#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path');
const graphlib = require('graphlib');
const match = require('micromatch');
const { findAll } = require('solidity-ast/utils');
const { _: artifacts } = require('yargs').argv;
// files to skip
const skipPatterns = ['contracts-exposed/**', 'contracts/mocks/**'];
for (const artifact of artifacts) {
const { output: solcOutput } = require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../..', artifact));
const graph = new graphlib.Graph({ directed: true });
const names = {};
const linearized = [];
for (const source in solcOutput.contracts) {
if (match.any(source, skipPatterns)) continue;
for (const contractDef of findAll('ContractDefinition', solcOutput.sources[source].ast)) {
names[contractDef.id] = contractDef.name;
contractDef.linearizedBaseContracts.forEach((c1, i, contracts) =>
contracts.slice(i + 1).forEach(c2 => {
graph.setEdge(c1, c2);
/// graphlib.alg.findCycles will not find minimal cycles.
/// We are only interested in cycles of lengths 2 (needs proof)
graph.nodes().forEach((x, i, nodes) =>
.slice(i + 1)
.filter(y => graph.hasEdge(x, y) && graph.hasEdge(y, x))
.forEach(y => {
console.log(`Conflict between ${names[x]} and ${names[y]} detected in the following dependency chains:`);
.filter(chain => chain.includes(parseInt(x)) && chain.includes(parseInt(y)))
.forEach(chain => {
const comp = chain.indexOf(parseInt(x)) < chain.indexOf(parseInt(y)) ? '>' : '<';
console.log(`- ${names[x]} ${comp} ${names[y]} in ${names[chain.find(Boolean)]}`);
// console.log(`- ${names[x]} ${comp} ${names[y]}: ${chain.reverse().map(id => names[id]).join(', ')}`);
process.exitCode = 1;
if (!process.exitCode) {
console.log('Contract ordering is consistent.');