const { ethers } = require ( 'hardhat' ) ;
const { expect } = require ( 'chai' ) ;
const { loadFixture } = require ( '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers' ) ;
const { PANIC _CODES } = require ( '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/panic' ) ;
const { Enum } = require ( '../../../helpers/enums' ) ;
const name = 'My Token' ;
const symbol = 'MTKN' ;
const decimals = 18 n ;
async function fixture ( ) {
const [ holder , recipient , spender , other , ... accounts ] = await ethers . getSigners ( ) ;
return { holder , recipient , spender , other , accounts } ;
describe ( 'ERC4626' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
Object . assign ( this , await loadFixture ( fixture ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'inherit decimals if from asset' , async function ( ) {
for ( const decimals of [ 0 n , 9 n , 12 n , 18 n , 36 n ] ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ '' , '' , decimals ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626' , [ '' , '' , token ] ) ;
expect ( await vault . decimals ( ) ) . to . equal ( decimals ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'asset has not yet been created' , async function ( ) {
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626' , [ '' , '' , this . other . address ] ) ;
expect ( await vault . decimals ( ) ) . to . equal ( decimals ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'underlying excess decimals' , async function ( ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20ExcessDecimalsMock' ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626' , [ '' , '' , token ] ) ;
expect ( await vault . decimals ( ) ) . to . equal ( decimals ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'decimals overflow' , async function ( ) {
for ( const offset of [ 243 n , 250 n , 255 n ] ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ '' , '' , decimals ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626OffsetMock' , [ '' , '' , token , offset ] ) ;
await expect ( vault . decimals ( ) ) . to . be . revertedWithPanic ( PANIC _CODES . ARITHMETIC _UNDER _OR _OVERFLOW ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'reentrancy' , function ( ) {
const reenterType = Enum ( 'No' , 'Before' , 'After' ) ;
const value = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000 n ;
const reenterValue = 1_000_000_000 n ;
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
// Use offset 1 so the rate is not 1:1 and we can't possibly confuse assets and shares
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20Reentrant' ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626OffsetMock' , [ '' , '' , token , 1 n ] ) ;
// Funds and approval for tests
await token . $ _mint ( this . holder , value ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( this . other , value ) ;
await token . $ _approve ( this . holder , vault , ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
await token . $ _approve ( this . other , vault , ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
await token . $ _approve ( token , vault , ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
Object . assign ( this , { token , vault } ) ;
} ) ;
// During a `_deposit`, the vault does `transferFrom(depositor, vault, assets)` -> `_mint(receiver, shares)`
// such that a reentrancy BEFORE the transfer guarantees the price is kept the same.
// If the order of transfer -> mint is changed to mint -> transfer, the reentrancy could be triggered on an
// intermediate state in which the ratio of assets/shares has been decreased (more shares than assets).
it ( 'correct share price is observed during reentrancy before deposit' , async function ( ) {
// mint token for deposit
await this . token . $ _mint ( this . token , reenterValue ) ;
// Schedules a reentrancy from the token contract
await this . token . scheduleReenter (
reenterType . Before ,
this . vault ,
this . vault . interface . encodeFunctionData ( 'deposit' , [ reenterValue , this . holder . address ] ) ,
) ;
// Initial share price
const sharesForDeposit = await this . vault . previewDeposit ( value ) ;
const sharesForReenter = await this . vault . previewDeposit ( reenterValue ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( value , this . holder ) )
// Deposit normally, reentering before the internal `_update`
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . holder , value , sharesForDeposit )
// Reentrant deposit event → uses the same price
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . token , this . holder , reenterValue , sharesForReenter ) ;
// Assert prices is kept
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( value ) ) . to . equal ( sharesForDeposit ) ;
} ) ;
// During a `_withdraw`, the vault does `_burn(owner, shares)` -> `transfer(receiver, assets)`
// such that a reentrancy AFTER the transfer guarantees the price is kept the same.
