@ -158,20 +158,8 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
const amount = 100 ;
const spender = ZERO _ADDRESS ;
it ( 'approves the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . approve ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . approve ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await assertRevert ( this . token . approve ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -261,28 +249,14 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'decrease approval ' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'decrease allowance ' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'when the spender is not the zero address' , function ( ) {
const spender = recipient ;
describe ( 'when the sender has enough balance' , function ( ) {
const amount = 100 ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
function shouldDecreaseApproval ( amount ) {
describe ( 'when there was no approved amount before' , function ( ) {
it ( 'keeps the allowance to zero' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await assertRevert ( this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -290,59 +264,46 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
const approvedAmount = amount ;
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . approve ( spender , approvedAmount , { from : owner } ) ;
( { logs : this . logs } = await this . token . approve ( spender , approvedAmount , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , approvedAmount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'decreases the spender allowance subtracting the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , approvedAmount - 5 , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , approvedAmount - 1 , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 5 ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sets the allowance to zero when all allowance is removed' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , approvedAmount , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , approvedAmount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'sets the allowance to zero when more than the full allowance is removed' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , approvedAmount + 5 , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
it ( 'reverts when more than the full allowance is removed' , async function ( ) {
await assertRevert ( this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , approvedAmount + 1 , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when the sender has enough balance' , function ( ) {
const amount = 100 ;
shouldDecreaseApproval ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when the sender does not have enough balance' , function ( ) {
const amount = 101 ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when there was no approved amount before' , function ( ) {
it ( 'keeps the allowance to zero' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'when the spender had an approved amount' , function ( ) {
beforeEach ( async function ( ) {
await this . token . approve ( spender , amount + 1 , { from : owner } ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'decreases the spender allowance subtracting the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
shouldDecreaseApproval ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
@ -350,25 +311,13 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
const amount = 100 ;
const spender = ZERO _ADDRESS ;
it ( 'decreases the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . decreaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( 0 ) ;
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await assertRevert ( this . token . decreaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'increase approval ' , function ( ) {
describe ( 'increase allowance' , function ( ) {
const amount = 100 ;
describe ( 'when the spender is not the zero address' , function ( ) {
@ -376,7 +325,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
describe ( 'when the sender has enough balance' , function ( ) {
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
const { logs } = await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
@ -387,7 +336,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
describe ( 'when there was no approved amount before' , function ( ) {
it ( 'approves the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
@ -399,7 +348,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
} ) ;
it ( 'increases the spender allowance adding the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
@ -410,7 +359,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
const amount = 101 ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
const { logs } = await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
@ -421,7 +370,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
describe ( 'when there was no approved amount before' , function ( ) {
it ( 'approves the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
@ -433,7 +382,7 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
} ) ;
it ( 'increases the spender allowance adding the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
await this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount + 1 ) ;
} ) ;
@ -444,20 +393,8 @@ contract('ERC20', function ([_, owner, recipient, anotherAccount]) {
describe ( 'when the spender is the zero address' , function ( ) {
const spender = ZERO _ADDRESS ;
it ( 'approves the requested amount' , async function ( ) {
await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
( await this . token . allowance ( owner , spender ) ) . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'emits an approval event' , async function ( ) {
const { logs } = await this . token . increaseApproval ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ;
logs . length . should . equal ( 1 ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . event . should . equal ( 'Approval' ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . owner . should . equal ( owner ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . spender . should . equal ( spender ) ;
logs [ 0 ] . args . value . should . be . bignumber . equal ( amount ) ;
it ( 'reverts' , async function ( ) {
await assertRevert ( this . token . increaseAllowance ( spender , amount , { from : owner } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;