@ -1,333 +1,279 @@ |
const { balance, constants, ether, expectRevert, send, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); |
const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); |
const { expect } = require('chai'); |
const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../helpers/customError'); |
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); |
const { PANIC_CODES } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/panic'); |
const Address = artifacts.require('$Address'); |
const EtherReceiver = artifacts.require('EtherReceiverMock'); |
const CallReceiverMock = artifacts.require('CallReceiverMock'); |
const coder = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder(); |
contract('Address', function (accounts) { |
const [recipient, other] = accounts; |
async function fixture() { |
const [recipient, other] = await ethers.getSigners(); |
const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$Address'); |
const target = await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock'); |
const targetEther = await ethers.deployContract('EtherReceiverMock'); |
return { recipient, other, mock, target, targetEther }; |
} |
describe('Address', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.mock = await Address.new(); |
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); |
}); |
describe('sendValue', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.recipientTracker = await balance.tracker(recipient); |
}); |
context('when sender contract has no funds', function () { |
describe('when sender contract has no funds', function () { |
it('sends 0 wei', async function () { |
await this.mock.$sendValue(other, 0); |
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal('0'); |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.other, 0)).to.changeEtherBalance(this.recipient, 0); |
}); |
it('reverts when sending non-zero amounts', async function () { |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$sendValue(other, 1), 'AddressInsufficientBalance', [ |
this.mock.address, |
]); |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.other, 1)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressInsufficientBalance') |
.withArgs(this.mock.target); |
}); |
}); |
context('when sender contract has funds', function () { |
const funds = ether('1'); |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, funds); |
}); |
describe('when sender contract has funds', function () { |
const funds = ethers.parseEther('1'); |
it('sends 0 wei', async function () { |
await this.mock.$sendValue(recipient, 0); |
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal('0'); |
beforeEach(async function () { |
await this.other.sendTransaction({ to: this.mock, value: funds }); |
}); |
it('sends non-zero amounts', async function () { |
await this.mock.$sendValue(recipient, funds.subn(1)); |
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds.subn(1)); |
}); |
describe('with EOA recipient', function () { |
it('sends 0 wei', async function () { |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.recipient, 0)).to.changeEtherBalance(this.recipient.address, 0); |
}); |
it('sends the whole balance', async function () { |
await this.mock.$sendValue(recipient, funds); |
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds); |
expect(await balance.current(this.mock.address)).to.be.bignumber.equal('0'); |
}); |
it('sends non-zero amounts', async function () { |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.recipient, funds - 1n)).to.changeEtherBalance( |
this.recipient, |
funds - 1n, |
); |
}); |
it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () { |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$sendValue(recipient, funds.addn(1)), 'AddressInsufficientBalance', [ |
this.mock.address, |
]); |
}); |
it('sends the whole balance', async function () { |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.recipient, funds)).to.changeEtherBalance(this.recipient, funds); |
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(this.mock)).to.equal(0n); |
}); |
context('with contract recipient', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.target = await EtherReceiver.new(); |
it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () { |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.recipient, funds + 1n)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressInsufficientBalance') |
.withArgs(this.mock.target); |
}); |
}); |
describe('with contract recipient', function () { |
it('sends funds', async function () { |
const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.target.address); |
await this.target.setAcceptEther(true); |
await this.mock.$sendValue(this.target.address, funds); |
expect(await tracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds); |
await this.targetEther.setAcceptEther(true); |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.targetEther, funds)).to.changeEtherBalance(this.targetEther, funds); |
}); |
it('reverts on recipient revert', async function () { |
await this.target.setAcceptEther(false); |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$sendValue(this.target.address, funds), 'FailedInnerCall', []); |
await this.targetEther.setAcceptEther(false); |
await expect(this.mock.$sendValue(this.targetEther, funds)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('functionCall', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.target = await CallReceiverMock.new(); |
}); |
context('with valid contract receiver', function () { |
describe('with valid contract receiver', function () { |
it('calls the requested function', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
const receipt = await this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'return$functionCall', { |
ret0: web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']), |
}); |
await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)) |
.to.emit(this.target, 'MockFunctionCalled') |
.to.emit(this.mock, 'return$functionCall') |
.withArgs(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
}); |
it('calls the requested empty return function', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionEmptyReturn().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionEmptyReturn'); |
const receipt = await this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall); |
await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)).to.emit(this.target, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
}); |
it('reverts when the called function reverts with no reason', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionRevertsNoReason().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsNoReason'); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
[], |
); |
}); |
it('reverts when the called function reverts, bubbling up the revert reason', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionRevertsReason().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsReason'); |
await expectRevert(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), 'CallReceiverMock: reverting'); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWith('CallReceiverMock: reverting'); |
}); |
it('reverts when the called function runs out of gas', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionOutOfGas().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionOutOfGas'); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, { gas: '120000' }), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call, { gasLimit: 120_000n })).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
[], |
); |
}); |
it('reverts when the called function throws', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionThrows().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionThrows'); |
await expectRevert.unspecified(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall)); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWithPanic(PANIC_CODES.ASSERTION_ERROR); |
}); |
it('reverts when function does not exist', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall( |
{ |
name: 'mockFunctionDoesNotExist', |
type: 'function', |
inputs: [], |
}, |
[], |
); |
const interface = new ethers.Interface(['function mockFunctionDoesNotExist()']); |
const call = interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionDoesNotExist'); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
[], |
); |
}); |
}); |
context('with non-contract receiver', function () { |
describe('with non-contract receiver', function () { |
it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { |
const [recipient] = accounts; |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$functionCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'AddressEmptyCode', [ |
