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methods {
balanceOf(address, uint256) returns uint256 envfree
isApprovedForAll(address,address) returns bool envfree
/// If a method call reduces account balances, the caller must be either the
/// holder of the account or approved to act on the holder's behalf.
rule onlyHolderOrApprovedCanReduceBalance {
address holder; uint256 token; uint256 amount;
uint256 balanceBefore = balanceOf(holder, token);
method f; env e; calldataarg args;
f(e, args);
uint256 balanceAfter = balanceOf(holder, token);
assert balanceAfter < balanceBefore => e.msg.sender == holder || isApprovedForAll(holder, e.msg.sender),
"An account balance may only be reduced by the holder or a holder-approved agent";
/// Burning a larger amount of a token must reduce that token's balance more
/// than burning a smaller amount.
rule burnAmountProportionalToBalanceReduction {
storage beforeBurn = lastStorage;
env e;
address holder; uint256 token;
mathint startingBalance = balanceOf(holder, token);
uint256 smallBurn; uint256 largeBurn;
require smallBurn < largeBurn;
// smaller burn amount
burn(e, holder, token, smallBurn) at beforeBurn;
mathint smallBurnBalanceChange = startingBalance - balanceOf(holder, token);
// larger burn amount
burn(e, holder, token, largeBurn) at beforeBurn;
mathint largeBurnBalanceChange = startingBalance - balanceOf(holder, token);
assert smallBurnBalanceChange < largeBurnBalanceChange,
"A larger burn must lead to a larger decrease in balance";
/// Unimplemented rule to verify monotonicity of burnBatch.
rule burnBatchAmountProportionalToBalanceReduction { // TODO implement rule or remove
assert true,
"just a placeholder that should never show up";
/// Two sequential burns must be equivalent to a single burn of the sum of their
/// amounts.
rule sequentialBurnsEquivalentToSingleBurnOfSum {
storage beforeBurns = lastStorage;
env e;
address holder; uint256 token;
mathint startingBalance = balanceOf(holder, token);
uint256 firstBurn; uint256 secondBurn; uint256 sumBurn;
require sumBurn == firstBurn + secondBurn;
// sequential burns
burn(e, holder, token, firstBurn) at beforeBurns;
burn(e, holder, token, secondBurn);
mathint sequentialBurnsBalanceChange = startingBalance - balanceOf(holder, token);
// burn of sum of sequential burns
burn(e, holder, token, sumBurn) at beforeBurns;
mathint sumBurnBalanceChange = startingBalance - balanceOf(holder, token);
assert sequentialBurnsBalanceChange == sumBurnBalanceChange,
"Sequential burns must be equivalent to a burn of their sum";
/// Unimplemented rule to verify additivty of burnBatch.
rule sequentialBatchBurnsEquivalentToSingleBurnBatchOfSum { // TODO implement rule or remove
assert true,
"just a placeholder that should never show up";
/// This rule should always fail.
rule sanity {
method f; env e; calldataarg args;
f(e, args);
assert false,
"This rule should always fail";