@ -8,34 +8,43 @@ contract('SignedSafeMath', function () { |
this.safeMath = await SignedSafeMathMock.new(); |
}); |
async function testCommutative (fn, lhs, rhs, expected) { |
(await fn(lhs, rhs)).should.be.bignumber.equal(expected); |
(await fn(rhs, lhs)).should.be.bignumber.equal(expected); |
} |
async function testFailsCommutative (fn, lhs, rhs) { |
await shouldFail.reverting(fn(lhs, rhs)); |
await shouldFail.reverting(fn(rhs, lhs)); |
} |
describe('add', function () { |
it('adds correctly if it does not overflow and the result is positve', async function () { |
const a = new BN('1234'); |
const b = new BN('5678'); |
(await this.safeMath.add(a, b)).should.be.bignumber.equal(a.add(b)); |
await testCommutative(this.safeMath.add, a, b, a.add(b)); |
}); |
it('adds correctly if it does not overflow and the result is negative', async function () { |
const a = MAX_INT256; |
const b = MIN_INT256; |
const result = await this.safeMath.add(a, b); |
result.should.be.bignumber.equal(a.add(b)); |
await testCommutative(this.safeMath.add, a, b, a.add(b)); |
}); |
it('reverts on positive addition overflow', async function () { |
const a = MAX_INT256; |
const b = new BN('1'); |
await shouldFail.reverting(this.safeMath.add(a, b)); |
await testFailsCommutative(this.safeMath.add, a, b); |
}); |
it('reverts on negative addition overflow', async function () { |
const a = MIN_INT256; |
const b = new BN('-1'); |
await shouldFail.reverting(this.safeMath.add(a, b)); |
await testFailsCommutative(this.safeMath.add, a, b); |
}); |
}); |
@ -76,37 +85,28 @@ contract('SignedSafeMath', function () { |
const a = new BN('5678'); |
const b = new BN('-1234'); |
const result = await this.safeMath.mul(a, b); |
result.should.be.bignumber.equal(a.mul(b)); |
await testCommutative(this.safeMath.mul, a, b, a.mul(b)); |
}); |
it('handles a zero product correctly', async function () { |
it('multiplies by zero correctly', async function () { |
const a = new BN('0'); |
const b = new BN('5678'); |
const result = await this.safeMath.mul(a, b); |
result.should.be.bignumber.equal(a.mul(b)); |
await testCommutative(this.safeMath.mul, a, b, '0'); |
}); |
it('reverts on multiplication overflow, positive operands', async function () { |
const a = MAX_INT256; |
const b = new BN('2'); |
await shouldFail.reverting(this.safeMath.mul(a, b)); |
await testFailsCommutative(this.safeMath.mul, a, b); |
}); |
it('reverts when minimum integer is multiplied by -1', async function () { |
const a = MIN_INT256; |
const b = new BN('-1'); |
await shouldFail.reverting(this.safeMath.mul(a, b)); |
}); |
it('reverts when -1 is multiplied by minimum integer', async function () { |
const a = new BN('-1'); |
const b = MIN_INT256; |
await shouldFail.reverting(this.safeMath.mul(a, b)); |
await testFailsCommutative(this.safeMath.mul, a, b); |
}); |
}); |
@ -119,7 +119,21 @@ contract('SignedSafeMath', function () { |
result.should.be.bignumber.equal(a.div(b)); |
}); |
it('reverts on zero division', async function () { |
it('divides zero correctly', async function () { |
const a = new BN('0'); |
const b = new BN('5678'); |
(await this.safeMath.div(a, b)).should.be.bignumber.equal('0'); |
}); |
it('returns complete number result on non-even division', async function () { |
const a = new BN('7000'); |
const b = new BN('5678'); |
(await this.safeMath.div(a, b)).should.be.bignumber.equal('1'); |
}); |
it('reverts on division by zero', async function () { |
const a = new BN('-5678'); |
const b = new BN('0'); |