@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ const { fromRpcSig } = require('ethereumjs-util');
const ethSigUtil = require ( 'eth-sig-util' ) ;
const Wallet = require ( 'ethereumjs-wallet' ) . default ;
const ERC20VotesComp = artifacts . require ( '$ERC20VotesComp' ) ;
const { batchInBlock } = require ( '../../../helpers/txpool' ) ;
const { getDomain , domainType , domainSeparator } = require ( '../../../helpers/eip712' ) ;
const { getChainId } = require ( '../../../helpers/chainid' ) ;
const { clock , clockFromReceipt } = require ( '../../../helpers/time' ) ;
const { shouldBehaveLikeEIP6372 } = require ( '../../../governance/utils/EIP6372.behavior' ) ;
const Delegation = [
{ name : 'delegatee' , type : 'address' } ,
@ -20,507 +20,524 @@ const Delegation = [
{ name : 'expiry' , type : 'uint256' } ,
] ;
const MODES = {
blocknumber : artifacts . require ( '$ERC20VotesComp' ) ,
// no timestamp mode for ERC20VotesComp yet
} ;
contract ( 'ERC20VotesComp' , function ( accounts ) {
const [ holder , recipient , holderDelegatee , other1 , other2 ] = accounts ;
const name = 'My Token' ;
const symbol = 'MTKN' ;
const version = '1' ;
const supply = new BN ( '10000000000000000000000000' ) ;
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
this . chainId = await getChainId ( ) ;
this . token = await ERC20VotesComp . new ( name , symbol , name ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'initial nonce is 0' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . nonces ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'domain separator' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . DOMAIN _SEPARATOR ( ) ) . to . equal ( await getDomain ( this . token ) . then ( domainSeparator ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'minting restriction' , async function ( ) {
const amount = new BN ( '2' ) . pow ( new BN ( '96' ) ) ;
await expectRevert ( this . token . $ _mint ( holder , amount ) , 'ERC20Votes: total supply risks overflowing votes' ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'set delegation' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'call' , function ( ) {
it ( 'delegation with balance' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : holder ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'delegation without balance' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : holder ,
} ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'with signature' , function ( ) {
const delegator = Wallet . generate ( ) ;
const delegatorAddress = web3 . utils . toChecksumAddress ( delegator . getAddressString ( ) ) ;
const nonce = 0 ;
const buildData = ( contract , message ) =>
getDomain ( contract ) . then ( domain => ( {
primaryType : 'Delegation' ,
types : { EIP712Domain : domainType ( domain ) , Delegation } ,
domain ,
message ,
} ) ) ;
for ( const [ mode , artifact ] of Object . entries ( MODES ) ) {
describe ( ` vote with ${ mode } ` , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( delegatorAddress , supply ) ;
this . token = await artifact . new ( name , symbol , name ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'accept signed delegation' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} )
. then ( data => ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) )
. then ( fromRpcSig ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : delegatorAddress ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : delegatorAddress ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : delegatorAddress ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . equal ( delegatorAddress ) ;
shouldBehaveLikeEIP6372 ( mode ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( delegatorAddress , receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( delegatorAddress , receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
it ( 'initial nonce is 0' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . nonces ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects reused signature' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} )
. then ( data => ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) )
. then ( fromRpcSig ) ;
await this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: invalid nonce' ,
) ;
it ( 'domain separator' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . DOMAIN _SEPARATOR ( ) ) . to . equal ( await getDomain ( this . token ) . then ( domainSeparator ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects bad delegatee' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} )
. then ( data => ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) )
. then ( fromRpcSig ) ;
const receipt = await this . token . delegateBySig ( holderDelegatee , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
const { args } = receipt . logs . find ( ( { event } ) => event == 'DelegateChanged' ) ;
expect ( args . delegator ) . to . not . be . equal ( delegatorAddress ) ;
expect ( args . fromDelegate ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
expect ( args . toDelegate ) . to . be . equal ( holderDelegatee ) ;
it ( 'minting restriction' , async function ( ) {
const amount = new BN ( '2' ) . pow ( new BN ( '96' ) ) ;
await expectRevert ( this . token . $ _mint ( holder , amount ) , 'ERC20Votes: total supply risks overflowing votes' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects bad nonce' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} )
