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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const { bigint: time } = require('../helpers/time');
const { min } = require('../helpers/math');
const { shouldBehaveLikeVesting } = require('./VestingWallet.behavior');
async function fixture() {
const amount = ethers.parseEther('100');
const duration = time.duration.years(4);
const start = (await time.clock.timestamp()) + time.duration.hours(1);
const [sender, beneficiary] = await ethers.getSigners();
const mock = await ethers.deployContract('VestingWallet', [beneficiary, start, duration]);
return { mock, amount, duration, start, sender, beneficiary };
describe('VestingWallet', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
it('rejects zero address for beneficiary', async function () {
await expect(ethers.deployContract('VestingWallet', [ethers.ZeroAddress, this.start, this.duration]))
.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'OwnableInvalidOwner')
it('check vesting contract', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.owner()).to.be.equal(this.beneficiary.address);
expect(await this.mock.start()).to.be.equal(this.start);
expect(await this.mock.duration()).to.be.equal(this.duration);
expect(await this.mock.end()).to.be.equal(this.start + this.duration);
describe('vesting schedule', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.schedule = Array(64)
.map((_, i) => (BigInt(i) * this.duration) / 60n + this.start);
this.vestingFn = timestamp => min(this.amount, (this.amount * (timestamp - this.start)) / this.duration);
describe('Eth vesting', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.sender.sendTransaction({ to: this.mock, value: this.amount });
this.getBalance = signer => ethers.provider.getBalance(signer);
this.checkRelease = (tx, amount) => expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalances([this.beneficiary], [amount]);
this.releasedEvent = 'EtherReleased';
this.args = [];
this.argsVerify = [];
describe('ERC20 vesting', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.token = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC20', ['Name', 'Symbol']);
await this.token.$_mint(this.mock, this.amount);
this.getBalance = account => this.token.balanceOf(account);
this.checkRelease = async (tx, amount) => {
await expect(tx).to.emit(this.token, 'Transfer').withArgs(this.mock.target, this.beneficiary.address, amount);
await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances(this.token, [this.mock, this.beneficiary], [-amount, amount]);
this.releasedEvent = 'ERC20Released';
this.args = [ethers.Typed.address(this.token.target)];
this.argsVerify = [this.token.target];