@ -1,13 +1,16 @@ |
const { expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); |
const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers/src/constants'); |
const { expectEvent, expectRevert, constants, BN } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); |
const { expect } = require('chai'); |
const { time } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); |
const { shouldSupportInterfaces } = require('../utils/introspection/SupportsInterface.behavior'); |
const { network } = require('hardhat'); |
const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers/src/constants'); |
const DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; |
const ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('ROLE'); |
const OTHER_ROLE = web3.utils.soliditySha3('OTHER_ROLE'); |
const ZERO = web3.utils.toBN(0); |
function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControl(errorPrefix, admin, authorized, other, otherAdmin) { |
shouldSupportInterfaces(['AccessControl']); |
@ -215,18 +218,151 @@ function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlEnumerable(errorPrefix, admin, authorized, |
function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlDefaultAdminRules(errorPrefix, delay, defaultAdmin, newDefaultAdmin, other) { |
shouldSupportInterfaces(['AccessControlDefaultAdminRules']); |
it('has a default disabled delayed until', async function () { |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(web3.utils.toBN(0)); |
function expectNoEvent(receipt, eventName) { |
try { |
expectEvent(receipt, eventName); |
throw new Error(`${eventName} event found`); |
} catch (err) { |
expect(err.message).to.eq(`No '${eventName}' events found: expected false to equal true`); |
} |
} |
for (const getter of ['owner', 'defaultAdmin']) { |
describe(`${getter}()`, function () { |
it('has a default set to the initial default admin', async function () { |
const value = await this.accessControl[getter](); |
expect(value).to.equal(defaultAdmin); |
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, value)).to.be.true; |
}); |
it('changes if the default admin changes', async function () { |
// Starts an admin transfer
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
// Wait for acceptance
const acceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.addn(1)); |
await this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }); |
const value = await this.accessControl[getter](); |
expect(value).to.equal(newDefaultAdmin); |
}); |
}); |
} |
describe('pendingDefaultAdmin()', function () { |
it('returns 0 if no pending default admin transfer', async function () { |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.eq(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
}); |
describe('when there is a scheduled default admin transfer', function () { |
beforeEach('begins admin transfer', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'before'], |
[0, 'exactly when'], |
[1, 'after'], |
]) { |
it(`returns pending admin and delay ${tag} delay schedule passes if not accepted`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await network.provider.send('evm_mine'); // Mine a block to force the timestamp
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.eq(newDefaultAdmin); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(firstSchedule); |
}); |
} |
it('returns 0 after delay schedule passes and the transfer was accepted', async function () { |
// Wait after schedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.addn(1)); |
// Accepts
await this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }); |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.eq(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('defaultAdminDelay()', function () { |
it('returns the current delay', async function () { |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminDelay()).to.be.bignumber.eq(delay); |
}); |
describe('when there is a scheduled delay change', function () { |
const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(0xdead); // Any change
beforeEach('begins delay change', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(newDelay, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag, expectedDelay, delayTag] of [ |
[-1, 'before', delay, 'old'], |
[0, 'exactly when', delay, 'old'], |
[1, 'after', newDelay, 'new'], |
]) { |
it(`returns ${delayTag} delay ${tag} delay schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(schedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await network.provider.send('evm_mine'); // Mine a block to force the timestamp
const currentDelay = await this.accessControl.defaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(currentDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(expectedDelay); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('has a default pending default admin', async function () { |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
describe('pendingDefaultAdminDelay()', function () { |
it('returns 0 if not set', async function () { |
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
}); |
describe('when there is a scheduled delay change', function () { |
const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(0xdead); // Any change
beforeEach('begins admin transfer', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(newDelay, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag, expectedDelay, delayTag, expectZeroSchedule] of [ |
[-1, 'before', newDelay, 'new'], |
[0, 'exactly when', newDelay, 'new'], |
[1, 'after', ZERO, 'zero', true], |
]) { |
it(`returns ${delayTag} delay ${tag} delay schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await network.provider.send('evm_mine'); // Mine a block to force the timestamp
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(expectedDelay); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(expectZeroSchedule ? ZERO : firstSchedule); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
it('has a default current owner set to the initial default admin', async function () { |
const owner = await this.accessControl.owner(); |
expect(owner).to.equal(defaultAdmin); |
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, owner)).to.be.true; |
describe('defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait()', function () { |
it('should return 5 days (default)', async function () { |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait()).to.be.bignumber.eq( |
web3.utils.toBN(time.duration.days(5)), |
); |
}); |
}); |
it('should revert if granting default admin role', async function () { |
@ -257,72 +393,130 @@ function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlDefaultAdminRules(errorPrefix, delay, defa |
); |
}); |
describe('begins transfer of default admin', function () { |
describe('begins a default admin transfer', function () { |
let receipt; |
let defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil; |
let acceptSchedule; |
beforeEach('begins admin transfer', async function () { |
receipt = await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
it('reverts if called by non default admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
); |
}); |
it('should set pending default admin and delayed until', async function () { |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(newDefaultAdmin); |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal( |
defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil, |
); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminRoleChangeStarted', { |
newDefaultAdmin, |
defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil, |
describe('when there is no pending delay nor pending admin transfer', function () { |
beforeEach('begins admin transfer', async function () { |