// If the order of burn -> transfer is changed to transfer -> burn, the reentrancy could be triggered on an
// intermediate state in which the ratio of shares/assets has been decreased (more assets than shares).
it ( 'correct share price is observed during reentrancy after withdraw' , async function ( ) {
// Deposit into the vault: holder gets `value` share, token.address gets `reenterValue` shares
await this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( value , this . holder ) ;
await this . vault . connect ( this . other ) . deposit ( reenterValue , this . token ) ;
// Schedules a reentrancy from the token contract
await this . token . scheduleReenter (
reenterType . After ,
this . vault ,
this . vault . interface . encodeFunctionData ( 'withdraw' , [ reenterValue , this . holder . address , this . token . target ] ) ,
) ;
// Initial share price
const sharesForWithdraw = await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( value ) ;
const sharesForReenter = await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( reenterValue ) ;
// Do withdraw normally, triggering the _afterTokenTransfer hook
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( value , this . holder , this . holder ) )
// Main withdraw event
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . holder , this . holder , value , sharesForWithdraw )
// Reentrant withdraw event → uses the same price
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . token , this . holder , this . token , reenterValue , sharesForReenter ) ;
// Assert price is kept
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( value ) ) . to . equal ( sharesForWithdraw ) ;
} ) ;
// Donate newly minted tokens to the vault during the reentracy causes the share price to increase.
// Still, the deposit that trigger the reentracy is not affected and get the previewed price.
// Further deposits will get a different price (getting fewer shares for the same value of assets)
it ( 'share price change during reentracy does not affect deposit' , async function ( ) {
// Schedules a reentrancy from the token contract that mess up the share price
await this . token . scheduleReenter (
reenterType . Before ,
this . token ,
this . token . interface . encodeFunctionData ( '$_mint' , [ this . vault . target , reenterValue ] ) ,
) ;
// Price before
const sharesBefore = await this . vault . previewDeposit ( value ) ;
// Deposit, reentering before the internal `_update`
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( value , this . holder ) )
// Price is as previewed
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . holder , value , sharesBefore ) ;
// Price was modified during reentrancy
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( value ) ) . to . lt ( sharesBefore ) ;
} ) ;
// Burn some tokens from the vault during the reentracy causes the share price to drop.
// Still, the withdraw that trigger the reentracy is not affected and get the previewed price.
// Further withdraw will get a different price (needing more shares for the same value of assets)
it ( 'share price change during reentracy does not affect withdraw' , async function ( ) {
await this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( value , this . holder ) ;
await this . vault . connect ( this . other ) . deposit ( value , this . other ) ;
// Schedules a reentrancy from the token contract that mess up the share price
await this . token . scheduleReenter (
reenterType . After ,
this . token ,
this . token . interface . encodeFunctionData ( '$_burn' , [ this . vault . target , reenterValue ] ) ,
) ;
// Price before
const sharesBefore = await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( value ) ;
// Withdraw, triggering the _afterTokenTransfer hook
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( value , this . holder , this . holder ) )
// Price is as previewed
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . holder , this . holder , value , sharesBefore ) ;
// Price was modified during reentrancy
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( value ) ) . to . gt ( sharesBefore ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'limits' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ name , symbol , decimals ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626LimitsMock' , [ '' , '' , token ] ) ;
Object . assign ( this , { token , vault } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts on deposit() above max deposit' , async function ( ) {
const maxDeposit = await this . vault . maxDeposit ( this . holder ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( maxDeposit + 1 n , this . recipient ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC4626ExceededMaxDeposit' )
. withArgs ( this . recipient , maxDeposit + 1 n , maxDeposit ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts on mint() above max mint' , async function ( ) {
const maxMint = await this . vault . maxMint ( this . holder ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . mint ( maxMint + 1 n , this . recipient ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC4626ExceededMaxMint' )
. withArgs ( this . recipient , maxMint + 1 n , maxMint ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts on withdraw() above max withdraw' , async function ( ) {
const maxWithdraw = await this . vault . maxWithdraw ( this . holder ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( maxWithdraw + 1 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC4626ExceededMaxWithdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , maxWithdraw + 1 n , maxWithdraw ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts on redeem() above max redeem' , async function ( ) {
const maxRedeem = await this . vault . maxRedeem ( this . holder ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . redeem ( maxRedeem + 1 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC4626ExceededMaxRedeem' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , maxRedeem + 1 n , maxRedeem ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
