@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
--- governance/Governor.sol 2023-03-07 10:48:47.730155491 +0100
+++ governance/Governor.sol 2023-03-10 10:13:31.926616811 +0100
@@ -216,6 +216,16 @@
return _proposals[proposalId].proposer;
+ // FV
+ function _isExecuted(uint256 proposalId) internal view returns (bool) {
+ return _proposals[proposalId].executed;
+ }
+ // FV
+ function _isCanceled(uint256 proposalId) internal view returns (bool) {
+ return _proposals[proposalId].canceled;
+ }
* @dev Amount of votes already cast passes the threshold limit.
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
pragma solidity ^0.8.0; |
import "../patched/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Votes.sol"; |
contract ERC20VotesHarness is ERC20Votes { |
constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) ERC20(name, symbol) ERC20Permit(name) {} |
function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external { |
_mint(account, amount); |
} |
function burn(address account, uint256 amount) external { |
_burn(account, amount); |
} |
// inspection |
function ckptFromBlock(address account, uint32 pos) public view returns (uint32) { |
return checkpoints(account, pos).fromBlock; |
} |
function ckptVotes(address account, uint32 pos) public view returns (uint224) { |
return checkpoints(account, pos).votes; |
} |
function maxSupply() public view returns (uint224) { |
return _maxSupply(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
pragma solidity ^0.8.2; |
import "../patched/governance/Governor.sol"; |
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorCountingSimple.sol"; |
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorTimelockControl.sol"; |
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorVotes.sol"; |
import "../patched/governance/extensions/GovernorVotesQuorumFraction.sol"; |
import "../patched/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Votes.sol"; |
contract GovernorHarness is |
Governor, |
GovernorCountingSimple, |
GovernorTimelockControl, |
GovernorVotes, |
GovernorVotesQuorumFraction |
{ |
constructor(IVotes _token, TimelockController _timelock, uint256 _quorumNumeratorValue) |
Governor("Harness") |
GovernorTimelockControl(_timelock) |
GovernorVotes(_token) |
GovernorVotesQuorumFraction(_quorumNumeratorValue) |
{} |
// Harness from Votes |
function token_getPastTotalSupply(uint256 blockNumber) public view returns(uint256) { |
return token.getPastTotalSupply(blockNumber); |
} |
function token_getPastVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns(uint256) { |
return token.getPastVotes(account, blockNumber); |
} |
function token_clock() public view returns (uint48) { |
return token.clock(); |
} |
function token_CLOCK_MODE() public view returns (string memory) { |
return token.CLOCK_MODE(); |
} |
// Harness from Governor |
function getExecutor() public view returns (address) { |
return _executor(); |
} |
function proposalProposer(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (address) { |
return _proposalProposer(proposalId); |
} |
function quorumReached(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) { |
return _quorumReached(proposalId); |
} |
function voteSucceeded(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) { |
return _voteSucceeded(proposalId); |
} |
function isExecuted(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) { |
return _isExecuted(proposalId); |
} |
function isCanceled(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) { |
return _isCanceled(proposalId); |
} |
// Harness from GovernorCountingSimple |
function getAgainstVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) { |
(uint256 againstVotes,,) = proposalVotes(proposalId); |
return againstVotes; |
} |
function getForVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) { |
(,uint256 forVotes,) = proposalVotes(proposalId); |
return forVotes; |
} |
function getAbstainVotes(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (uint256) { |
(,,uint256 abstainVotes) = proposalVotes(proposalId); |
return abstainVotes; |
} |
/// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity added by Certora. |
// mapping(uint256 => uint256) public ghost_sum_vote_power_by_id; |
// |
// function _castVote( |
// uint256 proposalId, |
// address account, |
// uint8 support, |
// string memory reason, |
// bytes memory params |
// ) internal virtual override returns (uint256) { |
// uint256 deltaWeight = super._castVote(proposalId, account, support, reason, params); |
// ghost_sum_vote_power_by_id[proposalId] += deltaWeight; |
// return deltaWeight; |
// } |
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity added by OZ Wizard. |
function votingDelay() public pure override returns (uint256) { |
return 1; // 1 block |
} |
function votingPeriod() public pure override returns (uint256) { |
return 45818; // 1 week |
} |
function quorum(uint256 blockNumber) |
public |
view |
override(IGovernor, GovernorVotesQuorumFraction) |
returns (uint256) |
{ |
return super.quorum(blockNumber); |
} |
