const shouldFail = require('../helpers/shouldFail'); const { getSignFor } = require('../helpers/sign'); const { shouldBehaveLikePublicRole } = require('../access/roles/PublicRole.behavior'); const SignatureBouncerMock = artifacts.require('SignatureBouncerMock'); require('../helpers/setup'); const UINT_VALUE = 23; const BYTES_VALUE = web3.toHex('test'); const INVALID_SIGNATURE = '0xabcd'; contract('SignatureBouncer', function ([_, signer, otherSigner, anyone, authorizedUser, ...otherAccounts]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.sigBouncer = await{ from: signer }); this.signFor = getSignFor(this.sigBouncer, signer); }); describe('signer role', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contract = this.sigBouncer; await this.contract.addSigner(otherSigner, { from: signer }); }); shouldBehaveLikePublicRole(signer, otherSigner, otherAccounts, 'signer'); }); describe('modifiers', function () { context('plain signature', function () { it('allows valid signature for sender', async function () { await this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignature(this.signFor(authorizedUser), { from: authorizedUser }); }); it('does not allow invalid signature for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignature(INVALID_SIGNATURE, { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); it('does not allow valid signature for other sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignature(this.signFor(authorizedUser), { from: anyone }) ); }); it('does not allow valid signature for method for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignature(this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignature'), { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); }); context('method signature', function () { it('allows valid signature with correct method for sender', async function () { await this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod( this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod'), { from: authorizedUser } ); }); it('does not allow invalid signature with correct method for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod(INVALID_SIGNATURE, { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); it('does not allow valid signature with correct method for other sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod( this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod'), { from: anyone } ) ); }); it('does not allow valid method signature with incorrect method for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod(this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'theWrongMethod'), { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); it('does not allow valid non-method signature method for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndMethod(this.signFor(authorizedUser), { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); }); context('method and data signature', function () { it('allows valid signature with correct method and data for sender', async function () { await this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData(UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignatureAndData', [UINT_VALUE]), { from: authorizedUser } ); }); it('does not allow invalid signature with correct method and data for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData(UINT_VALUE, INVALID_SIGNATURE, { from: authorizedUser }) ); }); it('does not allow valid signature with correct method and incorrect data for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData(UINT_VALUE + 10, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignatureAndData', [UINT_VALUE]), { from: authorizedUser } ) ); }); it('does not allow valid signature with correct method and data for other sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData(UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'onlyWithValidSignatureAndData', [UINT_VALUE]), { from: anyone } ) ); }); it('does not allow valid non-method signature for sender', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.onlyWithValidSignatureAndData(UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser), { from: authorizedUser } ) ); }); it('does not allow shorter than SIGNATURE_SIZE', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.sigBouncer.tooShortMsgData({ from: authorizedUser }) ); }); }); }); context('signature validation', function () { context('plain signature', function () { it('validates valid signature for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignature(authorizedUser, this.signFor(authorizedUser))).should.equal(true); }); it('does not validate invalid signature for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignature(authorizedUser, INVALID_SIGNATURE)).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid signature for anyone', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignature(anyone, this.signFor(authorizedUser))).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid signature for method for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignature(authorizedUser, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignature')) ).should.equal(false); }); }); context('method signature', function () { it('validates valid signature with correct method for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod(authorizedUser, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndMethod')) ).should.equal(true); }); it('does not validate invalid signature with correct method for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod(authorizedUser, INVALID_SIGNATURE)).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid signature with correct method for anyone', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod(anyone, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndMethod')) ).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid non-method signature with correct method for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndMethod(authorizedUser, this.signFor(authorizedUser)) ).should.equal(false); }); }); context('method and data signature', function () { it('validates valid signature with correct method and data for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData(authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndData', [authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE])) ).should.equal(true); }); it('does not validate invalid signature with correct method and data for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData(authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE, INVALID_SIGNATURE) ).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid signature with correct method and incorrect data for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData(authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE + 10, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndData', [authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE])) ).should.equal(false); } ); it('does not validate valid signature with correct method and data for anyone', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData(anyone, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndData', [authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE])) ).should.equal(false); }); it('does not validate valid non-method-data signature with correct method and data for valid user', async function () { (await this.sigBouncer.checkValidSignatureAndData(authorizedUser, BYTES_VALUE, UINT_VALUE, this.signFor(authorizedUser, 'checkValidSignatureAndData')) ).should.equal(false); } ); }); }); });