contract('Claimable', function(accounts) {
var claimable;
beforeEach(async function() {
claimable = await Claimable.new();
it("should have an owner", async function() {
let owner = await claimable.owner();
assert.isTrue(owner != 0);
it("changes pendingOwner after transfer", async function() {
let newOwner = accounts[1];
let transfer = await claimable.transfer(newOwner);
let pendingOwner = await claimable.pendingOwner();
assert.isTrue(pendingOwner === newOwner);
it("should prevent to claimOwnership from no pendingOwner", async function() {
let claimedOwner = await claimable.claimOwnership({from: accounts[2]});
let owner = await claimable.owner();
assert.isTrue(owner != accounts[2]);
it("should prevent non-owners from transfering", async function() {
let transfer = await claimable.transfer(accounts[2], {from: accounts[2]});
let pendingOwner = await claimable.pendingOwner();
assert.isFalse(pendingOwner === accounts[2]);
describe("after initiating a transfer", function () {
let newOwner;
beforeEach(function () {
newOwner = accounts[1];
return claimable.transfer(newOwner);
it("changes allow pending owner to claim ownership", async function() {
let claimedOwner = await claimable.claimOwnership({from: newOwner})
let owner = await claimable.owner();
assert.isTrue(owner === newOwner);