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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const { getDomain, domainSeparator, Permit } = require('../../../helpers/eip712');
const {
bigint: { clock, duration },
} = require('../../../helpers/time');
const name = 'My Token';
const symbol = 'MTKN';
const initialSupply = 100n;
async function fixture() {
const [initialHolder, spender, owner, other] = await ethers.getSigners();
const token = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20Permit', [name, symbol, name]);
await token.$_mint(initialHolder, initialSupply);
return {
describe('ERC20Permit', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
it('initial nonce is 0', async function () {
expect(await this.token.nonces(this.initialHolder)).to.equal(0n);
it('domain separator', async function () {
expect(await this.token.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR()).to.equal(await getDomain(this.token).then(domainSeparator));
describe('permit', function () {
const value = 42n;
const nonce = 0n;
const maxDeadline = ethers.MaxUint256;
beforeEach(function () {
this.buildData = (contract, deadline = maxDeadline) =>
getDomain(contract).then(domain => ({
types: { Permit },
message: {
owner: this.owner.address,
spender: this.spender.address,
it('accepts owner signature', async function () {
const { v, r, s } = await this.buildData(this.token)
.then(({ domain, types, message }) => this.owner.signTypedData(domain, types, message))
await this.token.permit(this.owner, this.spender, value, maxDeadline, v, r, s);
expect(await this.token.nonces(this.owner)).to.equal(1n);
expect(await this.token.allowance(this.owner, this.spender)).to.equal(value);
it('rejects reused signature', async function () {
const { v, r, s, serialized } = await this.buildData(this.token)
.then(({ domain, types, message }) => this.owner.signTypedData(domain, types, message))
await this.token.permit(this.owner, this.spender, value, maxDeadline, v, r, s);
const recovered = await this.buildData(this.token).then(({ domain, types, message }) =>
ethers.verifyTypedData(domain, types, { ...message, nonce: nonce + 1n, deadline: maxDeadline }, serialized),
await expect(this.token.permit(this.owner, this.spender, value, maxDeadline, v, r, s))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.token, 'ERC2612InvalidSigner')
.withArgs(recovered, this.owner.address);
it('rejects other signature', async function () {
const { v, r, s } = await this.buildData(this.token)
.then(({ domain, types, message }) => this.other.signTypedData(domain, types, message))
await expect(this.token.permit(this.owner, this.spender, value, maxDeadline, v, r, s))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.token, 'ERC2612InvalidSigner')
.withArgs(this.other.address, this.owner.address);
it('rejects expired permit', async function () {
const deadline = (await clock.timestamp()) - duration.weeks(1);
const { v, r, s } = await this.buildData(this.token, deadline)
.then(({ domain, types, message }) => this.owner.signTypedData(domain, types, message))
await expect(this.token.permit(this.owner, this.spender, value, deadline, v, r, s))
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.token, 'ERC2612ExpiredSignature')