import "helpers/helpers.spec";
import "methods/IAccessControlDefaultAdminRules.spec";
import "methods/IAccessControl.spec";
import "AccessControl.spec";
use rule onlyGrantCanGrant filtered {
f -> f.selector != sig:acceptDefaultAdminTransfer().selector
│ Definitions │
definition timeSanity(env e) returns bool =
e.block.timestamp > 0 && e.block.timestamp + defaultAdminDelay(e) < max_uint48;
definition delayChangeWaitSanity(env e, uint48 newDelay) returns bool =
e.block.timestamp + delayChangeWait_(e, newDelay) < max_uint48;
definition isSet(uint48 schedule) returns bool =
schedule != 0;
definition hasPassed(env e, uint48 schedule) returns bool =
assert_uint256(schedule) < e.block.timestamp;
definition increasingDelaySchedule(env e, uint48 newDelay) returns mathint =
e.block.timestamp + min(newDelay, defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait());
definition decreasingDelaySchedule(env e, uint48 newDelay) returns mathint =
e.block.timestamp + defaultAdminDelay(e) - newDelay;
│ Invariant: defaultAdmin holds the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE │
invariant defaultAdminConsistency(address account)
(account == defaultAdmin() && account != 0) <=> hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE(), account)
preserved with (env e) {
require nonzerosender(e);
│ Invariant: Only one account holds the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE │
invariant singleDefaultAdmin(address account, address another)
hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE(), account) && hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE(), another) => another == account
preserved {
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(account);
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(another);
│ Invariant: DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE's admin is always DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE │
invariant defaultAdminRoleAdminConsistency()
│ Invariant: owner is the defaultAdmin │
invariant ownerConsistency()
defaultAdmin() == owner();
│ Function correctness: revokeRole only affects the specified user/role combo │
rule revokeRoleEffect(env e, bytes32 role) {
require nonpayable(e);
bytes32 otherRole;
address account;
address otherAccount;
bool isCallerAdmin = hasRole(getRoleAdmin(role), e.msg.sender);
bool hasOtherRoleBefore = hasRole(otherRole, otherAccount);
revokeRole@withrevert(e, role, account);
bool success = !lastReverted;
bool hasOtherRoleAfter = hasRole(otherRole, otherAccount);
// liveness
assert success <=> isCallerAdmin && role != DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE(),
"roles can only be revoked by their owner except for the default admin role";
// effect
assert success => !hasRole(role, account),
"role is revoked";
// no side effect
assert hasOtherRoleBefore != hasOtherRoleAfter => (role == otherRole && account == otherAccount),
"no other role is affected";
│ Function correctness: renounceRole only affects the specified user/role combo │
rule renounceRoleEffect(env e, bytes32 role) {
require nonpayable(e);
bytes32 otherRole;
address account;
address otherAccount;
bool hasOtherRoleBefore = hasRole(otherRole, otherAccount);
address adminBefore = defaultAdmin();
address pendingAdminBefore = pendingDefaultAdmin_();
uint48 scheduleBefore = pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_();
renounceRole@withrevert(e, role, account);
bool success = !lastReverted;
bool hasOtherRoleAfter = hasRole(otherRole, otherAccount);
address adminAfter = defaultAdmin();
address pendingAdminAfter = pendingDefaultAdmin_();
uint48 scheduleAfter = pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_();
// liveness
assert success <=> (
account == e.msg.sender &&
account != adminBefore ||
pendingAdminBefore == 0 &&
isSet(scheduleBefore) &&
hasPassed(e, scheduleBefore)
"an account only can renounce by itself with a delay for the default admin role";
// effect
assert success => !hasRole(role, account),
"role is renounced";
assert success => (
account == adminBefore
) ? (
adminAfter == 0 &&
pendingAdminAfter == 0 &&
scheduleAfter == 0
) : (
adminAfter == adminBefore &&
pendingAdminAfter == pendingAdminBefore &&
scheduleAfter == scheduleBefore
