const { BN, constants, expectEvent, shouldFail } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers'); const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants; const ERC777SenderRecipientMock = artifacts.require('ERC777SenderRecipientMock'); function shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectSendBurn (holder, recipient, data) { shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectSend(holder, recipient, data); shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectBurn(holder, data); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorSendBurn (holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData) { shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorSend(holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData); shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorBurn(holder, operator, data, operatorData); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorSendBurn (holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData) { shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorSend(holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData); shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorBurn(holder, operator, data, operatorData); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectSend (holder, recipient, data) { describe('direct send', function () { context('when the sender has tokens', function () { shouldDirectSendTokens(holder, recipient, new BN('0'), data); shouldDirectSendTokens(holder, recipient, new BN('1'), data); it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(holder); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.send(recipient, balance.addn(1), data, { from: holder })); }); it('reverts when sending to the zero address', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.send(ZERO_ADDRESS, new BN('1'), data, { from: holder })); }); }); context('when the sender has no tokens', function () { removeBalance(holder); shouldDirectSendTokens(holder, recipient, new BN('0'), data); it('reverts when sending a non-zero amount', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.send(recipient, new BN('1'), data, { from: holder })); }); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorSend (holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData) { describe('operator send', function () { context('when the sender has tokens', async function () { shouldOperatorSendTokens(holder, operator, recipient, new BN('0'), data, operatorData); shouldOperatorSendTokens(holder, operator, recipient, new BN('1'), data, operatorData); it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(holder); await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend(holder, recipient, balance.addn(1), data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); it('reverts when sending to the zero address', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend( holder, ZERO_ADDRESS, new BN('1'), data, operatorData, { from: operator } ) ); }); }); context('when the sender has no tokens', function () { removeBalance(holder); shouldOperatorSendTokens(holder, operator, recipient, new BN('0'), data, operatorData); it('reverts when sending a non-zero amount', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend(holder, recipient, new BN('1'), data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); it('reverts when sending from the zero address', async function () { // This is not yet reflected in the spec await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend( ZERO_ADDRESS, recipient, new BN('0'), data, operatorData, { from: operator } ) ); }); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorSend (holder, recipient, operator, data, operatorData) { describe('operator send', function () { it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.operatorSend(holder, recipient, new BN('0'), data, operatorData)); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectBurn (holder, data) { describe('direct burn', function () { context('when the sender has tokens', function () { shouldDirectBurnTokens(holder, new BN('0'), data); shouldDirectBurnTokens(holder, new BN('1'), data); it('reverts when burning more than the balance', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(holder); await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.burn(balance.addn(1), data, { from: holder })); }); }); context('when the sender has no tokens', function () { removeBalance(holder); shouldDirectBurnTokens(holder, new BN('0'), data); it('reverts when burning a non-zero amount', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.burn(new BN('1'), data, { from: holder })); }); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorBurn (holder, operator, data, operatorData) { describe('operator burn', function () { context('when the sender has tokens', async function () { shouldOperatorBurnTokens(holder, operator, new BN('0'), data, operatorData); shouldOperatorBurnTokens(holder, operator, new BN('1'), data, operatorData); it('reverts when burning more than the balance', async function () { const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(holder); await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorBurn(holder, balance.addn(1), data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); }); context('when the sender has no tokens', function () { removeBalance(holder); shouldOperatorBurnTokens(holder, operator, new BN('0'), data, operatorData); it('reverts when burning a non-zero amount', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorBurn(holder, new BN('1'), data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); it('reverts when burning from the zero address', async function () { // This is not yet reflected in the spec await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorBurn( ZERO_ADDRESS, new BN('0'), data, operatorData, { from: operator } ) ); }); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorBurn (holder, operator, data, operatorData) { describe('operator burn', function () { it('reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.operatorBurn(holder, new BN('0'), data, operatorData)); }); }); } function shouldDirectSendTokens (from, to, amount, data) { shouldSendTokens(from, null, to, amount, data, null); } function shouldOperatorSendTokens (from, operator, to, amount, data, operatorData) { shouldSendTokens(from, operator, to, amount, data, operatorData); } function shouldSendTokens (from, operator, to, amount, data, operatorData) { const operatorCall = operator !== null; it(`${operatorCall ? 'operator ' : ''}can send an amount of ${amount}`, async function () { const initialTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const initialFromBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(from); const initialToBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to); if (!operatorCall) { const { logs } = await this.token.send(to, amount, data, { from }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Sent', { operator: from, from, to, amount, data, operatorData: null, }); } else { const { logs } = await this.token.operatorSend(from, to, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Sent', { operator, from, to, amount, data, operatorData, }); } const finalTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const finalFromBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(from); const finalToBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to);; finalToBalance.sub(initialToBalance); finalFromBalance.sub(initialFromBalance); }); } function shouldDirectBurnTokens (from, amount, data) { shouldBurnTokens(from, null, amount, data, null); } function shouldOperatorBurnTokens (from, operator, amount, data, operatorData) { shouldBurnTokens(from, operator, amount, data, operatorData); } function shouldBurnTokens (from, operator, amount, data, operatorData) { const operatorCall = operator !== null; it(`${operatorCall ? 