function state(uint256 proposalId) public view override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (ProposalState) { |
return super.state(proposalId); |
} |
function propose( |
address[] memory targets, |
uint256[] memory values, |
bytes[] memory calldatas, |
string memory description |
) public override(Governor, IGovernor) returns (uint256) { |
return super.propose(targets, values, calldatas, description); |
} |
function _execute( |
uint256 proposalId, |
address[] memory targets, |
uint256[] memory values, |
bytes[] memory calldatas, |
bytes32 descriptionHash |
) internal override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) { |
super._execute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash); |
} |
function _cancel( |
address[] memory targets, |
uint256[] memory values, |
bytes[] memory calldatas, |
bytes32 descriptionHash |
) internal override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (uint256) { |
return super._cancel(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash); |
} |
function _executor() internal view override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) returns (address) { |
return super._executor(); |
} |
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) |
public |
view |
override(Governor, GovernorTimelockControl) |
returns (bool) |
{ |
return super.supportsInterface(interfaceId); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
import "methods/IGovernor.spec" |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ States │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
definition UNSET() returns uint8 = 255; |
definition PENDING() returns uint8 = 0; |
definition ACTIVE() returns uint8 = 1; |
definition CANCELED() returns uint8 = 2; |
definition DEFEATED() returns uint8 = 3; |
definition SUCCEEDED() returns uint8 = 4; |
definition QUEUED() returns uint8 = 5; |
definition EXPIRED() returns uint8 = 6; |
definition EXECUTED() returns uint8 = 7; |
function safeState(env e, uint256 pId) returns uint8 { |
uint8 result = state@withrevert(e, pId); |
return lastReverted ? UNSET() : result; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Filters │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
definition skip(method f) returns bool = |
f.isView || |
f.isFallback || |
f.selector == relay(address,uint256,bytes).selector || |
f.selector == 0xb9a61961 || // __acceptAdmin() |
f.selector == onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector || |
f.selector == onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes).selector || |
f.selector == onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes).selector; |
definition voting(method f) returns bool = |
f.selector == castVote(uint256,uint8).selector || |
f.selector == castVoteWithReason(uint256,uint8,string).selector || |
f.selector == castVoteWithReasonAndParams(uint256,uint8,string,bytes).selector; |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Helper functions │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
function helperVoteWithRevert(env e, method f, uint256 pId, address voter, uint8 support) returns uint256 { |
string reason; bytes params; uint8 v; bytes32 s; bytes32 r; |
if (f.selector == castVote(uint256,uint8).selector) |
{ |
require e.msg.sender == voter; |
return castVote@withrevert(e, pId, support); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReason(uint256,uint8,string).selector) |
{ |
require e.msg.sender == voter; |
return castVoteWithReason@withrevert(e, pId, support, reason); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReasonAndParams(uint256,uint8,string,bytes).selector) |
{ |
require e.msg.sender == voter; |
return castVoteWithReasonAndParams@withrevert(e, pId, support, reason, params); |
} |
else |
{ |
calldataarg args; |
f@withrevert(e, args); |
return 0; |
} |
} |
function helperFunctionsWithRevert(env e, method f, uint256 pId) { |
if (f.selector == propose(address[], uint256[], bytes[], string).selector) |
{ |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; string description; |
require pId == propose@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, description); |
} |
else if (f.selector == queue(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector) |
{ |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 description; |
require pId == queue@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, description); |
} |
else if (f.selector == execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector) |
{ |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 description; |
require pId == execute@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, description); |
} |
else if (f.selector == cancel(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector) |
{ |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 description; |
require pId == cancel@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, description); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector) |
{ |
uint8 support; |
castVote@withrevert(e, pId, support); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReason(uint256, uint8, string).selector) |
