const { expect } = require('chai'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../../helpers/customError'); function shouldBehaveLikeERC20Capped(accounts, cap) { describe('capped token', function () { const user = accounts[0]; it('starts with the correct cap', async function () { expect(await this.token.cap()); }); it('mints when amount is less than cap', async function () { await this.token.$_mint(user, cap.subn(1)); expect(await this.token.totalSupply()); }); it('fails to mint if the amount exceeds the cap', async function () { await this.token.$_mint(user, cap.subn(1)); await expectRevertCustomError(this.token.$_mint(user, 2), 'ERC20ExceededCap', [cap.addn(1), cap]); }); it('fails to mint after cap is reached', async function () { await this.token.$_mint(user, cap); await expectRevertCustomError(this.token.$_mint(user, 1), 'ERC20ExceededCap', [cap.addn(1), cap]); }); }); } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeERC20Capped, };