receipt = await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
acceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
}); |
it('should set pending default admin and schedule', async function () { |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(newDefaultAdmin); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(acceptSchedule); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferScheduled', { |
newAdmin, |
acceptSchedule, |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should be able to begin a transfer again before delay pass', async function () { |
// Time passes just before delay
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil.subn(1)); |
describe('when there is a pending admin transfer', function () { |
beforeEach('sets a pending default admin transfer', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
acceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
}); |
// defaultAdmin changes its mind and begin again to another address
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(other, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
const newDelayedUntil = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(other); |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(newDelayedUntil); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'before'], |
[0, 'exactly when'], |
[1, 'after'], |
]) { |
it(`should be able to begin a transfer again ${tag} acceptSchedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
// defaultAdmin changes its mind and begin again to another address
const receipt = await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(other, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
const newSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(other); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(newSchedule); |
// Cancellation is always emitted since it was never accepted
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferCanceled'); |
}); |
} |
it('should not emit a cancellation event if the new default admin accepted', async function () { |
// Wait until the acceptSchedule has passed
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.addn(1)); |
it('should be able to begin a transfer again after delay pass if not accepted', async function () { |
// Time passes after delay without acceptance
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil.addn(1)); |
// Accept and restart
await this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(other, { from: newDefaultAdmin }); |
// defaultAdmin changes its mind and begin again to another address
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(other, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
const newDelayedUntil = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(other); |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(newDelayedUntil); |
expectNoEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferCanceled'); |
}); |
}); |
it('should revert if it is called by non-admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
); |
describe('when there is a pending delay', function () { |
const newDelay = web3.utils.toBN(time.duration.hours(3)); |
beforeEach('schedule a delay change', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(newDelay, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
const pendingDefaultAdminDelay = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
acceptSchedule = pendingDefaultAdminDelay.schedule; |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, schedulePassed, expectedDelay, delayTag] of [ |
[-1, 'before', delay, 'old'], |
[0, 'exactly when', delay, 'old'], |
[1, 'after', newDelay, 'new'], |
]) { |
it(`should set the ${delayTag} delay and apply it to next default admin transfer schedule ${schedulePassed} acceptSchedule passed`, async function () { |
// Wait until the expected fromSchedule time
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
// Start the new default admin transfer and get its schedule
const receipt = await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
const expectedAcceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(expectedDelay); |
// Check that the schedule corresponds with the new delay
const { newAdmin, schedule: transferSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(newDefaultAdmin); |
expect(transferSchedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(expectedAcceptSchedule); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferScheduled', { |
newAdmin, |
acceptSchedule: expectedAcceptSchedule, |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('accepts transfer admin', function () { |
let delayPassed; |
let acceptSchedule; |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
delayPassed = web3.utils |
.toBN(await time.latest()) |
.add(delay) |
.addn(1); |
acceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
}); |
describe('caller is pending default admin and delay has passed', function () { |
it('should revert if caller is not pending default admin', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.addn(1)); |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: pending admin must accept`, |
); |
}); |
describe('when caller is pending default admin and delay has passed', function () { |
let from; |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.addn(1)); |
from = newDefaultAdmin; |
}); |
@ -344,108 +538,122 @@ function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlDefaultAdminRules(errorPrefix, delay, defa |
account: newDefaultAdmin, |
}); |
// Resets pending default admin and delayed until
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(web3.utils.toBN(0)); |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
// Resets pending default admin and schedule
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(ZERO); |
}); |
}); |
it('should revert if caller is not pending default admin', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
describe('schedule not passed', function () { |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'less'], |
[0, 'equal'], |
]) { |
it(`should revert if block.timestamp is ${tag} to schedule`, async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }), |
`${errorPrefix}: transfer delay not passed`, |
); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('cancels a default admin transfer', function () { |
it('reverts if called by non default admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: pending admin must accept`, |
this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
); |
}); |
describe('delayedUntil not passed', function () { |
let delayNotPassed; |
describe('when there is a pending default admin transfer', function () { |
let acceptSchedule; |
beforeEach(function () { |
delayNotPassed = delayPassed.subn(1); |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
acceptSchedule = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()).add(delay); |
}); |
it('should revert if block.timestamp is equal to delayed until', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayNotPassed); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'before'], |
[0, 'exactly when'], |
[1, 'after'], |
]) { |
it(`resets pending default admin and schedule ${tag} transfer schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Advance until passed delay
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(ZERO); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferCanceled'); |
}); |
} |
it('should revert if the previous default admin tries to accept', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
// Advance until passed delay
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(acceptSchedule.addn(1)); |
// Previous pending default admin should not be able to accept after cancellation.