{ |
uint8 support; string reason; |
castVoteWithReason@withrevert(e, pId, support, reason); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReasonAndParams(uint256,uint8,string,bytes).selector) |
{ |
uint8 support; string reason; bytes params; |
castVoteWithReasonAndParams@withrevert(e, pId, support, reason, params); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8,uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) |
{ |
uint8 support; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s; |
castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, pId, support, v, r, s); |
} |
else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReasonAndParamsBySig(uint256,uint8,string,bytes,uint8,bytes32,bytes32).selector) |
{ |
uint8 support; string reason; bytes params; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s; |
castVoteWithReasonAndParamsBySig@withrevert(e, pId, support, reason, params, v, r, s); |
} |
else |
{ |
calldataarg args; |
f@withrevert(e, args); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ |
import "methods/IGovernor.spec" |
import "Governor.helpers.spec" |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Definitions │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
definition proposalCreated(uint256 pId) returns bool = |
proposalSnapshot(pId) > 0 && proposalDeadline(pId) > 0 && proposalProposer(pId) != 0; |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: Votes start and end are either initialized (non zero) or uninitialized (zero) simultaneously │ |
│ │ |
│ This invariant assumes that the block number cannot be 0 at any stage of the contract cycle │ |
│ This is very safe assumption as usually the 0 block is genesis block which is uploaded with data │ |
│ by the developers and will not be valid to raise proposals (at the current way that block chain is functioning) │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant proposalStateConsistency(uint256 pId) |
(proposalProposer(pId) != 0 <=> proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0) && (proposalProposer(pId) != 0 <=> proposalDeadline(pId) != 0) |
{ |
preserved with (env e) { |
require clock(e) > 0; |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: cancel => created │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant canceledImplyCreated(uint pId) |
isCanceled(pId) => proposalCreated(pId) |
{ |
preserved with (env e) { |
requireInvariant proposalStateConsistency(pId); |
require clock(e) > 0; |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: executed => created │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant executedImplyCreated(uint pId) |
isExecuted(pId) => proposalCreated(pId) |
{ |
preserved with (env e) { |
requireInvariant proposalStateConsistency(pId); |
require clock(e) > 0; |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: Votes start before it ends │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant voteStartBeforeVoteEnd(uint256 pId) |
proposalSnapshot(pId) <= proposalDeadline(pId) |
{ |
preserved { |
requireInvariant proposalStateConsistency(pId); |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: A proposal cannot be both executed and canceled simultaneously │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(uint256 pId) |
!isExecuted(pId) || !isCanceled(pId) |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: No double proposition │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule noDoublePropose(uint256 pId, env e) { |
require proposalCreated(pId); |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; string reason; |
uint256 result = propose(e, targets, values, calldatas, reason); |
assert result != pId, "double proposal"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: Once a proposal is created, voteStart, voteEnd and proposer are immutable │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule immutableFieldsAfterProposalCreation(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg arg) { |
require proposalCreated(pId); |
uint256 voteStart = proposalSnapshot(pId); |
uint256 voteEnd = proposalDeadline(pId); |
address proposer = proposalProposer(pId); |
f(e, arg); |
assert voteStart == proposalSnapshot(pId), "Start date was changed"; |
assert voteEnd == proposalDeadline(pId), "End date was changed"; |
assert proposer == proposalProposer(pId), "Proposer was changed"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: A user cannot vote twice │ |
│ │ |
│ Checked for castVote only. all 3 castVote functions call _castVote, so the completeness of the verification is │ |
│ counted on the fact that the 3 functions themselves makes no changes, but rather call an internal function to │ |
│ execute. That means that we do not check those 3 functions directly, however for castVote & castVoteWithReason it │ |
│ is quite trivial to understand why this is ok. For castVoteBySig we basically assume that the signature referendum │ |
│ is correct without checking it. We could check each function separately and pass the rule, but that would have │ |
