#!/usr/bin/env node const fs = require('fs'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const { argv } = require('yargs') .env() .options({ style: { type: 'string', choices: ['shell', 'markdown'], default: 'shell', }, hideEqual: { type: 'boolean', default: true, }, strictTesting: { type: 'boolean', default: false, }, }); // Deduce base tx cost from the percentage denominator const BASE_TX_COST = 21000; // Utilities function sum(...args) { return args.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } function average(...args) { return sum(...args) / args.length; } function variation(current, previous, offset = 0) { return { value: current, delta: current - previous, prcnt: (100 * (current - previous)) / (previous - offset), }; } // Report class class Report { // Read report file static load(filepath) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')); } // Compare two reports static compare(update, ref, opts = { hideEqual: true, strictTesting: false }) { if (JSON.stringify(update.config.metadata) !== JSON.stringify(ref.config.metadata)) { throw new Error('Reports produced with non matching metadata'); } const deployments = update.info.deployments .map(contract => Object.assign(contract, { previousVersion: ref.info.deployments.find(({ name }) => name === contract.name) }), ) .filter(contract => contract.gasData?.length && contract.previousVersion?.gasData?.length) .flatMap(contract => [ { contract: contract.name, method: '[bytecode length]', avg: variation(contract.bytecode.length / 2 - 1, contract.previousVersion.bytecode.length / 2 - 1), }, { contract: contract.name, method: '[construction cost]', avg: variation( ...[contract.gasData, contract.previousVersion.gasData].map(x => Math.round(average(...x))), BASE_TX_COST, ), }, ]) .sort((a, b) => `${a.contract}:${a.method}`.localeCompare(`${b.contract}:${b.method}`)); const methods = Object.keys(update.info.methods) .filter(key => ref.info.methods[key]) .filter(key => update.info.methods[key].numberOfCalls > 0) .filter( key => !opts.strictTesting || update.info.methods[key].numberOfCalls === ref.info.methods[key].numberOfCalls, ) .map(key => ({ contract: ref.info.methods[key].contract, method: ref.info.methods[key].fnSig, min: variation(...[update, ref].map(x => Math.min(...x.info.methods[key].gasData)), BASE_TX_COST), max: variation(...[update, ref].map(x => Math.max(...x.info.methods[key].gasData)), BASE_TX_COST), avg: variation(...[update, ref].map(x => Math.round(average(...x.info.methods[key].gasData))), BASE_TX_COST), })) .sort((a, b) => `${a.contract}:${a.method}`.localeCompare(`${b.contract}:${b.method}`)); return [] .concat(deployments, methods) .filter(row => !opts.hideEqual || row.min?.delta || row.max?.delta || row.avg?.delta); } } // Display function center(text, length) { return text.padStart((text.length + length) / 2).padEnd(length); } function plusSign(num) { return num > 0 ? '+' : ''; } function formatCellShell(cell) { const format = chalk[cell?.delta > 0 ? 'red' : cell?.delta < 0 ? 'green' : 'reset']; return [ format((!isFinite(cell?.value) ? '-' : cell.value.toString()).padStart(8)), format((!isFinite(cell?.delta) ? '-' : plusSign(cell.delta) + cell.delta.toString()).padStart(8)), format((!isFinite(cell?.prcnt) ? '-' : plusSign(cell.prcnt) + cell.prcnt.toFixed(2) + '%').padStart(8)), ]; } function formatCmpShell(rows) { const contractLength = Math.max(8, ...rows.map(({ contract }) => contract.length)); const methodLength = Math.max(7, ...rows.map(({ method }) => method.length)); const COLS = [ { txt: '', length: 0 }, { txt: 'Contract', length: contractLength }, { txt: 'Method', length: methodLength }, { txt: 'Min', length: 30 }, { txt: 'Max', length: 30 }, { txt: 'Avg', length: 30 }, { txt: '', length: 0 }, ]; const HEADER = COLS.map(entry => chalk.bold(center(entry.txt, entry.length || 0))) .join(' | ') .trim(); const SEPARATOR = COLS.map(({ length }) => (length > 0 ? '-'.repeat(length + 2) : '')) .join('|') .trim(); return [ '', HEADER, ...rows.map(entry => [ '', chalk.grey(entry.contract.padEnd(contractLength)), entry.method.padEnd(methodLength), ...formatCellShell(entry.min), ...formatCellShell(entry.max), ...formatCellShell(entry.avg), '', ] .join(' | ') .trim(), ), '', ] .join(`\n${SEPARATOR}\n`) .trim(); } function alignPattern(align) { switch (align) { case 'left': case undefined: return ':-'; case 'right': return '-:'; case 'center': return ':-:'; } } function trend(value) { return value > 0 ? ':x:' : value < 0 ? ':heavy_check_mark:' : ':heavy_minus_sign:'; } function formatCellMarkdown(cell) { return [ !isFinite(cell?.value) ? '-' : cell.value.toString(), !isFinite(cell?.delta) ? '-' : plusSign(cell.delta) + cell.delta.toString(), !isFinite(cell?.prcnt) ? '-' : plusSign(cell.prcnt) + cell.prcnt.toFixed(2) + '% ' + trend(cell.delta), ]; } function formatCmpMarkdown(rows) { const COLS = [ { txt: '' }, { txt: 'Contract', align: 'left' }, { txt: 'Method', align: 'left' }, { txt: 'Min', align: 'right' }, { txt: '(+/-)', align: 'right' }, { txt: '%', align: 'right' }, { txt: 'Max', align: 'right' }, { txt: '(+/-)', align: 'right' }, { txt: '%', align: 'right' }, { txt: 'Avg', align: 'right' }, { txt: '(+/-)', align: 'right' }, { txt: '%', align: 'right' }, { txt: '' }, ]; const HEADER = COLS.map(entry => entry.txt) .join(' | ') .trim(); const SEPARATOR = COLS.map(entry => (entry.txt ? alignPattern(entry.align) : '')) .join('|') .trim(); return [ '# Changes to gas costs', '', HEADER, SEPARATOR, rows .map(entry => [ '', entry.contract, entry.method, ...formatCellMarkdown(entry.min), ...formatCellMarkdown(entry.max), ...formatCellMarkdown(entry.avg), '', ] .join(' | ') .trim(), ) .join('\n'), '', ] .join('\n') .trim(); } // MAIN const report = Report.compare(Report.load(argv._[0]), Report.load(argv._[1]), argv); switch (argv.style) { case 'markdown': console.log(formatCmpMarkdown(report)); break; case 'shell': default: console.log(formatCmpShell(report)); break; }