const { ether } = require('../helpers/ether'); const shouldFail = require('../helpers/shouldFail'); const time = require('../helpers/time'); const { BigNumber } = require('../helpers/setup'); const TimedCrowdsaleImpl = artifacts.require('TimedCrowdsaleImpl'); const SimpleToken = artifacts.require('SimpleToken'); contract('TimedCrowdsale', function ([_, investor, wallet, purchaser]) { const rate = new BigNumber(1); const value = ether(42); const tokenSupply = new BigNumber('1e22'); before(async function () { // Advance to the next block to correctly read time in the solidity "now" function interpreted by ganache await time.advanceBlock(); }); beforeEach(async function () { this.openingTime = (await time.latest()) + time.duration.weeks(1); this.closingTime = this.openingTime + time.duration.weeks(1); this.afterClosingTime = this.closingTime + time.duration.seconds(1); this.token = await; }); it('reverts if the opening time is in the past', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( (await time.latest()) - time.duration.days(1), this.closingTime, rate, wallet, this.token.address )); }); it('reverts if the closing time is before the opening time', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.openingTime, this.openingTime - time.duration.seconds(1), rate, wallet, this.token.address )); }); it('reverts if the closing time equals the opening time', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.openingTime, this.openingTime, rate, wallet, this.token.address )); }); context('with crowdsale', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.crowdsale = await this.openingTime, this.closingTime, rate, wallet, this.token.address ); await this.token.transfer(this.crowdsale.address, tokenSupply); }); it('should be ended only after end', async function () { (await this.crowdsale.hasClosed()).should.equal(false); await time.increaseTo(this.afterClosingTime); (await this.crowdsale.isOpen()).should.equal(false); (await this.crowdsale.hasClosed()).should.equal(true); }); describe('accepting payments', function () { it('should reject payments before start', async function () { (await this.crowdsale.isOpen()).should.equal(false); await shouldFail.reverting(this.crowdsale.send(value)); await shouldFail.reverting(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(investor, { from: purchaser, value: value })); }); it('should accept payments after start', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.openingTime); (await this.crowdsale.isOpen()).should.equal(true); await this.crowdsale.send(value); await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(investor, { value: value, from: purchaser }); }); it('should reject payments after end', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.afterClosingTime); await shouldFail.reverting(this.crowdsale.send(value)); await shouldFail.reverting(this.crowdsale.buyTokens(investor, { value: value, from: purchaser })); }); }); }); });