const { BN, constants, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { MAX_UINT256 } = constants; const { Rounding } = require('../../helpers/enums.js'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../helpers/customError.js'); const Math = artifacts.require('$Math'); function expectStruct(value, expected) { for (const key in expected) { if (BN.isBN(value[key])) { expect(value[key])[key]); } else { expect(value[key])[key]); } } } async function testCommutativeIterable(fn, lhs, rhs, expected, ...extra) { expectStruct(await fn(lhs, rhs, ...extra), expected); expectStruct(await fn(rhs, lhs, ...extra), expected); } contract('Math', function () { const min = new BN('1234'); const max = new BN('5678'); const MAX_UINT256_SUB1 = MAX_UINT256.sub(new BN('1')); const MAX_UINT256_SUB2 = MAX_UINT256.sub(new BN('2')); beforeEach(async function () { this.math = await; }); describe('tryAdd', function () { it('adds correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('1234'); await testCommutativeIterable(this.math.$tryAdd, a, b, [true, a.add(b)]); }); it('reverts on addition overflow', async function () { const a = MAX_UINT256; const b = new BN('1'); await testCommutativeIterable(this.math.$tryAdd, a, b, [false, '0']); }); }); describe('trySub', function () { it('subtracts correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('1234'); expectStruct(await this.math.$trySub(a, b), [true, a.sub(b)]); }); it('reverts if subtraction result would be negative', async function () { const a = new BN('1234'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$trySub(a, b), [false, '0']); }); }); describe('tryMul', function () { it('multiplies correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('1234'); const b = new BN('5678'); await testCommutativeIterable(this.math.$tryMul, a, b, [true, a.mul(b)]); }); it('multiplies by zero correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('0'); const b = new BN('5678'); await testCommutativeIterable(this.math.$tryMul, a, b, [true, a.mul(b)]); }); it('reverts on multiplication overflow', async function () { const a = MAX_UINT256; const b = new BN('2'); await testCommutativeIterable(this.math.$tryMul, a, b, [false, '0']); }); }); describe('tryDiv', function () { it('divides correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryDiv(a, b), [true, a.div(b)]); }); it('divides zero correctly', async function () { const a = new BN('0'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryDiv(a, b), [true, a.div(b)]); }); it('returns complete number result on non-even division', async function () { const a = new BN('7000'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryDiv(a, b), [true, a.div(b)]); }); it('reverts on division by zero', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('0'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryDiv(a, b), [false, '0']); }); }); describe('tryMod', function () { describe('modulos correctly', async function () { it('when the dividend is smaller than the divisor', async function () { const a = new BN('284'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryMod(a, b), [true, a.mod(b)]); }); it('when the dividend is equal to the divisor', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryMod(a, b), [true, a.mod(b)]); }); it('when the dividend is larger than the divisor', async function () { const a = new BN('7000'); const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryMod(a, b), [true, a.mod(b)]); }); it('when the dividend is a multiple of the divisor', async function () { const a = new BN('17034'); // 17034 == 5678 * 3 const b = new BN('5678'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryMod(a, b), [true, a.mod(b)]); }); }); it('reverts with a 0 divisor', async function () { const a = new BN('5678'); const b = new BN('0'); expectStruct(await this.math.$tryMod(a, b), [false, '0']); }); }); describe('max', function () { it('is correctly detected in first argument position', async function () { expect(await this.math.$max(max, min)); }); it('is correctly detected in second argument position', async function () { expect(await this.math.$max(min, max)); }); }); describe('min', function () { it('is correctly detected in first argument position', async function () { expect(await this.math.$min(min, max)); }); it('is correctly detected in second argument position', async function () { expect(await this.math.$min(max, min)); }); }); describe('average', function () { function bnAverage(a, b) { return a.add(b).divn(2); } it('is correctly calculated with two odd numbers', async function () { const a = new BN('57417'); const b = new BN('95431'); expect(await this.math.$average(a, b)), b)); }); it('is correctly calculated with two even numbers', async function () { const a = new BN('42304'); const b = new BN('84346'); expect(await this.math.$average(a, b)), b)); }); it('is correctly calculated with one even and one odd number', async function () { const a = new BN('57417'); const b = new BN('84346'); expect(await this.math.$average(a, b)), b)); }); it('is correctly calculated with two max uint256 numbers', async function () { const a = MAX_UINT256; expect(await this.math.$average(a, a)), a)); }); }); describe('ceilDiv', function () { it('reverts on zero division', async function () { const a = new BN('2'); const b = new BN('0'); // It's unspecified because it's a low level 0 division error await expectRevert.unspecified(this.math.$ceilDiv(a, b)); }); it('does not round up a zero result', async function () { const a = new BN('0'); const b = new BN('2'); expect(await this.math.$ceilDiv(a, b))'0'); }); it('does not round up on exact division', async function () { const a = new BN('10'); const b = new BN('5'); expect(await this.math.$ceilDiv(a, b))'2'); }); it('rounds up on division with remainders', async function () { const a = new BN('42'); const b = new BN('13'); expect(await this.math.$ceilDiv(a, b))'4'); }); it('does not overflow', async function () { const b = new BN('2'); const result = new BN('1').shln(255); expect(await this.math.$ceilDiv(MAX_UINT256, b)); }); it('correctly computes max uint256 divided by 1', async function () { const b = new BN('1'); expect(await this.math.$ceilDiv(MAX_UINT256, b)); }); }); describe('muldiv', function () { it('divide by 0', async function () { await expectRevert.unspecified(this.math.$mulDiv(1, 1, 0, Rounding.Down)); }); it('reverts with result higher than 2 ^ 256', async function () { await expectRevertCustomError(this.math.$mulDiv(5, MAX_UINT256, 2, Rounding.Down), 'MathOverflowedMulDiv', []); }); describe('does round down', async function () { it('small values', async function () { expect(await this.math.$mulDiv('3', '4', '5', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv('3', '5', '5', Rounding.Down))'3'); }); it('large values', async function () { expect( await this.math.$mulDiv(new BN('42'), MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down), ) BN('41')); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(new BN('17'), MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down)) new BN('17'), ); expect( await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down), ); expect( await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down), ); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down)) MAX_UINT256, ); }); }); describe('does round up', async function () { it('small values', async function () { expect(await this.math.