│ uglyfied the code with no concrete benefit, as it is evident that nothing is happening in the first 2 functions │ |
│ (calling a view function), and we do not desire to check the signature verification. │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule noDoubleVoting(uint256 pId, env e, uint8 sup) { |
bool votedCheck = hasVoted(pId, e.msg.sender); |
castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup); |
assert votedCheck => lastReverted, "double voting occurred"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: A proposal could be executed only if quorum was reached and vote succeeded │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule executionOnlyIfQuoromReachedAndVoteSucceeded(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args) { |
require !isExecuted(pId); |
bool quorumReachedBefore = quorumReached(pId); |
bool voteSucceededBefore = voteSucceeded(pId); |
f(e, args); |
assert isExecuted(pId) => (quorumReachedBefore && voteSucceededBefore), "quorum was changed"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: Voting cannot start at a block number prior to proposal’s creation block number │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule noStartBeforeCreation(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args){ |
require !proposalCreated(pId); |
f(e, args); |
assert proposalCreated(pId) => proposalSnapshot(pId) >= clock(e), "starts before proposal"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: A proposal cannot be executed before it ends │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule noExecuteBeforeDeadline(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args) { |
require !isExecuted(pId); |
f(e, args); |
assert isExecuted(pId) => proposalDeadline(pId) <= clock(e), "executed before deadline"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: All proposal specific (non-view) functions should revert if proposal is executed │ |
│ │ |
│ In this rule we show that if a function is executed, i.e. execute() was called on the proposal ID, non of the │ |
│ proposal specific functions can make changes again. In executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc we connected the executed │ |
│ attribute to the execute() function, showing that only execute() can change it, and that it will always change it. │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule allFunctionsRevertIfExecuted(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args) filtered { |
f -> !f.isView && !f.isFallback |
&& f.selector != updateTimelock(address).selector |
&& f.selector != updateQuorumNumerator(uint256).selector |
&& f.selector != relay(address,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != 0xb9a61961 // __acceptAdmin() |
&& f.selector != onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes).selector |
} { |
require isExecuted(pId); |
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId); |
requireInvariant executedImplyCreated(pId); |
helperFunctionsWithRevert(pId, f, e); |
assert lastReverted, "Function was not reverted"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: All proposal specific (non-view) functions should revert if proposal is canceled │ |
│ │ |
│ In this rule we show that if a function is executed, i.e. execute() was called on the proposal ID, non of the │ |
│ proposal specific functions can make changes again. In executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc we connected the executed │ |
│ attribute to the execute() function, showing that only execute() can change it, and that it will always change it. │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule allFunctionsRevertIfCanceled(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args) filtered { |
f -> !f.isView && !f.isFallback |
&& f.selector != updateTimelock(address).selector |
&& f.selector != updateQuorumNumerator(uint256).selector |
&& f.selector != relay(address,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != 0xb9a61961 // __acceptAdmin() |
&& f.selector != onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes).selector |
&& f.selector != onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes).selector |
} { |
require isCanceled(pId); |
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId); |
requireInvariant canceledImplyCreated(pId); |
helperFunctionsWithRevert(pId, f, e); |
assert lastReverted, "Function was not reverted"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: Proposal can be switched state only by specific functions │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule stateOnlyAfterFunc(uint256 pId, env e, method f) { |
bool createdBefore = proposalCreated(pId); |
bool executedBefore = isExecuted(pId); |
bool canceledBefore = isCanceled(pId); |
helperFunctionsWithRevert(pId, f, e); |
assert (proposalCreated(pId) != createdBefore) |
=> (createdBefore == false && f.selector == propose(address[], uint256[], bytes[], string).selector), |
"proposalCreated only changes in the propose method"; |
assert (isExecuted(pId) != executedBefore) |