"renouncing default admin role cleans state iff called by previous admin";
// no side effect
assert hasOtherRoleBefore != hasOtherRoleAfter => (
role == otherRole &&
account == otherAccount
"no other role is affected";
│ Rule: defaultAdmin is only affected by accepting an admin transfer or renouncing │
rule noDefaultAdminChange(env e, method f, calldataarg args) {
address adminBefore = defaultAdmin();
f(e, args);
address adminAfter = defaultAdmin();
assert adminBefore != adminAfter => (
f.selector == sig:acceptDefaultAdminTransfer().selector ||
f.selector == sig:renounceRole(bytes32,address).selector
"default admin is only affected by accepting an admin transfer or renouncing";
│ Rule: pendingDefaultAdmin is only affected by beginning, completing (accept or renounce), or canceling an admin │
│ transfer │
rule noPendingDefaultAdminChange(env e, method f, calldataarg args) {
address pendingAdminBefore = pendingDefaultAdmin_();
uint48 scheduleBefore = pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_();
f(e, args);
address pendingAdminAfter = pendingDefaultAdmin_();
uint48 scheduleAfter = pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_();
assert (
pendingAdminBefore != pendingAdminAfter ||
scheduleBefore != scheduleAfter
) => (
f.selector == sig:beginDefaultAdminTransfer(address).selector ||
f.selector == sig:acceptDefaultAdminTransfer().selector ||
f.selector == sig:cancelDefaultAdminTransfer().selector ||
f.selector == sig:renounceRole(bytes32,address).selector
"pending admin and its schedule is only affected by beginning, completing, or cancelling an admin transfer";
│ Rule: defaultAdminDelay can't be changed atomically by any function │
rule noDefaultAdminDelayChange(env e, method f, calldataarg args) {
uint48 delayBefore = defaultAdminDelay(e);
f(e, args);
uint48 delayAfter = defaultAdminDelay(e);
assert delayBefore == delayAfter,
"delay can't be changed atomically by any function";
│ Rule: pendingDefaultAdminDelay is only affected by changeDefaultAdminDelay or rollbackDefaultAdminDelay │
rule noPendingDefaultAdminDelayChange(env e, method f, calldataarg args) {
uint48 pendingDelayBefore = pendingDelay_(e);
f(e, args);
uint48 pendingDelayAfter = pendingDelay_(e);
assert pendingDelayBefore != pendingDelayAfter => (
f.selector == sig:changeDefaultAdminDelay(uint48).selector ||
f.selector == sig:rollbackDefaultAdminDelay().selector
"pending delay is only affected by changeDefaultAdminDelay or rollbackDefaultAdminDelay";
│ Rule: defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait can't be changed atomically by any function │
rule noDefaultAdminDelayIncreaseWaitChange(env e, method f, calldataarg args) {
uint48 delayIncreaseWaitBefore = defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait();
f(e, args);
uint48 delayIncreaseWaitAfter = defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait();
assert delayIncreaseWaitBefore == delayIncreaseWaitAfter,
"delay increase wait can't be changed atomically by any function";
│ Function correctness: beginDefaultAdminTransfer sets a pending default admin and its schedule │
rule beginDefaultAdminTransfer(env e, address newAdmin) {
require timeSanity(e);
require nonpayable(e);
require nonzerosender(e);
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(e.msg.sender);
beginDefaultAdminTransfer@withrevert(e, newAdmin);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> e.msg.sender == defaultAdmin(),
"only the current default admin can begin a transfer";
// effect
assert success => pendingDefaultAdmin_() == newAdmin,
"pending default admin is set";
assert success => to_mathint(pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_()) == e.block.timestamp + defaultAdminDelay(e),
"pending default admin delay is set";
│ Rule: A default admin can't change in less than the applied schedule │
rule pendingDefaultAdminDelayEnforced(env e1, env e2, method f, calldataarg args, address newAdmin) {
require e1.block.timestamp <= e2.block.timestamp;
uint48 delayBefore = defaultAdminDelay(e1);
address adminBefore = defaultAdmin();
// There might be a better way to generalize this without requiring `beginDefaultAdminTransfer`, but currently
// it's the only way in which we can attest that only `delayBefore` has passed before a change.
