Merge pull request #680 from ajsantander/azavalla-feature/inheritable-contract

Azavalla feature/inheritable contract
Alejandro Santander 7 years ago committed by GitHub
commit ff9e9c4d85
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 40
  2. 99
  3. 110
  4. 33

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
import "../ownership/Heritable.sol";
* @title SimpleSavingsWallet
* @dev Simplest form of savings wallet whose ownership can be claimed by a heir
* if owner dies.
* In this example, we take a very simple savings wallet providing two operations
* (to send and receive funds) and extend its capabilities by making it Heritable.
* The account that creates the contract is set as owner, who has the authority to
* choose an heir account. Heir account can reclaim the contract ownership in the
* case that the owner dies.
contract SimpleSavingsWallet is Heritable {
event Sent(address indexed payee, uint256 amount, uint256 balance);
event Received(address indexed payer, uint256 amount, uint256 balance);
function SimpleSavingsWallet(uint256 _heartbeatTimeout) Heritable(_heartbeatTimeout) public {}
* @dev wallet can receive funds.
function () public payable {
Received(msg.sender, msg.value, this.balance);
* @dev wallet can send funds
function sendTo(address payee, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
require(payee != 0 && payee != address(this));
require(amount > 0);
Sent(payee, amount, this.balance);

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
import "./Ownable.sol";
* @title Heritable
* @dev The Heritable contract provides ownership transfer capabilities, in the
* case that the current owner stops "heartbeating". Only the heir can pronounce the
* owner's death.
contract Heritable is Ownable {
address public heir;
// Time window the owner has to notify they are alive.
uint256 public heartbeatTimeout;
// Timestamp of the owner's death, as pronounced by the heir.
uint256 public timeOfDeath;
event HeirChanged(address indexed owner, address indexed newHeir);
event OwnerHeartbeated(address indexed owner);
event OwnerProclaimedDead(address indexed owner, address indexed heir, uint256 timeOfDeath);
event HeirOwnershipClaimed(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev Throw an exception if called by any account other than the heir's.
modifier onlyHeir() {
require(msg.sender == heir);
* @notice Create a new Heritable Contract with heir address 0x0.
* @param _heartbeatTimeout time available for the owner to notify they are alive,
* before the heir can take ownership.
function Heritable(uint256 _heartbeatTimeout) public {
function setHeir(address newHeir) public onlyOwner {
require(newHeir != owner);
HeirChanged(owner, newHeir);
heir = newHeir;
* @dev set heir = 0x0
function removeHeir() public onlyOwner {
heir = 0;
* @dev Heir can pronounce the owners death. To claim the ownership, they will
* have to wait for `heartbeatTimeout` seconds.
function proclaimDeath() public onlyHeir {
OwnerProclaimedDead(owner, heir, timeOfDeath);
timeOfDeath = now;
* @dev Owner can send a heartbeat if they were mistakenly pronounced dead.
function heartbeat() public onlyOwner {
timeOfDeath = 0;
* @dev Allows heir to transfer ownership only if heartbeat has timed out.
function claimHeirOwnership() public onlyHeir {
require(now >= timeOfDeath + heartbeatTimeout);
OwnershipTransferred(owner, heir);
HeirOwnershipClaimed(owner, heir);
owner = heir;
timeOfDeath = 0;
function setHeartbeatTimeout(uint256 newHeartbeatTimeout) internal onlyOwner {
heartbeatTimeout = newHeartbeatTimeout;
function ownerLives() internal view returns (bool) {
return timeOfDeath == 0;

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import increaseTime from './helpers/increaseTime';
import expectThrow from './helpers/expectThrow';
const NULL_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const Heritable = artifacts.require('../contracts/ownership/Heritable.sol');
contract('Heritable', function (accounts) {
let heritable;
let owner;
beforeEach(async function () {
heritable = await;
owner = await heritable.owner();
it('should start off with an owner, but without heir', async function () {
const heir = await heritable.heir();
assert.equal(typeof (owner), 'string');
assert.equal(typeof (heir), 'string');
'Owner shouldn\'t be the null address'
heir === NULL_ADDRESS,
'Heir should be the null address'
it('only owner should set heir', async function () {
const newHeir = accounts[1];
const someRandomAddress = accounts[2];
assert.isTrue(owner !== someRandomAddress);
await heritable.setHeir(newHeir, { from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.setHeir(newHeir, { from: someRandomAddress }));
it('owner can remove heir', async function () {
const newHeir = accounts[1];
await heritable.setHeir(newHeir, { from: owner });
let heir = await heritable.heir();
assert.notStrictEqual(heir, NULL_ADDRESS);
await heritable.removeHeir();
heir = await heritable.heir();
assert.isTrue(heir === NULL_ADDRESS);
it('heir can claim ownership only if owner is dead and timeout was reached', async function () {
const heir = accounts[1];
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await increaseTime(1);
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await increaseTime(4141);
await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir });
assert.isTrue(await heritable.heir() === heir);
it('heir can\'t claim ownership if owner heartbeats', async function () {
const heir = accounts[1];
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await increaseTime(4141);
await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
it('should log events appropriately', async function () {
const heir = accounts[1];
const setHeirLogs = (await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner })).logs;
const setHeirEvent = setHeirLogs.find(e => e.event === 'HeirChanged');
assert.isTrue(setHeirEvent.args.owner === owner);
assert.isTrue(setHeirEvent.args.newHeir === heir);
const heartbeatLogs = (await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner })).logs;
const heartbeatEvent = heartbeatLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerHeartbeated');
assert.isTrue(heartbeatEvent.args.owner === owner);
const proclaimDeathLogs = (await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir })).logs;
const ownerDeadEvent = proclaimDeathLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerProclaimedDead');
assert.isTrue(ownerDeadEvent.args.owner === owner);
assert.isTrue(ownerDeadEvent.args.heir === heir);
await increaseTime(4141);
const claimHeirOwnershipLogs = (await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir })).logs;
const ownershipTransferredEvent = claimHeirOwnershipLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnershipTransferred');
const heirOwnershipClaimedEvent = claimHeirOwnershipLogs.find(e => e.event === 'HeirOwnershipClaimed');
assert.isTrue(ownershipTransferredEvent.args.previousOwner === owner);
assert.isTrue(ownershipTransferredEvent.args.newOwner === heir);
assert.isTrue(heirOwnershipClaimedEvent.args.previousOwner === owner);
assert.isTrue(heirOwnershipClaimedEvent.args.newOwner === heir);

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import expectThrow from './helpers/expectThrow';
const SimpleSavingsWallet = artifacts.require('../contracts/examples/SimpleSavingsWallet.sol');
contract('SimpleSavingsWallet', function (accounts) {
let savingsWallet;
let owner;
const paymentAmount = 4242;
beforeEach(async function () {
savingsWallet = await;
owner = await savingsWallet.owner();
it('should receive funds', async function () {
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: owner, to: savingsWallet.address, value: paymentAmount });
assert.isTrue((new web3.BigNumber(paymentAmount)).equals(web3.eth.getBalance(savingsWallet.address)));
it('owner can send funds', async function () {
// Receive payment so we have some money to spend.
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: accounts[9], to: savingsWallet.address, value: 1000000 });
await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(0, paymentAmount, { from: owner }));
await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(savingsWallet.address, paymentAmount, { from: owner }));
await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(accounts[1], 0, { from: owner }));
const balance = web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[1]);
await savingsWallet.sendTo(accounts[1], paymentAmount, { from: owner });