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var Destructible = artifacts.require('Destructible');
const { ethGetBalance } = require('../helpers/web3');
contract('Destructible', function (accounts) {
it('should send balance to owner after destruction', async function () {
let destructible = await Destructible.new({ from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei('10', 'ether') });
let owner = await destructible.owner();
let initBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner);
await destructible.destroy({ from: owner });
let newBalance = await ethGetBalance(owner);
assert.isTrue(newBalance > initBalance);
it('should send balance to recepient after destruction', async function () {
let destructible = await Destructible.new({ from: accounts[0], value: web3.toWei('10', 'ether') });
let owner = await destructible.owner();
let initBalance = await ethGetBalance(accounts[1]);
await destructible.destroyAndSend(accounts[1], { from: owner });
let newBalance = await ethGetBalance(accounts[1]);