beginDefaultAdminTransfer(e1, newAdmin);
f(e2, args);
address adminAfter = defaultAdmin();
// change can only happen towards the newAdmin, with the delay
assert adminAfter != adminBefore => (
adminAfter == newAdmin &&
to_mathint(e2.block.timestamp) >= e1.block.timestamp + delayBefore
"The admin can only change after the enforced delay and to the previously scheduled new admin";
│ Function correctness: acceptDefaultAdminTransfer updates defaultAdmin resetting the pending admin and its schedule │
rule acceptDefaultAdminTransfer(env e) {
require nonpayable(e);
address pendingAdminBefore = pendingDefaultAdmin_();
uint48 scheduleBefore = pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_();
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> (
e.msg.sender == pendingAdminBefore &&
isSet(scheduleBefore) &&
hasPassed(e, scheduleBefore)
"only the pending default admin can accept the role after the schedule has been set and passed";
// effect
assert success => defaultAdmin() == pendingAdminBefore,
"Default admin is set to the previous pending default admin";
assert success => pendingDefaultAdmin_() == 0,
"Pending default admin is reset";
assert success => pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_() == 0,
"Pending default admin delay is reset";
│ Function correctness: cancelDefaultAdminTransfer resets pending default admin and its schedule │
rule cancelDefaultAdminTransfer(env e) {
require nonpayable(e);
require nonzerosender(e);
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(e.msg.sender);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> e.msg.sender == defaultAdmin(),
"only the current default admin can cancel a transfer";
// effect
assert success => pendingDefaultAdmin_() == 0,
"Pending default admin is reset";
assert success => pendingDefaultAdminSchedule_() == 0,
"Pending default admin delay is reset";
│ Function correctness: changeDefaultAdminDelay sets a pending default admin delay and its schedule │
rule changeDefaultAdminDelay(env e, uint48 newDelay) {
require timeSanity(e);
require nonpayable(e);
require nonzerosender(e);
require delayChangeWaitSanity(e, newDelay);
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(e.msg.sender);
uint48 delayBefore = defaultAdminDelay(e);
changeDefaultAdminDelay@withrevert(e, newDelay);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> e.msg.sender == defaultAdmin(),
"only the current default admin can begin a delay change";
// effect
assert success => pendingDelay_(e) == newDelay,
"pending delay is set";
assert success => (
assert_uint256(pendingDelaySchedule_(e)) > e.block.timestamp ||
delayBefore == newDelay || // Interpreted as decreasing, x - x = 0
defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait() == 0
"pending delay schedule is set in the future unless accepted edge cases";
│ Rule: A delay can't change in less than the applied schedule │
rule pendingDelayWaitEnforced(env e1, env e2, method f, calldataarg args, uint48 newDelay) {
require e1.block.timestamp <= e2.block.timestamp;
uint48 delayBefore = defaultAdminDelay(e1);
changeDefaultAdminDelay(e1, newDelay);
f(e2, args);
uint48 delayAfter = defaultAdminDelay(e2);
mathint delayWait = newDelay > delayBefore ? increasingDelaySchedule(e1, newDelay) : decreasingDelaySchedule(e1, newDelay);
assert delayAfter != delayBefore => (
delayAfter == newDelay &&
to_mathint(e2.block.timestamp) >= delayWait
"A delay can only change after the applied schedule";
│ Rule: pending delay wait is set depending on increasing or decreasing the delay │
rule pendingDelayWait(env e, uint48 newDelay) {
uint48 oldDelay = defaultAdminDelay(e);
changeDefaultAdminDelay(e, newDelay);
assert newDelay > oldDelay => to_mathint(pendingDelaySchedule_(e)) == increasingDelaySchedule(e, newDelay),
"Delay wait is the minimum between the new delay and a threshold when the delay is increased";
assert newDelay <= oldDelay => to_mathint(pendingDelaySchedule_(e)) == decreasingDelaySchedule(e, newDelay),
"Delay wait is the difference between the current and the new delay when the delay is decreased";
│ Function correctness: rollbackDefaultAdminDelay resets the delay and its schedule │
rule rollbackDefaultAdminDelay(env e) {
require nonpayable(e);
require nonzerosender(e);
requireInvariant defaultAdminConsistency(e.msg.sender);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> e.msg.sender == defaultAdmin(),
"only the current default admin can rollback a delay change";
// effect
assert success => pendingDelay_(e) == 0,
"Pending default admin is reset";
assert success => pendingDelaySchedule_(e) == 0,
"Pending default admin delay is reset";