const ethSigUtil = require('eth-sig-util'); const Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet').default; const EIP712 = artifacts.require('EIP712External'); const EIP712Domain = [ { name: 'name', type: 'string' }, { name: 'version', type: 'string' }, { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' }, ]; async function domainSeparator (name, version, chainId, verifyingContract) { return '0x' + ethSigUtil.TypedDataUtils.hashStruct( 'EIP712Domain', { name, version, chainId, verifyingContract }, { EIP712Domain }, ).toString('hex'); } contract('EIP712', function (accounts) { const [mailTo] = accounts; const name = 'A Name'; const version = '1'; beforeEach('deploying', async function () { this.eip712 = await, version); // We get the chain id from the contract because Ganache (used for coverage) does not return the same chain id // from within the EVM as from the JSON RPC interface. // See this.chainId = await this.eip712.getChainId(); }); it('domain separator', async function () { expect( await this.eip712.domainSeparator(), ).to.equal( await domainSeparator(name, version, this.chainId, this.eip712.address), ); }); it('digest', async function () { const chainId = this.chainId; const verifyingContract = this.eip712.address; const message = { to: mailTo, contents: 'very interesting', }; const data = { types: { EIP712Domain, Mail: [ { name: 'to', type: 'address' }, { name: 'contents', type: 'string' }, ], }, domain: { name, version, chainId, verifyingContract }, primaryType: 'Mail', message, }; const wallet = Wallet.generate(); const signature = ethSigUtil.signTypedMessage(wallet.getPrivateKey(), { data }); await this.eip712.verify(signature, wallet.getAddressString(),, message.contents); }); });