#!/usr/bin/env node // This script removes the build artifacts of ignored contracts. const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const cp = require('child_process'); const match = require('micromatch'); function exec (cmd, ...args) { cp.execFileSync(cmd, args, { stdio: 'inherit' }); } function readJSON (path) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path)); } exec('npm', 'run', 'compile'); const pkgFiles = readJSON('package.json').files; // Get only negated patterns. const ignorePatterns = pkgFiles .filter(pat => pat.startsWith('!')) // Remove the negation part. Makes micromatch usage more intuitive. .map(pat => pat.slice(1)); const ignorePatternsSubtrees = ignorePatterns // Add **/* to ignore all files contained in the directories. .concat(ignorePatterns.map(pat => path.join(pat, '**/*'))); const artifactsDir = 'build/contracts'; let n = 0; for (const artifact of fs.readdirSync(artifactsDir)) { const fullArtifactPath = path.join(artifactsDir, artifact); const { sourcePath: fullSourcePath } = readJSON(fullArtifactPath); const sourcePath = path.relative('.', fullSourcePath); const ignore = match.any(sourcePath, ignorePatternsSubtrees); if (ignore) { fs.unlinkSync(fullArtifactPath); n += 1; } } console.error(`Removed ${n} mock artifacts`);