for ( const offset of [ 0 n , 6 n , 18 n ] ) {
const parseToken = token => token * 10 n * * decimals ;
const parseShare = share => share * 10 n * * ( decimals + offset ) ;
const virtualAssets = 1 n ;
const virtualShares = 10 n * * offset ;
describe ( ` offset: ${ offset } ` , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ name , symbol , decimals ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626OffsetMock' , [ name + ' Vault' , symbol + 'V' , token , offset ] ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( this . holder , ethers . MaxUint256 / 2 n ) ; // 50% of maximum
await token . $ _approve ( this . holder , vault , ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
await vault . $ _approve ( this . holder , this . spender , ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
Object . assign ( this , { token , vault } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'metadata' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . name ( ) ) . to . equal ( name + ' Vault' ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . symbol ( ) ) . to . equal ( symbol + 'V' ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . decimals ( ) ) . to . equal ( decimals + offset ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . asset ( ) ) . to . equal ( this . token ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'empty vault: no assets & no shares' , function ( ) {
it ( 'status' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'deposit' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxDeposit ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ) . to . equal ( parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( parseToken ( 1 n ) , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - parseToken ( 1 n ) , parseToken ( 1 n ) ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , parseToken ( 1 n ) )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , parseShare ( 1 n ) )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , parseToken ( 1 n ) , parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'mint' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxMint ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewMint ( parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ) . to . equal ( parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . mint ( parseShare ( 1 n ) , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - parseToken ( 1 n ) , parseToken ( 1 n ) ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , parseToken ( 1 n ) )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , parseShare ( 1 n ) )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , parseToken ( 1 n ) , parseShare ( 1 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'withdraw' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxWithdraw ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( 0 n ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( 0 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances ( this . token , [ this . vault , this . recipient ] , [ 0 n , 0 n ] ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , 0 n ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , 0 n , 0 n ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'redeem' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxRedeem ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewRedeem ( 0 n ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . redeem ( 0 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances ( this . token , [ this . vault , this . recipient ] , [ 0 n , 0 n ] ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , 0 n ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , 0 n , 0 n ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'inflation attack: offset price by direct deposit of assets' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
// Donate 1 token to the vault to offset the price
await this . token . $ _mint ( this . vault , parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'status' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* | offset | deposited assets | redeemable assets |
* | -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
* | 0 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0. |
* | 6 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0.999999000000000000 |
* | 18 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0.999999999999999999 |
* Attack is possible , but made difficult by the offset . For the attack to be successful
* the attacker needs to frontrun a deposit 10 * * offset times bigger than what the victim
* was trying to deposit
* /
it ( 'deposit' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const depositAssets = parseToken ( 1 n ) ;
const expectedShares = ( depositAssets * effectiveShares ) / effectiveAssets ;
expect ( await this . vault . maxDeposit ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( depositAssets ) ) . to . equal ( expectedShares ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( depositAssets , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - depositAssets , depositAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , expectedShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , depositAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , expectedShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , depositAssets , expectedShares ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* | offset | deposited assets | redeemable assets |
* | -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
* | 0 | 1000000000000000001. | 1000000000000000001. |
* | 6 | 1000000000000000001. | 1000000000000000001. |
* | 18 | 1000000000000000001. | 1000000000000000001. |
* Using mint protects against inflation attack , but makes minting shares very expensive .
* The ER20 allowance for the underlying asset is needed to protect the user from ( too )
* large deposits .
