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const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { getSlot, ImplementationSlot } = require('../helpers/erc1967');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../helpers/customError');
const DummyImplementation = artifacts.require('DummyImplementation');
module.exports = function shouldBehaveLikeProxy(createProxy, accounts) {
it('cannot be initialized with a non-contract address', async function () {
const nonContractAddress = accounts[0];
const initializeData = Buffer.from('');
await expectRevert.unspecified(createProxy(nonContractAddress, initializeData));
before('deploy implementation', async function () {
this.implementation = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress((await DummyImplementation.new()).address);
const assertProxyInitialization = function ({ value, balance }) {
it('sets the implementation address', async function () {
const implementationSlot = await getSlot(this.proxy, ImplementationSlot);
const implementationAddress = web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(implementationSlot.substr(-40));
it('initializes the proxy', async function () {
const dummy = new DummyImplementation(this.proxy);
expect(await dummy.value()).to.be.bignumber.equal(value.toString());
it('has expected balance', async function () {
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.proxy)).to.be.bignumber.equal(balance.toString());
describe('without initialization', function () {
const initializeData = Buffer.from('');
describe('when not sending balance', function () {
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData)).address;
assertProxyInitialization({ value: 0, balance: 0 });
describe('when sending some balance', function () {
const value = 10e5;
it('reverts', async function () {
await expectRevertCustomError(
createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData, { value }),
describe('initialization without parameters', function () {
describe('non payable', function () {
const expectedInitializedValue = 10;
const initializeData = new DummyImplementation('').contract.methods['initializeNonPayable()']().encodeABI();
describe('when not sending balance', function () {
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData)).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: 0,
describe('when sending some balance', function () {
const value = 10e5;
it('reverts', async function () {
await expectRevert.unspecified(createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData, { value }));
describe('payable', function () {
const expectedInitializedValue = 100;
const initializeData = new DummyImplementation('').contract.methods['initializePayable()']().encodeABI();
describe('when not sending balance', function () {
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData)).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: 0,
describe('when sending some balance', function () {
const value = 10e5;
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData, { value })).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: value,
describe('initialization with parameters', function () {
describe('non payable', function () {
const expectedInitializedValue = 10;
const initializeData = new DummyImplementation('').contract.methods
describe('when not sending balance', function () {
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData)).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: 0,
describe('when sending some balance', function () {
const value = 10e5;
it('reverts', async function () {
await expectRevert.unspecified(createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData, { value }));
describe('payable', function () {
const expectedInitializedValue = 42;
const initializeData = new DummyImplementation('').contract.methods
describe('when not sending balance', function () {
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData)).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: 0,
describe('when sending some balance', function () {
const value = 10e5;
beforeEach('creating proxy', async function () {
this.proxy = (await createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData, { value })).address;
value: expectedInitializedValue,
balance: value,
describe('reverting initialization', function () {
const initializeData = new DummyImplementation('').contract.methods.reverts().encodeABI();
it('reverts', async function () {
await expectRevert(createProxy(this.implementation, initializeData), 'DummyImplementation reverted');