This extends not only to `external` and `public` functions, but also `internal` ones: many OpenZeppelin contracts are meant to be used by inheriting them (e.g. `Pausable`, `PullPayment`, the different `Roles` contracts), and are therefore used by calling these functions. Similarly, since all OpenZeppelin state variables are `private`, they can only be accessed this way (e.g. to create new `ERC20` tokens, instead of manually modifying `totalSupply` and `balances`, `_mint` should be called).
Starting on version 0.5.0, the Solidity team switched to a faster release cycle, with minor releases every few weeks (v0.5.0 was released on November 2018, and v0.5.5 on March 2019), and major, breaking-change releases every couple months (with v0.6.0 scheduled for late March 2019). Including the compiler version in OpenZeppelin's stability guarantees would therefore force the library to either stick to old compilers, or release frequent major updates simply to keep up with newer Solidity releases.