* /
it ( 'mint' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const mintShares = parseShare ( 1 n ) ;
const expectedAssets = ( mintShares * effectiveAssets ) / effectiveShares ;
expect ( await this . vault . maxMint ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewMint ( mintShares ) ) . to . equal ( expectedAssets ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . mint ( mintShares , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - expectedAssets , expectedAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , mintShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , expectedAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , mintShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , expectedAssets , mintShares ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'withdraw' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxWithdraw ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( 0 n ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( 0 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances ( this . token , [ this . vault , this . recipient ] , [ 0 n , 0 n ] ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , 0 n ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , 0 n , 0 n ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'redeem' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . maxRedeem ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewRedeem ( 0 n ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . redeem ( 0 n , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances ( this . token , [ this . vault , this . recipient ] , [ 0 n , 0 n ] ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , 0 n ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , 0 n )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , 0 n , 0 n ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'full vault: assets & shares' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
// Add 1 token of underlying asset and 100 shares to the vault
await this . token . $ _mint ( this . vault , parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
await this . vault . $ _mint ( this . holder , parseShare ( 100 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'status' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( parseShare ( 100 n ) ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* | offset | deposited assets | redeemable assets |
* | -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
* | 0 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0.999999999999999999 |
* | 6 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0.999999999999999999 |
* | 18 | 1.000000000000000000 | 0.999999999999999999 |
* Virtual shares & assets captures part of the value
* /
it ( 'deposit' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const depositAssets = parseToken ( 1 n ) ;
const expectedShares = ( depositAssets * effectiveShares ) / effectiveAssets ;
expect ( await this . vault . maxDeposit ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( depositAssets ) ) . to . equal ( expectedShares ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( depositAssets , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - depositAssets , depositAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , expectedShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , depositAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , expectedShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , depositAssets , expectedShares ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* | offset | deposited assets | redeemable assets |
* | -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
* | 0 | 0.010000000000000001 | 0.010000000000000000 |
* | 6 | 0.010000000000000001 | 0.010000000000000000 |
* | 18 | 0.010000000000000001 | 0.010000000000000000 |
* Virtual shares & assets captures part of the value
* /
it ( 'mint' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const mintShares = parseShare ( 1 n ) ;
const expectedAssets = ( mintShares * effectiveAssets ) / effectiveShares + 1 n ; // add for the rounding
expect ( await this . vault . maxMint ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( ethers . MaxUint256 ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewMint ( mintShares ) ) . to . equal ( expectedAssets ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . mint ( mintShares , this . recipient ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault ] ,
[ - expectedAssets , expectedAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , mintShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , expectedAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , mintShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , expectedAssets , mintShares ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'withdraw' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const withdrawAssets = parseToken ( 1 n ) ;
const expectedShares = ( withdrawAssets * effectiveShares ) / effectiveAssets + 1 n ; // add for the rounding
expect ( await this . vault . maxWithdraw ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( withdrawAssets ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( withdrawAssets ) ) . to . equal ( expectedShares ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( withdrawAssets , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . vault , this . recipient ] ,
[ - withdrawAssets , withdrawAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , - expectedShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , withdrawAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , expectedShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , withdrawAssets , expectedShares ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'withdraw with approval' , async function ( ) {
const assets = await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( parseToken ( 1 n ) ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . other ) . withdraw ( parseToken ( 1 n ) , this . recipient , this . holder ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC20InsufficientAllowance' )
. withArgs ( this . other , 0 n , assets ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . spender ) . withdraw ( parseToken ( 1 n ) , this . recipient , this . holder ) ) . to . not . be