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }), |
`${errorPrefix}: transfer delay not passed`, |
`${errorPrefix}: pending admin must accept`, |
); |
}); |
}); |
it('should revert if block.timestamp is less than delayed until', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }), |
`${errorPrefix}: transfer delay not passed`, |
); |
describe('when there is no pending default admin transfer', async function () { |
it('should succeed without changes', async function () { |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
const { newAdmin, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin(); |
expect(newAdmin).to.equal(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.equal(ZERO); |
expectNoEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminTransferCanceled'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('cancel transfer default admin', function () { |
describe('renounces admin', function () { |
let delayPassed; |
let from = defaultAdmin; |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(newDefaultAdmin, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, { from }); |
delayPassed = web3.utils |
.toBN(await time.latest()) |
.add(delay) |
.addn(1); |
}); |
it('resets pending default admin and delayed until', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(web3.utils.toBN(0)); |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
// Advance until passed delay
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
// Previous pending default admin should not be able to accept after cancellation.
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.acceptDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: newDefaultAdmin }), |
`${errorPrefix}: pending admin must accept`, |
); |
}); |
it('cancels even after delay has passed', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
it('reverts if caller is not default admin', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
expect(await this.accessControl.defaultAdminTransferDelayedUntil()).to.be.bignumber.equal(web3.utils.toBN(0)); |
expect(await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdmin()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
}); |
it('reverts if called by non default admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.cancelDefaultAdminTransfer({ from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, other, { from }), |
`${errorPrefix}: can only renounce roles for self`, |
); |
}); |
}); |
describe('renouncing admin', function () { |
let delayPassed; |
let from = defaultAdmin; |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await this.accessControl.beginDefaultAdminTransfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, { from }); |
delayPassed = web3.utils |
.toBN(await time.latest()) |
.add(delay) |
.addn(1); |
}); |
it('it renounces role', async function () { |
it('renounces role', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, from, { from }); |
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, defaultAdmin)).to.be.false; |
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(ZERO_ADDRESS, defaultAdmin)).to.be.false; |
expect(await this.accessControl.hasRole(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS, defaultAdmin)).to.be.false; |
expectEvent(receipt, 'RoleRevoked', { |
account: from, |
}); |
expect(await this.accessControl.owner()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); |
expect(await this.accessControl.owner()).to.equal(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS); |
}); |
it('allows to recover access using the internal _grantRole', async function () { |
@ -459,35 +667,180 @@ function shouldBehaveLikeAccessControlDefaultAdminRules(errorPrefix, delay, defa |
}); |
}); |
it('reverts if caller is not default admin', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayPassed); |
describe('schedule not passed', function () { |
let delayNotPassed; |
beforeEach(function () { |
delayNotPassed = delayPassed.subn(1); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'less'], |
[0, 'equal'], |
]) { |
it(`reverts if block.timestamp is ${tag} to schedule`, async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayNotPassed.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, defaultAdmin, { from }), |
`${errorPrefix}: only can renounce in two delayed steps`, |
); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
describe('changes delay', function () { |
it('reverts if called by non default admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, other, { from }), |
`${errorPrefix}: can only renounce roles for self`, |
this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(time.duration.hours(4), { |
from: other, |
}), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
); |
}); |
describe('delayed until not passed', function () { |
let delayNotPassed; |
for (const [newDefaultAdminDelay, delayChangeType] of [ |
[web3.utils.toBN(delay).subn(time.duration.hours(1)), 'decreased'], |
[web3.utils.toBN(delay).addn(time.duration.hours(1)), 'increased'], |
[web3.utils.toBN(delay).addn(time.duration.days(5)), 'increased to more than 5 days'], |
]) { |
describe(`when the delay is ${delayChangeType}`, function () { |
it('begins the delay change to the new delay', async function () { |