. then ( data => ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) )
. then ( fromRpcSig ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce + 1 , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: invalid nonce' ,
) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'set delegation' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'call' , function ( ) {
it ( 'delegation with balance' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : holder ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'delegation without balance' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : holder ,
} ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects expired permit' , async function ( ) {
const expiry = ( await time . latest ( ) ) - time . duration . weeks ( 1 ) ;
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry ,
} )
. then ( data => ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) )
. then ( fromRpcSig ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , expiry , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: signature expired' ,
) ;
describe ( 'with signature' , function ( ) {
const delegator = Wallet . generate ( ) ;
const delegatorAddress = web3 . utils . toChecksumAddress ( delegator . getAddressString ( ) ) ;
const nonce = 0 ;
const buildData = ( contract , message ) =>
getDomain ( contract ) . then ( domain => ( {
primaryType : 'Delegation' ,
types : { EIP712Domain : domainType ( domain ) , Delegation } ,
domain ,
message ,
} ) ) ;
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( delegatorAddress , supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'accept signed delegation' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} ) . then ( data => fromRpcSig ( ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) ) ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : delegatorAddress ,
fromDelegate : ZERO _ADDRESS ,
toDelegate : delegatorAddress ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : delegatorAddress ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . equal ( delegatorAddress ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( delegatorAddress ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( delegatorAddress , timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( delegatorAddress , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects reused signature' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} ) . then ( data => fromRpcSig ( ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) ) ) ;
await this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: invalid nonce' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects bad delegatee' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} ) . then ( data => fromRpcSig ( ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) ) ) ;
const receipt = await this . token . delegateBySig ( holderDelegatee , nonce , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ;
const { args } = receipt . logs . find ( ( { event } ) => event == 'DelegateChanged' ) ;
expect ( args . delegator ) . to . not . be . equal ( delegatorAddress ) ;
expect ( args . fromDelegate ) . to . be . equal ( ZERO _ADDRESS ) ;
expect ( args . toDelegate ) . to . be . equal ( holderDelegatee ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects bad nonce' , async function ( ) {
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry : MAX _UINT256 ,
} ) . then ( data => fromRpcSig ( ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) ) ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce + 1 , MAX _UINT256 , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: invalid nonce' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'rejects expired permit' , async function ( ) {
const expiry = ( await time . latest ( ) ) - time . duration . weeks ( 1 ) ;
const { v , r , s } = await buildData ( this . token , {
delegatee : delegatorAddress ,
nonce ,
expiry ,
} ) . then ( data => fromRpcSig ( ethSigUtil . signTypedMessage ( delegator . getPrivateKey ( ) , { data } ) ) ) ;
await expectRevert (
this . token . delegateBySig ( delegatorAddress , nonce , expiry , v , r , s ) ,
'ERC20Votes: signature expired' ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'change delegation' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'call' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
describe ( 'change delegation' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
} ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holderDelegatee , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : holder ,
toDelegate : holderDelegatee ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : '0' ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holderDelegatee ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
it ( 'call' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holder ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( holderDelegatee , { from : holder } ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateChanged' , {
delegator : holder ,
fromDelegate : holder ,
toDelegate : holderDelegatee ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : '0' ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holderDelegatee ,
previousBalance : '0' ,
newBalance : supply ,