=> (executedBefore == false && f.selector == execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector), |
"isExecuted only changes in the execute method"; |
assert (isCanceled(pId) != canceledBefore) |
=> (canceledBefore == false && f.selector == cancel(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector), |
"isCanceled only changes in the cancel method"; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
import "helpers.spec" |
import "methods/IGovernor.spec" |
import "Governor.helpers.spec" |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: propose effect and liveness. Includes "no double proposition" │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule propose(uint256 pId, env e) { |
require nonpayable(e); |
uint256 otherId; |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e, pId); |
uint8 otherStateBefore = state(e, otherId); |
uint256 otherVoteStart = proposalSnapshot(otherId); |
uint256 otherVoteEnd = proposalDeadline(otherId); |
address otherProposer = proposalProposer(otherId); |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; string reason; |
require pId == propose@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, reason); |
bool success = !lastReverted; |
// liveness & double proposal |
assert success <=> stateBefore == UNSET(); |
// effect |
assert success => ( |
state(e, pId) == PENDING() && |
proposalProposer(pId) == e.msg.sender && |
proposalSnapshot(pId) == clock(e) + votingDelay() && |
proposalDeadline(pId) == clock(e) + votingDelay() + votingPeriod() |
); |
// no side-effect |
assert state(e, otherId) != otherStateBefore => otherId == pId; |
assert proposalSnapshot(otherId) == otherVoteStart; |
assert proposalDeadline(otherId) == otherVoteEnd; |
assert proposalProposer(otherId) == otherProposer; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: votes effect and liveness. Includes "A user cannot vote twice" │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule castVote(uint256 pId, env e, method f) |
filtered { f -> voting(f) } |
{ |
require nonpayable(e); |
uint8 support; |
address voter; |
address otherVoter; |
uint256 otherId; |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e, pId); |
bool hasVotedBefore = hasVoted(pId, voter); |
bool otherVotedBefore = hasVoted(otherId, otherVoter); |
uint256 againstVotesBefore = getAgainstVotes(pId); |
uint256 forVotesBefore = getForVotes(pId); |
uint256 abstainVotesBefore = getAbstainVotes(pId); |
uint256 otherAgainstVotesBefore = getAgainstVotes(otherId); |
uint256 otherForVotesBefore = getForVotes(otherId); |
uint256 otherAbstainVotesBefore = getAbstainVotes(otherId); |
// voting weight overflow check |
uint256 voterWeight = token_getPastVotes(voter, proposalSnapshot(pId)); |
require againstVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
require forVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
require abstainVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
uint256 weight = helperVoteWithRevert(e, f, pId, voter, support); |
bool success = !lastReverted; |
assert success <=> ( |
stateBefore == ACTIVE() && |
!hasVotedBefore && |
(support == 0 || support == 1 || support == 2) |
); |
assert success => ( |
state(e, pId) == ACTIVE() && |
voterWeight == weight && |
getAgainstVotes(pId) == againstVotesBefore + (support == 0 ? weight : 0) && |
getForVotes(pId) == forVotesBefore + (support == 1 ? weight : 0) && |
getAbstainVotes(pId) == abstainVotesBefore + (support == 2 ? weight : 0) && |
hasVoted(pId, voter) |
); |
// no side-effect |
assert hasVoted(otherId, otherVoter) != otherVotedBefore => (otherId == pId && otherVoter == voter); |
assert getAgainstVotes(otherId) != otherAgainstVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
assert getForVotes(otherId) != otherForVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
assert getAbstainVotes(otherId) != otherAbstainVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
import "helpers.spec" |
import "methods/IGovernor.spec" |
import "Governor.helpers.spec" |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: clock is consistent between the goernor and the token │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule clockMode(env e) { |
assert clock(e) == e.block.number || clock(e) == e.block.timestamp; |
assert clock(e) == token_clock(e); |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: Proposal is UNSET iff the proposer, the snapshot and the deadline are unset. │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant createdConsistency(env e, uint256 pId) |
safeState(e, pId) == UNSET() <=> proposalProposer(pId) == 0 && |
safeState(e, pId) == UNSET() <=> proposalSnapshot(pId) == 0 && |
safeState(e, pId) == UNSET() <=> proposalDeadline(pId) == 0 && |
safeState(e, pId) == UNSET() => !isExecuted(pId) && |
safeState(e, pId) == UNSET() => !isCanceled(pId) |
{ |
preserved { |
require clock(e) > 0; |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: Votes start before it ends │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant voteStartBeforeVoteEnd(uint256 pId) |
