The `verifyAll` script runs all spec files agains all contracts in the `certora/harness` that start with `Wizard` meaning that a contract generated in [wizard]( If you want to verify new wizard's instance you also need to give it a name starting with "Wizard..." or "WizardControl..." if you use `TimelockController` and harness this contract. We don't recommend to do it because a list of harnesses may go beyond wizard's contract. Moreover, the set of setting to run the Certora verification service may vary. The main goal of this script is to run all specs written by the team against all contracts properly harnessed.
The `WizardFirstPriority` and `WizardFirstTry` scripts run one of the scripts for the corresponding contract. In order to run another spec you should change spec file name `<specName>` in the script (flag `--verify`):
These scripts should be run from the root directory; for example by running