const { accounts, contract } = require('@openzeppelin/test-environment'); const { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants; const { expect } = require('chai'); const ERC20Mock = contract.fromArtifact('ERC20Mock'); const TokenVesting = contract.fromArtifact('TokenVesting'); describe('TokenVesting', function () { const [ owner, beneficiary ] = accounts; const amount = new BN('1000'); beforeEach(async function () { // +1 minute so it starts after contract instantiation this.start = (await time.latest()).add(time.duration.minutes(1)); this.cliffDuration = time.duration.years(1); this.duration = time.duration.years(2); }); it('reverts with a duration shorter than the cliff', async function () { const cliffDuration = this.duration; const duration = this.cliffDuration; expect(cliffDuration); await expectRevert(, this.start, cliffDuration, duration, true, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: cliff is longer than duration' ); }); it('reverts with a null beneficiary', async function () { await expectRevert(, this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration, true, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: beneficiary is the zero address' ); }); it('reverts with a null duration', async function () { // cliffDuration should also be 0, since the duration must be larger than the cliff await expectRevert(, this.start, 0, 0, true, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: duration is 0' ); }); it('reverts if the end time is in the past', async function () { const now = await time.latest(); this.start = now.sub(this.duration).sub(time.duration.minutes(1)); await expectRevert(, this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration, true, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: final time is before current time' ); }); context('once deployed', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.vesting = await beneficiary, this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration, true, { from: owner }); this.token = await, amount); }); it('can get state', async function () { expect(await this.vesting.beneficiary()).to.equal(beneficiary); expect(await this.vesting.cliff()); expect(await this.vesting.start()); expect(await this.vesting.duration()); expect(await this.vesting.revocable()); }); it('cannot be released before cliff', async function () { await expectRevert(this.vesting.release(this.token.address), 'TokenVesting: no tokens are due' ); }); it('can be released after cliff', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.start.add(this.cliffDuration).add(time.duration.weeks(1))); const { logs } = await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'TokensReleased', { token: this.token.address, amount: await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary), }); }); it('should release proper amount after cliff', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.start.add(this.cliffDuration)); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); const releaseTime = await time.latest(); const releasedAmount = amount.mul(releaseTime.sub(this.start)).div(this.duration); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); expect(await this.vesting.released(this.token.address)); }); it('should linearly release tokens during vesting period', async function () { const vestingPeriod = this.duration.sub(this.cliffDuration); const checkpoints = 4; for (let i = 1; i <= checkpoints; i++) { const now = this.start.add(this.cliffDuration).add((vestingPeriod.muln(i).divn(checkpoints))); await time.increaseTo(now); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); const expectedVesting = amount.mul(now.sub(this.start)).div(this.duration); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); expect(await this.vesting.released(this.token.address)); } }); it('should have released all after end', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.start.add(this.duration)); await this.vesting.release(this.token.address); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(beneficiary)); expect(await this.vesting.released(this.token.address)); }); it('should be revoked by owner if revocable is set', async function () { const { logs } = await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'TokenVestingRevoked', { token: this.token.address }); expect(await this.vesting.revoked(this.token.address)).to.equal(true); }); it('should fail to be revoked by owner if revocable not set', async function () { const vesting = await beneficiary, this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration, false, { from: owner } ); await expectRevert(vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: cannot revoke' ); }); it('should return the non-vested tokens when revoked by owner', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.start.add(this.cliffDuration).add(time.duration.weeks(12))); const vested = vestedAmount(amount, await time.latest(), this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(owner)); }); it('should keep the vested tokens when revoked by owner', async function () { await time.increaseTo(this.start.add(this.cliffDuration).add(time.duration.weeks(12))); const vestedPre = vestedAmount(amount, await time.latest(), this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration); await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); const vestedPost = vestedAmount(amount, await time.latest(), this.start, this.cliffDuration, this.duration); expect(vestedPre); }); it('should fail to be revoked a second time', async function () { await this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }); await expectRevert(this.vesting.revoke(this.token.address, { from: owner }), 'TokenVesting: token already revoked' ); }); function vestedAmount (total, now, start, cliffDuration, duration) { return ( ? new BN(0) : total.mul((now.sub(start))).div(duration); } }); });