proposalSnapshot(pId) <= proposalDeadline(pId) |
{ |
preserved with (env e) { |
requireInvariant createdConsistency(e, pId); |
} |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Invariant: A proposal cannot be both executed and canceled simultaneously │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
invariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(uint256 pId) |
!isExecuted(pId) || !isCanceled(pId) |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: Once a proposal is created, voteStart, voteEnd and proposer are immutable │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule immutableFieldsAfterProposalCreation(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg arg) |
filtered { f -> !skip(f) } |
{ |
require state(e, pId) != UNSET(); |
uint256 voteStart = proposalSnapshot(pId); |
uint256 voteEnd = proposalDeadline(pId); |
address proposer = proposalProposer(pId); |
f(e, arg); |
assert voteStart == proposalSnapshot(pId), "Start date was changed"; |
assert voteEnd == proposalDeadline(pId), "End date was changed"; |
assert proposer == proposalProposer(pId), "Proposer was changed"; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ |
import "helpers.spec" |
import "methods/IGovernor.spec" |
import "Governor.helpers.spec" |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: state returns one of the value in the enumeration │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule stateConsistency(env e, uint256 pId) { |
uint8 result = state(e, pId); |
assert ( |
result == PENDING() || |
result == ACTIVE() || |
result == CANCELED() || |
result == DEFEATED() || |
result == SUCCEEDED() || |
result == QUEUED() || |
result == EXECUTED() |
); |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: State transition │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule stateTransitionFn(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg args) |
filtered { f -> !skip(f) } |
{ |
require clock(e) > 0; // Sanity |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e, pId); |
f(e, args); |
uint8 stateAfter = state(e, pId); |
assert (stateBefore != stateAfter) => ( |
stateBefore == UNSET() => ( |
stateAfter == PENDING() && f.selector == propose(address[],uint256[],bytes[],string).selector |
) && |
stateBefore == PENDING() => ( |
(stateAfter == CANCELED() && f.selector == cancel(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32).selector) |
) && |
stateBefore == SUCCEEDED() => ( |
(stateAfter == QUEUED() && f.selector == queue(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32).selector) || |
(stateAfter == EXECUTED() && f.selector == execute(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32).selector) |
) && |
stateBefore == QUEUED() => ( |
(stateAfter == EXECUTED() && f.selector == execute(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32).selector) |
) && |
stateBefore == ACTIVE() => false && |
stateBefore == CANCELED() => false && |
stateBefore == DEFEATED() => false && |
stateBefore == EXECUTED() => false |
); |
} |
rule stateTransitionWait(uint256 pId, env e1, env e2) { |
require clock(e1) > 0; // Sanity |
require clock(e2) > clock(e1); |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e1, pId); |
uint8 stateAfter = state(e2, pId); |
assert (stateBefore != stateAfter) => ( |
stateBefore == PENDING() => ( |
stateAfter == ACTIVE() |
) && |
stateBefore == ACTIVE() => ( |
stateAfter == SUCCEEDED() || |
stateAfter == DEFEATED() |
) && |
stateBefore == UNSET() => false && |
stateBefore == SUCCEEDED() => false && |
stateBefore == QUEUED() => false && |
stateBefore == CANCELED() => false && |
stateBefore == DEFEATED() => false && |
stateBefore == EXECUTED() => false |
); |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: Once a proposal is created, voteStart, voteEnd and proposer are immutable │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule immutableFieldsAfterProposalCreation(uint256 pId, env e, method f, calldataarg arg) |
filtered { f -> !skip(f) } |
{ |
require state(e, pId) != UNSET(); |
uint256 voteStart = proposalSnapshot(pId); |
uint256 voteEnd = proposalDeadline(pId); |
address proposer = proposalProposer(pId); |
f(e, arg); |
assert voteStart == proposalSnapshot(pId), "Start date was changed"; |
assert voteEnd == proposalDeadline(pId), "End date was changed"; |
assert proposer == proposalProposer(pId), "Proposer was changed"; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: propose effect and liveness. Includes "no double proposition" │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule propose(uint256 pId, env e) { |
require nonpayable(e); |
uint256 otherId; |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e, pId); |
uint8 otherStateBefore = state(e, otherId); |
uint256 otherVoteStart = proposalSnapshot(otherId); |
uint256 otherVoteEnd = proposalDeadline(otherId); |
address otherProposer = proposalProposer(otherId); |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; string reason; |
require pId == propose@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, reason); |
