@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ It would be nice to see how many payments are pending. This would imply a bit of
## Shareable Contract
We do not believe the `Shareable.sol` contract is ready for primetime. It is missing functions, and as written may be vulnerable to a reordering attack -- an attack in which a miner or other party "racing" with a smart contract participant inserts their own information into a list or mapping.
We do not believe the `Shareable.sol` contract is ready for primetime. It is missing functions, and as written may be vulnerable to a reordering attack -- an attack in which a miner or other party "racing" with a smart contract participant inserts their own information into a list or mapping.
The confirmation and revocation code needs to be looked over with a very careful eye imagining extraordinarily bad behavior by shared owners before this contract can be called safe.