recipient, |
]); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCall(this.recipient, call)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressEmptyCode') |
.withArgs(this.recipient.address); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('functionCallWithValue', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.target = await CallReceiverMock.new(); |
}); |
context('with zero value', function () { |
describe('with zero value', function () { |
it('calls the requested function', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
const receipt = await this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, 0); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'return$functionCallWithValue', { |
ret0: web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']), |
}); |
await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target, call, 0)) |
.to.emit(this.target, 'MockFunctionCalled') |
.to.emit(this.mock, 'return$functionCallWithValue') |
.withArgs(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
}); |
}); |
context('with non-zero value', function () { |
const amount = ether('1.2'); |
describe('with non-zero value', function () { |
const value = ethers.parseEther('1.2'); |
it('reverts if insufficient sender balance', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, amount), |
'AddressInsufficientBalance', |
[this.mock.address], |
); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target, call, value)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressInsufficientBalance') |
.withArgs(this.mock.target); |
}); |
it('calls the requested function with existing value', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
await this.other.sendTransaction({ to: this.mock, value }); |
const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.target.address); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
const tx = await this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target, call, value); |
await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, amount); |
await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalance(this.target, value); |
const receipt = await this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, amount); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'return$functionCallWithValue', { |
ret0: web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']), |
}); |
await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
expect(await tracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(amount); |
await expect(tx) |
.to.emit(this.target, 'MockFunctionCalled') |
.to.emit(this.mock, 'return$functionCallWithValue') |
.withArgs(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
}); |
it('calls the requested function with transaction funds', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.target.address); |
expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(this.mock)).to.equal(0n); |
expect(await balance.current(this.mock.address)).to.be.bignumber.equal('0'); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
const tx = await this.mock.connect(this.other).$functionCallWithValue(this.target, call, value, { value }); |
const receipt = await this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, amount, { |
from: other, |
value: amount, |
}); |
expectEvent(receipt, 'return$functionCallWithValue', { |
ret0: web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']), |
}); |
await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); |
expect(await tracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(amount); |
await expect(tx).to.changeEtherBalance(this.target, value); |
await expect(tx) |
.to.emit(this.target, 'MockFunctionCalled') |
.to.emit(this.mock, 'return$functionCallWithValue') |
.withArgs(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
}); |
it('reverts when calling non-payable functions', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionNonPayable().encodeABI(); |
await this.other.sendTransaction({ to: this.mock, value }); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionNonPayable'); |
await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, amount); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall, amount), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionCallWithValue(this.target, call, value)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
[], |
); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('functionStaticCall', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.target = await CallReceiverMock.new(); |
}); |
it('calls the requested function', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockStaticFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockStaticFunction'); |
expect(await this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall)).to.be.equal( |
web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']), |
); |
expect(await this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target, call)).to.equal(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
}); |
it('reverts on a non-static function', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
await expectRevertCustomError( |
this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( |
this.mock, |
'FailedInnerCall', |
[], |
); |
}); |
it('bubbles up revert reason', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionRevertsReason().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsReason'); |
await expectRevert( |
this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
'CallReceiverMock: reverting', |
); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWith('CallReceiverMock: reverting'); |
}); |
it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { |
const [recipient] = accounts; |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$functionStaticCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'AddressEmptyCode', [ |
recipient, |
]); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionStaticCall(this.recipient, call)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressEmptyCode') |
.withArgs(this.recipient.address); |
}); |
}); |
describe('functionDelegateCall', function () { |
beforeEach(async function () { |
this.target = await CallReceiverMock.new(); |
}); |
it('delegate calls the requested function', async function () { |
// pseudorandom values
const slot = '0x93e4c53af435ddf777c3de84bb9a953a777788500e229a468ea1036496ab66a0'; |
const value = '0x6a465d1c49869f71fb65562bcbd7e08c8044074927f0297127203f2a9924ff5b'; |
const slot = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(32)); |
const value = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(32)); |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionWritesStorage(slot, value).encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionWritesStorage', [slot, value]); |
expect(await web3.eth.getStorageAt(this.mock.address, slot)).to.be.equal(constants.ZERO_BYTES32); |
expect(await ethers.provider.getStorage(this.mock, slot)).to.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); |
expectEvent( |
await this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
'return$functionDelegateCall', |
{ ret0: web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['string'], ['0x1234']) }, |
); |
await expect(await this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(this.target, call)) |
.to.emit(this.mock, 'return$functionDelegateCall') |
.withArgs(coder.encode(['string'], ['0x1234'])); |
expect(await web3.eth.getStorageAt(this.mock.address, slot)).to.be.equal(value); |
expect(await ethers.provider.getStorage(this.mock, slot)).to.equal(value); |
}); |
it('bubbles up revert reason', async function () { |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunctionRevertsReason().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunctionRevertsReason'); |
await expectRevert( |
this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(this.target.address, abiEncodedCall), |
await expect(this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(this.target, call)).to.be.revertedWith( |
'CallReceiverMock: reverting', |
); |
}); |
it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { |
const [recipient] = accounts; |
const abiEncodedCall = this.target.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI(); |
const call = this.target.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'); |
await expectRevertCustomError(this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'AddressEmptyCode', [ |
recipient, |
]); |
await expect(this.mock.$functionDelegateCall(this.recipient, call)) |
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(this.mock, 'AddressEmptyCode') |
.withArgs(this.recipient.address); |
}); |
}); |