bool success = !lastReverted; |
// liveness & double proposal |
assert success <=> stateBefore == UNSET(); |
// effect |
assert success => ( |
state(e, pId) == PENDING() && |
proposalProposer(pId) == e.msg.sender && |
proposalSnapshot(pId) == clock(e) + votingDelay() && |
proposalDeadline(pId) == clock(e) + votingDelay() + votingPeriod() |
); |
// no side-effect |
assert state(e, otherId) != otherStateBefore => otherId == pId; |
assert proposalSnapshot(otherId) == otherVoteStart; |
assert proposalDeadline(otherId) == otherVoteEnd; |
assert proposalProposer(otherId) == otherProposer; |
} |
/* |
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
│ Rule: votes effect and liveness. Includes "A user cannot vote twice" │ |
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
*/ |
rule castVote(uint256 pId, env e, method f) |
filtered { f -> voting(f) } |
{ |
require nonpayable(e); |
uint8 support; |
address voter; |
address otherVoter; |
uint256 otherId; |
uint8 stateBefore = state(e, pId); |
bool hasVotedBefore = hasVoted(pId, voter); |
bool otherVotedBefore = hasVoted(otherId, otherVoter); |
uint256 againstVotesBefore = getAgainstVotes(pId); |
uint256 forVotesBefore = getForVotes(pId); |
uint256 abstainVotesBefore = getAbstainVotes(pId); |
uint256 otherAgainstVotesBefore = getAgainstVotes(otherId); |
uint256 otherForVotesBefore = getForVotes(otherId); |
uint256 otherAbstainVotesBefore = getAbstainVotes(otherId); |
// voting weight overflow check |
uint256 voterWeight = token_getPastVotes(voter, proposalSnapshot(pId)); |
require againstVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
require forVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
require abstainVotesBefore + voterWeight <= max_uint256; |
uint256 weight = helperVoteWithRevert(e, f, pId, voter, support); |
bool success = !lastReverted; |
assert success <=> ( |
stateBefore == ACTIVE() && |
!hasVotedBefore && |
(support == 0 || support == 1 || support == 2) |
); |
assert success => ( |
state(e, pId) == ACTIVE() && |
voterWeight == weight && |
getAgainstVotes(pId) == againstVotesBefore + (support == 0 ? weight : 0) && |
getForVotes(pId) == forVotesBefore + (support == 1 ? weight : 0) && |
getAbstainVotes(pId) == abstainVotesBefore + (support == 2 ? weight : 0) && |
hasVoted(pId, voter) |
); |
// no side-effect |
assert hasVoted(otherId, otherVoter) != otherVotedBefore => (otherId == pId && otherVoter == voter); |
assert getAgainstVotes(otherId) != otherAgainstVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
assert getForVotes(otherId) != otherForVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
assert getAbstainVotes(otherId) != otherAbstainVotesBefore => (otherId == pId); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
// includes some non standard (from extension) and harness functions |
methods { |
name() returns string envfree |
version() returns string envfree |
clock() returns uint48 |
CLOCK_MODE() returns string |
COUNTING_MODE() returns string envfree |
hashProposal(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 envfree |
state(uint256) returns uint8 |
proposalThreshold() returns uint256 envfree |
proposalSnapshot(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
proposalDeadline(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
votingDelay() returns uint256 envfree |
votingPeriod() returns uint256 envfree |
quorum(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
getVotes(address,uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
getVotesWithParams(address,uint256,bytes) returns uint256 envfree |
hasVoted(uint256,address) returns bool envfree |
propose(address[],uint256[],bytes[],string) returns uint256 |
execute(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 |
queue(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32) returns uint256 |
cancel(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 |
castVote(uint256,uint8) returns uint256 |
castVoteWithReason(uint256,uint8,string) returns uint256 |
castVoteWithReasonAndParams(uint256,uint8,string,bytes) returns uint256 |
castVoteBySig(uint256,uint8,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) returns uint256 |
castVoteWithReasonAndParamsBySig(uint256,uint8,string,bytes,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) returns uint256 |
updateQuorumNumerator(uint256) |
// harness |
token_getPastTotalSupply(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
token_getPastVotes(address,uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
token_clock() returns uint48 |
token_CLOCK_MODE() returns string |
getExecutor() returns address envfree |
proposalProposer(uint256) returns address envfree |
quorumReached(uint256) returns bool envfree |
voteSucceeded(uint256) returns bool envfree |
isExecuted(uint256) returns bool envfree |
isCanceled(uint256) returns bool envfree |
getAgainstVotes(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
getForVotes(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
getAbstainVotes(uint256) returns uint256 envfree |
} |
Reference in new issue