. reverted ;
} ) ;
it ( 'redeem' , async function ( ) {
const effectiveAssets = ( await this . vault . totalAssets ( ) ) + virtualAssets ;
const effectiveShares = ( await this . vault . totalSupply ( ) ) + virtualShares ;
const redeemShares = parseShare ( 100 n ) ;
const expectedAssets = ( redeemShares * effectiveAssets ) / effectiveShares ;
expect ( await this . vault . maxRedeem ( this . holder ) ) . to . equal ( redeemShares ) ;
expect ( await this . vault . previewRedeem ( redeemShares ) ) . to . equal ( expectedAssets ) ;
const tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . redeem ( redeemShares , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . vault , this . recipient ] ,
[ - expectedAssets , expectedAssets ] ,
) ;
await expect ( tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , - redeemShares ) ;
await expect ( tx )
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , expectedAssets )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , redeemShares )
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , expectedAssets , redeemShares ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'redeem with approval' , async function ( ) {
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . other ) . redeem ( parseShare ( 100 n ) , this . recipient , this . holder ) )
. to . be . revertedWithCustomError ( this . vault , 'ERC20InsufficientAllowance' )
. withArgs ( this . other , 0 n , parseShare ( 100 n ) ) ;
await expect ( this . vault . connect ( this . spender ) . redeem ( parseShare ( 100 n ) , this . recipient , this . holder ) ) . to . not . be
. reverted ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'ERC4626Fees' , function ( ) {
const feeBasisPoints = 500 n ; // 5%
const valueWithoutFees = 10_000 n ;
const fees = ( valueWithoutFees * feeBasisPoints ) / 10_000 n ;
const valueWithFees = valueWithoutFees + fees ;
describe ( 'input fees' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ name , symbol , 18 n ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626FeesMock' , [
'' ,
'' ,
token ,
feeBasisPoints ,
this . other ,
0 n ,
ethers . ZeroAddress ,
] ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( this . holder , ethers . MaxUint256 / 2 n ) ;
await token . $ _approve ( this . holder , vault , ethers . MaxUint256 / 2 n ) ;
Object . assign ( this , { token , vault } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'deposit' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . previewDeposit ( valueWithFees ) ) . to . equal ( valueWithoutFees ) ;
this . tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . deposit ( valueWithFees , this . recipient ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'mint' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . previewMint ( valueWithoutFees ) ) . to . equal ( valueWithFees ) ;
this . tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . mint ( valueWithoutFees , this . recipient ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( async function ( ) {
await expect ( this . tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . holder , this . vault , this . other ] ,
[ - valueWithFees , valueWithoutFees , fees ] ,
) ;
await expect ( this . tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . recipient , valueWithoutFees ) ;
await expect ( this . tx )
// get total
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . vault , valueWithFees )
// redirect fees
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . other , fees )
// mint shares
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , this . recipient , valueWithoutFees )
// deposit event
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Deposit' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , valueWithFees , valueWithoutFees ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'output fees' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ name , symbol , 18 n ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626FeesMock' , [
'' ,
'' ,
token ,
0 n ,
ethers . ZeroAddress ,
feeBasisPoints ,
this . other ,
] ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( vault , ethers . MaxUint256 / 2 n ) ;
await vault . $ _mint ( this . holder , ethers . MaxUint256 / 2 n ) ;
Object . assign ( this , { token , vault } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'redeem' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . previewRedeem ( valueWithFees ) ) . to . equal ( valueWithoutFees ) ;
this . tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . redeem ( valueWithFees , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'withdraw' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . vault . previewWithdraw ( valueWithoutFees ) ) . to . equal ( valueWithFees ) ;
this . tx = this . vault . connect ( this . holder ) . withdraw ( valueWithoutFees , this . recipient , this . holder ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( async function ( ) {
await expect ( this . tx ) . to . changeTokenBalances (
this . token ,
[ this . vault , this . recipient , this . other ] ,
[ - valueWithFees , valueWithoutFees , fees ] ,
) ;
await expect ( this . tx ) . to . changeTokenBalance ( this . vault , this . holder , - valueWithFees ) ;
await expect ( this . tx )
// withdraw principal
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . recipient , valueWithoutFees )
// redirect fees
. to . emit ( this . token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . vault , this . other , fees )
// mint shares
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , ethers . ZeroAddress , valueWithFees )
// withdraw event
. to . emit ( this . vault , 'Withdraw' )
. withArgs ( this . holder , this . recipient , this . holder , valueWithoutFees , valueWithFees ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/// Scenario inspired by solmate ERC4626 tests:
it ( 'multiple mint, deposit, redeem & withdrawal' , async function ( ) {
// test designed with both asset using similar decimals
const [ alice , bruce ] = this . accounts ;
const token = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC20DecimalsMock' , [ name , symbol , 18 n ] ) ;
const vault = await ethers . deployContract ( '$ERC4626' , [ '' , '' , token ] ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( alice , 4000 n ) ;