$mulDiv('3', '4', '5', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv('3', '5', '5', Rounding.Up))'3'); }); it('large values', async function () { expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(new BN('42'), MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up)) new BN('42'), ); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(new BN('17'), MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up)) new BN('17'), ); expect( await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up), ); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256_SUB1, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up)) MAX_UINT256_SUB1, ); expect(await this.math.$mulDiv(MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up)) MAX_UINT256, ); }); }); }); describe('sqrt', function () { it('rounds down', async function () { expect(await this.math.$sqrt('0', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('2', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('3', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('4', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('144', Rounding.Down))'12'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('999999', Rounding.Down))'999'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1000000', Rounding.Down))'1000'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1000001', Rounding.Down))'1000'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1002000', Rounding.Down))'1000'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1002001', Rounding.Down))'1001'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down)) '340282366920938463463374607431768211455', ); }); it('rounds up', async function () { expect(await this.math.$sqrt('0', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('2', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('3', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('4', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('144', Rounding.Up))'12'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('999999', Rounding.Up))'1000'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1000000', Rounding.Up))'1000'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1000001', Rounding.Up))'1001'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1002000', Rounding.Up))'1001'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt('1002001', Rounding.Up))'1001'); expect(await this.math.$sqrt(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up)) '340282366920938463463374607431768211456', ); }); }); describe('log', function () { describe('log2', function () { it('rounds down', async function () { // For some reason calling .$log2() directly fails expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('0', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('1', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('2', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('3', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('4', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('5', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('6', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('7', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('8', Rounding.Down))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('9', Rounding.Down))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)'](MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down)) '255', ); }); it('rounds up', async function () { // For some reason calling .$log2() directly fails expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('0', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('1', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('2', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('3', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('4', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('5', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('6', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('7', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('8', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)']('9', Rounding.Up))'4'); expect(await this.math.methods['$log2(uint256,uint8)'](MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up))'256'); }); }); describe('log10', function () { it('rounds down', async function () { expect(await this.math.$log10('0', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('2', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('9', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('10', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('11', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('99', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('100', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('101', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('999', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1000', Rounding.Down))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1001', Rounding.Down))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log10(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down))'77'); }); it('rounds up', async function () { expect(await this.math.$log10('0', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log10('2', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('9', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('10', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log10('11', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('99', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('100', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log10('101', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log10('999', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1000', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log10('1001', Rounding.Up))'4'); expect(await this.math.$log10(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up))'78'); }); }); describe('log256', function () { it('rounds down', async function () { expect(await this.math.$log256('0', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('1', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('2', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('255', Rounding.Down))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('256', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('257', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65535', Rounding.Down))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65536', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65537', Rounding.Down))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log256(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Down))'31'); }); it('rounds up', async function () { expect(await this.math.$log256('0', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('1', Rounding.Up))'0'); expect(await this.math.$log256('2', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('255', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('256', Rounding.Up))'1'); expect(await this.math.$log256('257', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65535', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65536', Rounding.Up))'2'); expect(await this.math.$log256('65537', Rounding.Up))'3'); expect(await this.math.$log256(MAX_UINT256, Rounding.Up))'32'); }); }); }); });