'operator ' : ''}can burn an amount of ${amount}`, async function () { const initialTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const initialFromBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(from); if (!operatorCall) { const { logs } = await this.token.burn(amount, data, { from }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Burned', { operator: from, from, amount, data, operatorData: null, }); } else { const { logs } = await this.token.operatorBurn(from, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Burned', { operator, from, amount, data, operatorData, }); } const finalTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const finalFromBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(from); finalTotalSupply.sub(initialTotalSupply); finalFromBalance.sub(initialFromBalance); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777InternalMint (recipient, operator, amount, data, operatorData) { shouldInternalMintTokens(operator, recipient, new BN('0'), data, operatorData); shouldInternalMintTokens(operator, recipient, amount, data, operatorData); it('reverts when minting tokens for the zero address', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(this.token.mintInternal(operator, ZERO_ADDRESS, amount, data, operatorData)); }); } function shouldInternalMintTokens (operator, to, amount, data, operatorData) { it(`can (internal) mint an amount of ${amount}`, async function () { const initialTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const initialToBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to); const { logs } = await this.token.mintInternal(operator, to, amount, data, operatorData); expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Minted', { operator, to, amount, data, operatorData, }); const finalTotalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply(); const finalToBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(to); finalTotalSupply.sub(initialTotalSupply); finalToBalance.sub(initialToBalance); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777SendBurnMintInternalWithReceiveHook (operator, amount, data, operatorData) { context('when TokensRecipient reverts', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.tokensRecipientImplementer.setShouldRevertReceive(true); }); it('send reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(sendFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data)); }); it('operatorSend reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend(this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); it('mint (internal) reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.mintInternal(operator, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData) ); }); }); context('when TokensRecipient does not revert', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.tokensRecipientImplementer.setShouldRevertSend(false); }); it('TokensRecipient receives send data and is called after state mutation', async function () { const { tx } = await sendFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data); const postSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const postRecipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient); await assertTokensReceivedCalled( this.token, tx, this.sender, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, null, postSenderBalance, postRecipientBalance, ); }); it('TokensRecipient receives operatorSend data and is called after state mutation', async function () { const { tx } = await this.token.operatorSend( this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }, ); const postSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const postRecipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient); await assertTokensReceivedCalled( this.token, tx, operator, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, postSenderBalance, postRecipientBalance, ); }); it('TokensRecipient receives mint (internal) data and is called after state mutation', async function () { const { tx } = await this.token.mintInternal( operator, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, ); const postRecipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient); await assertTokensReceivedCalled( this.token, tx, operator, ZERO_ADDRESS, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, new BN('0'), postRecipientBalance, ); }); }); } function shouldBehaveLikeERC777SendBurnWithSendHook (operator, amount, data, operatorData) { context('when TokensSender reverts', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.tokensSenderImplementer.setShouldRevertSend(true); }); it('send reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(sendFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data)); }); it('operatorSend reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorSend(this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); it('burn reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting(burnFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, amount, data)); }); it('operatorBurn reverts', async function () { await shouldFail.reverting( this.token.operatorBurn(this.sender, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }) ); }); }); context('when TokensSender does not revert', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.tokensSenderImplementer.setShouldRevertSend(false); }); it('TokensSender receives send data and is called before state mutation', async function () { const preSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const preRecipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient); const { tx } = await sendFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data); await assertTokensToSendCalled( this.token, tx, this.sender, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, null, preSenderBalance, preRecipientBalance, ); }); it('TokensSender receives operatorSend data and is called before state mutation', async function () { const preSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const preRecipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient); const { tx } = await this.token.operatorSend( this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }, ); await assertTokensToSendCalled( this.token, tx, operator, this.sender, this.recipient, amount, data, operatorData, preSenderBalance, preRecipientBalance, ); }); it('TokensSender receives burn data and is called before state mutation', async function () { const preSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const { tx } = await burnFromHolder(this.token, this.sender, amount, data, { from: this.sender }); await assertTokensToSendCalled( this.token, tx, this.sender, this.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, amount, data, null, preSenderBalance ); }); it('TokensSender receives operatorBurn data and is called before state mutation', async function () { const preSenderBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.sender); const { tx } = await this.token.operatorBurn(this.sender, amount, data, operatorData, { from: operator }); await assertTokensToSendCalled( this.token, tx, operator, this.sender, ZERO_ADDRESS, amount, data, operatorData, preSenderBalance ); }); }); } function removeBalance (holder) { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.burn(await this.token.balanceOf(holder), '0x', { from: holder }); (await this.token.balanceOf(holder))'0'); }); } async function assertTokensReceivedCalled (token, txHash, operator, from, to, amount, data, operatorData, fromBalance, toBalance = '0') { await expectEvent.inTransaction(txHash, ERC777SenderRecipientMock, 'TokensReceivedCalled', { operator, from, to, amount, data, operatorData, token: token.address, fromBalance, toBalance, }); } async function assertTokensToSendCalled (token, txHash, operator, from, to, amount, data, operatorData, fromBalance, toBalance = '0') { await expectEvent.inTransaction(txHash, ERC777SenderRecipientMock, 'TokensToSendCalled', { operator, from, to, amount, data, operatorData, token: token.address, fromBalance, toBalance, }); } async function sendFromHolder (token, holder, to, amount, data) { if ((await web3.eth.getCode(holder)).length <= '0x'.length) { return token.send(to, amount, data, { from: holder }); } else { // assume holder is ERC777SenderRecipientMock contract return (await, to, amount, data); } } async function burnFromHolder (token, holder, amount, data) { if ((await web3.eth.getCode(holder)).length <= '0x'.length) { return token.burn(amount, data, { from: holder }); } else { // assume holder is ERC777SenderRecipientMock contract return (await, amount, data); } } module.exports = { shouldBehaveLikeERC777DirectSendBurn, shouldBehaveLikeERC777OperatorSendBurn, shouldBehaveLikeERC777UnauthorizedOperatorSendBurn, shouldDirectSendTokens, shouldDirectBurnTokens, shouldBehaveLikeERC777InternalMint, shouldInternalMintTokens, shouldBehaveLikeERC777SendBurnMintInternalWithReceiveHook, shouldBehaveLikeERC777SendBurnWithSendHook, };