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holderDelegatee ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holderDelegatee ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holderDelegatee , timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holderDelegatee , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . delegates ( holder ) ) . to . be . equal ( holderDelegatee ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holderDelegatee ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holderDelegatee , receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holderDelegatee , receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'transfers' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'no delegation' , async function ( ) {
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' ) ;
this . holderVotes = '0' ;
this . recipientVotes = '0' ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sender delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : supply . subn ( 1 ) ,
} ) ;
describe ( 'transfers' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
} ) ;
this . holderVotes = supply . subn ( 1 ) ;
this . recipientVotes = '0' ;
} ) ;
it ( 'no delegation' , async function ( ) {
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent . notEmitted ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' ) ;
it ( 'receiver delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( recipient , { from : recipient } ) ;
this . holderVotes = '0' ;
this . recipientVotes = '0' ;
} ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , { delegate : recipient , previousBalance : '0' , newBalance : '1' } ) ;
it ( 'sender delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
this . holderVotes = '0' ;
this . recipientVotes = '1' ;
} ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : supply . subn ( 1 ) ,
} ) ;
it ( 'full delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
await this . token . delegate ( recipient , { from : recipient } ) ;
this . holderVotes = supply . subn ( 1 ) ;
this . recipientVotes = '0' ;
} ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : supply . subn ( 1 ) ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , { delegate : recipient , previousBalance : '0' , newBalance : '1' } ) ;
it ( 'receiver delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( recipient , { from : recipient } ) ;
this . holderVotes = supply . subn ( 1 ) ;
this . recipientVotes = '1' ;
} ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , { delegate : recipient , previousBalance : '0' , newBalance : '1' } ) ;
afterEach ( async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . holderVotes ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( recipient ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . recipientVotes ) ;
this . holderVotes = '0' ;
this . recipientVotes = '1' ;
} ) ;
// need to advance 2 blocks to see the effect of a transfer on "getPriorVotes"
const blockNumber = await time . latestBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . holderVotes ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( recipient , blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . recipientVotes ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'full delegation' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
await this . token . delegate ( recipient , { from : recipient } ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 1 , { from : holder } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'Transfer' , { from : holder , to : recipient , value : '1' } ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , {
delegate : holder ,
previousBalance : supply ,
newBalance : supply . subn ( 1 ) ,
} ) ;
expectEvent ( receipt , 'DelegateVotesChanged' , { delegate : recipient , previousBalance : '0' , newBalance : '1' } ) ;
this . holderVotes = supply . subn ( 1 ) ;
this . recipientVotes = '1' ;
} ) ;
// The following tests are a adaptation of https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/blob/master/tests/Governance/CompTest.js.
describe ( 'Compound test suite' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
} ) ;
afterEach ( async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . holderVotes ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getCurrentVotes ( recipient ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . recipientVotes ) ;
describe ( 'balanceOf' , function ( ) {
it ( 'grants to initial account' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . balanceOf ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10000000000000000000000000' ) ;
// need to advance 2 blocks to see the effect of a transfer on "getPriorVotes"
const timepoint = await clock [ mode ] ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( holder , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . holderVotes ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( recipient , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( this . recipientVotes ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'numCheckpoints' , function ( ) {
it ( 'returns the number of checkpoints for a delegate' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . transfer ( recipient , '100' , { from : holder } ) ; //give an account a few tokens for readability
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : recipient } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '1' ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '2' ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '3' ) ;
// The following tests are a adaptation of https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol/blob/master/tests/Governance/CompTest.js.
