const expectEvent = require('../helpers/expectEvent'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('../helpers/constants'); const SimpleToken = artifacts.require('SimpleToken'); require('../helpers/setup'); contract('SimpleToken', function ([_, creator]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await{ from: creator }); }); it('has a name', async function () { (await'SimpleToken'); }); it('has a symbol', async function () { (await this.token.symbol()).should.equal('SIM'); }); it('has 18 decimals', async function () { (await this.token.decimals()); }); it('assigns the initial total supply to the creator', async function () { const totalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const creatorBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(creator);; await expectEvent.inConstruction(this.token, 'Transfer', { from: ZERO_ADDRESS, to: creator, value: totalSupply, }); }); });