@ -136,4 +136,28 @@ rule possibleTotalVotes(uint256 pId, uint8 sup, env e, method f) { |
uint256 ps = proposalSnapshot(pId); |
assert tracked_weight(pId) <= erc20votes.getPastTotalSupply(e, proposalSnapshot(pId)), "bla bla bla"; |
} |
} |
/////////////////// 2nd iteration with OZ ////////////////////////// |
// STATUS - in progress |
// execute() is the only way to set timestamp to 1 |
rule getTimestampOnlyChange(method f, env e){ |
bytes32 id; |
address target; uint256 value; bytes data; bytes32 predecessor; bytes32 salt; uint256 delay; |
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] datas; |
require (targets[0] == target && values[0] == value && datas[0] == data) |
|| (targets[1] == target && values[1] == value && datas[1] == data) |
|| (targets[2] == target && values[2] == value && datas[2] == data); |
hashIdCorrelation(id, target, value, data, predecessor, salt); |
executionsCall(f, e, target, value, data, predecessor, salt, delay, targets, values, datas); |
assert getTimestamp(id) == 1 => f.selector == execute(address, uint256, bytes, bytes32, bytes32).selector |
|| f.selector == executeBatch(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32, bytes32).selector, "Did you find a way to break the system?"; |
} |