await token . $ _mint ( bruce , 7001 n ) ;
await token . connect ( alice ) . approve ( vault , 4000 n ) ;
await token . connect ( bruce ) . approve ( vault , 7001 n ) ;
// 1. Alice mints 2000 shares (costs 2000 tokens)
await expect ( vault . connect ( alice ) . mint ( 2000 n , alice ) )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( alice , vault , 2000 n )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , alice , 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . previewDeposit ( 2000 n ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
// 2. Bruce deposits 4000 tokens (mints 4000 shares)
await expect ( vault . connect ( bruce ) . mint ( 4000 n , bruce ) )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( bruce , vault , 4000 n )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , bruce , 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . previewDeposit ( 4000 n ) ) . to . equal ( 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
// 3. Vault mutates by +3000 tokens (simulated yield returned from strategy)
await token . $ _mint ( vault , 3000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 2999 n ) ; // used to be 3000, but virtual assets/shares captures part of the yield
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 5999 n ) ; // used to be 6000, but virtual assets/shares captures part of the yield
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 9000 n ) ;
// 4. Alice deposits 2000 tokens (mints 1333 shares)
await expect ( vault . connect ( alice ) . deposit ( 2000 n , alice ) )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( alice , vault , 2000 n )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , alice , 1333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 3333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 4000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 4999 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 7333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 7333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 11000 n ) ;
// 5. Bruce mints 2000 shares (costs 3001 assets)
// NOTE: Bruce's assets spent got rounded towards infinity
// NOTE: Alices's vault assets got rounded towards infinity
await expect ( vault . connect ( bruce ) . mint ( 2000 n , bruce ) )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( bruce , vault , 3000 n )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( ethers . ZeroAddress , bruce , 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 3333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 4999 n ) ; // used to be 5000
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 9000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 9333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 9333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 14000 n ) ; // used to be 14001
// 6. Vault mutates by +3000 tokens
// NOTE: Vault holds 17001 tokens, but sum of assetsOf() is 17000.
await token . $ _mint ( vault , 3000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 3333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 6070 n ) ; // used to be 6071
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 10928 n ) ; // used to be 10929
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 9333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 9333 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 17000 n ) ; // used to be 17001
// 7. Alice redeem 1333 shares (2428 assets)
await expect ( vault . connect ( alice ) . redeem ( 1333 n , alice , alice ) )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( alice , ethers . ZeroAddress , 1333 n )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( vault , alice , 2427 n ) ; // used to be 2428
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 6000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 3643 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 10929 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 8000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 8000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 14573 n ) ;
// 8. Bruce withdraws 2929 assets (1608 shares)
await expect ( vault . connect ( bruce ) . withdraw ( 2929 n , bruce , bruce ) )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( bruce , ethers . ZeroAddress , 1608 n )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( vault , bruce , 2929 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 2000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 4392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 3643 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 8000 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 6392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 6392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 11644 n ) ;
// 9. Alice withdraws 3643 assets (2000 shares)
// NOTE: Bruce's assets have been rounded back towards infinity
await expect ( vault . connect ( alice ) . withdraw ( 3643 n , alice , alice ) )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( alice , ethers . ZeroAddress , 2000 n )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( vault , alice , 3643 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 4392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 8000 n ) ; // used to be 8001
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 4392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 4392 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 8001 n ) ;
// 10. Bruce redeem 4392 shares (8001 tokens)
await expect ( vault . connect ( bruce ) . redeem ( 4392 n , bruce , bruce ) )
. to . emit ( vault , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( bruce , ethers . ZeroAddress , 4392 n )
. to . emit ( token , 'Transfer' )
. withArgs ( vault , bruce , 8000 n ) ; // used to be 8001
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( alice ) ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToAssets ( await vault . balanceOf ( bruce ) ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . convertToShares ( await token . balanceOf ( vault ) ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalSupply ( ) ) . to . equal ( 0 n ) ;
expect ( await vault . totalAssets ( ) ) . to . equal ( 1 n ) ; // used to be 0
} ) ;
} ) ;