {
for (const expectedId of EXPECTED) {
await this.mock.doThing(KEY1, { from: owner });
let actualId = await this.mock.theId();
await this.mock.doThing(KEY2, { from: owner });
actualId = await this.mock.theId();