// Begins the change
const receipt = await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(newDefaultAdminDelay, { |
from: defaultAdmin, |
}); |
// Calculate expected values
const cap = await this.accessControl.defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait(); |
const changeDelay = newDefaultAdminDelay.lte(delay) |
? delay.sub(newDefaultAdminDelay) |
: BN.min(newDefaultAdminDelay, cap); |
const timestamp = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()); |
const effectSchedule = timestamp.add(changeDelay); |
// Assert
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(newDefaultAdminDelay); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(effectSchedule); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminDelayChangeScheduled', { |
newDelay, |
effectSchedule, |
}); |
}); |
beforeEach(function () { |
delayNotPassed = delayPassed.subn(1); |
describe('scheduling again', function () { |
beforeEach('schedule once', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(newDefaultAdminDelay, { from: defaultAdmin }); |
}); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'before'], |
[0, 'exactly when'], |
[1, 'after'], |
]) { |
const passed = fromSchedule > 0; |
it(`succeeds ${tag} the delay schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
// Default admin changes its mind and begins another delay change
const anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay = newDefaultAdminDelay.addn(time.duration.hours(2)); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay, { |
from: defaultAdmin, |
}); |
// Calculate expected values
const cap = await this.accessControl.defaultAdminDelayIncreaseWait(); |
const timestamp = web3.utils.toBN(await time.latest()); |
const effectSchedule = timestamp.add(BN.min(cap, anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay)); |
// Assert
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(effectSchedule); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'DefaultAdminDelayChangeScheduled', { |
newDelay, |
effectSchedule, |
}); |
}); |
const emit = passed ? 'not emit' : 'emit'; |
it(`should ${emit} a cancellation event ${tag} the delay schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
// Default admin changes its mind and begins another delay change
const anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay = newDefaultAdminDelay.addn(time.duration.hours(2)); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(anotherNewDefaultAdminDelay, { |
from: defaultAdmin, |
}); |
const eventMatcher = passed ? expectNoEvent : expectEvent; |
eventMatcher(receipt, 'DefaultAdminDelayChangeCanceled'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |
it('reverts if block.timestamp is equal to delayed until', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayNotPassed); |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, defaultAdmin, { from }), |
`${errorPrefix}: only can renounce in two delayed steps`, |
); |
describe('rollbacks a delay change', function () { |
it('reverts if called by non default admin accounts', async function () { |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.rollbackDefaultAdminDelay({ from: other }), |
`${errorPrefix}: account ${other.toLowerCase()} is missing role ${DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE}`, |
); |
}); |
describe('when there is a pending delay', function () { |
beforeEach('set pending delay', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.changeDefaultAdminDelay(time.duration.hours(12), { from: defaultAdmin }); |
}); |
it('reverts if block.timestamp is less than delayed until', async function () { |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(delayNotPassed.subn(1)); |
await expectRevert( |
this.accessControl.renounceRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, defaultAdmin, { from }), |
`${errorPrefix}: only can renounce in two delayed steps`, |
); |
for (const [fromSchedule, tag] of [ |
[-1, 'before'], |
[0, 'exactly when'], |
[1, 'after'], |
]) { |
const passed = fromSchedule > 0; |
it(`resets pending delay and schedule ${tag} delay change schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
await this.accessControl.rollbackDefaultAdminDelay({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
}); |
const emit = passed ? 'not emit' : 'emit'; |
it(`should ${emit} a cancellation event ${tag} the delay schedule passes`, async function () { |
// Wait until schedule + fromSchedule
const { schedule: firstSchedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
await time.setNextBlockTimestamp(firstSchedule.toNumber() + fromSchedule); |
const receipt = await this.accessControl.rollbackDefaultAdminDelay({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
const eventMatcher = passed ? expectNoEvent : expectEvent; |
eventMatcher(receipt, 'DefaultAdminDelayChangeCanceled'); |
}); |
} |
}); |
describe('when there is no pending delay', function () { |
it('succeeds without changes', async function () { |
await this.accessControl.rollbackDefaultAdminDelay({ from: defaultAdmin }); |
const { newDelay, schedule } = await this.accessControl.pendingDefaultAdminDelay(); |
expect(newDelay).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
expect(schedule).to.be.bignumber.eq(ZERO); |
}); |
}); |
}); |