const { shouldFail } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers'); const SafeERC20Helper = artifacts.require('SafeERC20Helper'); contract('SafeERC20', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.helper = await; }); describe('with token that returns false on all calls', function () { it('reverts on transfer', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doFailingTransfer()); }); it('reverts on transferFrom', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doFailingTransferFrom()); }); it('reverts on approve', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doFailingApprove()); }); it('reverts on increaseAllowance', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doFailingIncreaseAllowance()); }); it('reverts on decreaseAllowance', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doFailingDecreaseAllowance()); }); }); describe('with token that returns true on all calls', function () { it('doesn\'t revert on transfer', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingTransfer(); }); it('doesn\'t revert on transferFrom', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingTransferFrom(); }); describe('approvals', function () { context('with zero allowance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.helper.setAllowance(0); }); it('doesn\'t revert when approving a non-zero allowance', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingApprove(100); }); it('doesn\'t revert when approving a zero allowance', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingApprove(0); }); it('doesn\'t revert when increasing the allowance', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingIncreaseAllowance(10); }); it('reverts when decreasing the allowance', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doSucceedingDecreaseAllowance(10)); }); }); context('with non-zero allowance', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.helper.setAllowance(100); }); it('reverts when approving a non-zero allowance', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doSucceedingApprove(20)); }); it('doesn\'t revert when approving a zero allowance', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingApprove(0); }); it('doesn\'t revert when increasing the allowance', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingIncreaseAllowance(10); }); it('doesn\'t revert when decreasing the allowance to a positive value', async function () { await this.helper.doSucceedingDecreaseAllowance(50); }); it('reverts when decreasing the allowance to a negative value', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.helper.doSucceedingDecreaseAllowance(200)); }); }); }); }); });