describe ( 'Compound test suite' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
} ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 20 , { from : holder } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '4' ) ;
describe ( 'balanceOf' , function ( ) {
it ( 'grants to initial account' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . balanceOf ( holder ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10000000000000000000000000' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t1 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 1 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t2 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '90' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 2 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t3 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '80' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 3 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t4 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
describe ( 'numCheckpoints' , function ( ) {
it ( 'returns the number of checkpoints for a delegate' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . transfer ( recipient , '100' , { from : holder } ) ; //give an account a few tokens for readability
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : recipient } ) ;
t1 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t1 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '1' ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient } ) ;
t2 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t2 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '2' ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient } ) ;
t3 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t3 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '3' ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 20 , { from : holder } ) ;
t4 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t4 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '4' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t1 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 1 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t2 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '90' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 2 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t3 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '80' ] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 3 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t4 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '100' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '90' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '80' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '100' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'does not add more than one checkpoint in a block' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . transfer ( recipient , '100' , { from : holder } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
const [ t1 , t2 , t3 ] = await batchInBlock ( [
( ) => this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
( ) => this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
( ) => this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
] ) ;
t1 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t1 . receipt ) ;
t2 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t2 . receipt ) ;
t3 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t3 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '1' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t1 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '80' ] ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 20 , { from : holder } ) ;
t4 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t4 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '2' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 1 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t4 . timepoint . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '100' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '90' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '80' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '100' ) ;
describe ( 'getPriorVotes' , function ( ) {
it ( 'reverts if block number >= current block' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert ( this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , 5e10 ) , 'ERC20Votes: future lookup' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns 0 if there are no checkpoints' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns zero if < first checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint' , async function ( ) {
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( holder , 20 , { from : other2 } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
t1 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t1 . receipt ) ;
t2 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t2 . receipt ) ;
t3 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t3 . receipt ) ;
t4 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t4 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'does not add more than one checkpoint in a block' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . transfer ( recipient , '100' , { from : holder } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
const [ t1 , t2 , t3 ] = await batchInBlock ( [
( ) => this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
( ) => this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
( ) => this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : recipient , gas : 100000 } ) ,
] ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '1' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t1 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '80' ] ) ;
// expectReve(await this.token.checkpoints(other1, 1)).to.be.deep.equal([ '0', '0' ]); // Reverts due to array overflow check
// expect(await this.token.checkpoints(other1, 2)).to.be.deep.equal([ '0', '0' ]); // Reverts due to array overflow check
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( recipient , 20 , { from : holder } ) ;
expect ( await this . token . numCheckpoints ( other1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '2' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . checkpoints ( other1 , 1 ) ) . to . be . deep . equal ( [ t4 . receipt . blockNumber . toString ( ) , '100' ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'getPastTotalSupply' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'getPriorVotes' , function ( ) {
it ( 'reverts if block number >= current block' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert ( this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , 5e10 ) , 'ERC20Votes: block not yet mined' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts if block number >= current block' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert ( this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( 5e10 ) , 'ERC20Votes: future lookup' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns 0 if there are no checkpoints' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , 0 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns 0 if there are no checkpoints' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( 0 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
const { receipt } = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
it ( 'returns zero if < first checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns zero if < first checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const { receipt } = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
const timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( receipt ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint' , async function ( ) {
const t1 = await this . token . delegate ( other1 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . transfer ( other2 , 10 , { from : holder } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . transfer ( holder , 20 , { from : other2 } ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t2 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t3 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPriorVotes ( other1 , t4 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
it ( 'generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint' , async function ( ) {
const t1 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . $ _burn ( holder , 10 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . $ _burn ( holder , 10 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , 20 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
t1 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t1 . receipt ) ;
t2 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t2 . receipt ) ;
t3 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t3 . receipt ) ;
t4 . timepoint = await clockFromReceipt [ mode ] ( t4 . receipt ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . timepoint - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10000000000000000000000000' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t2 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '9999999999999999999999990' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t2 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t3 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '9999999999999999999999980' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t3 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t4 . timepoint ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '10000000000000000000000000' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t4 . timepoint + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'getPastTotalSupply' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . delegate ( holder , { from : holder } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'reverts if block number >= current block' , async function ( ) {
await expectRevert ( this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( 5e10 ) , 'ERC20Votes: block not yet mined' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns 0 if there are no checkpoints' , async function ( ) {
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( 0 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns the latest block if >= last checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
t1 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( supply ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'returns zero if < first checkpoint block' , async function ( ) {
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t1 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'generally returns the voting balance at the appropriate checkpoint' , async function ( ) {
const t1 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , supply ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t2 = await this . token . $ _burn ( holder , 10 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t3 = await this . token . $ _burn ( holder , 10 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
const t4 = await this . token . $ _mint ( holder , 20 ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
await time . advanceBlock ( ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber - 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t1 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t2 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t2 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999990' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t3 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t3 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'9999999999999999999999980' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t4 . receipt . blockNumber ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
expect ( await this . token . getPastTotalSupply ( t4 . receipt . blockNumber + 1 ) ) . to . be . bignumber . equal (
'10000000000000000000000000' ,
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;