import assertRevert from '../helpers/assertRevert'; const BurnableTokenMock = artifacts.require('BurnableTokenMock'); contract('BurnableToken', function ([owner]) { beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await, 1000); }); describe('burn', function () { const from = owner; describe('when the given amount is not greater than balance of the sender', function () { const amount = 100; it('burns the requested amount', async function () { await this.token.burn(amount, { from }); const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(from); assert.equal(balance, 900); }); it('emits a burn event', async function () { const { logs } = await this.token.burn(amount, { from }); assert.equal(logs.length, 1); assert.equal(logs[0].event, 'Burn'); assert.equal(logs[0].args.burner, owner); assert.equal(logs[0].args.value, amount); }); }); describe('when the given amount is greater than the balance of the sender', function () { const amount = 1001; it('reverts', async function () { await assertRevert(this.token.burn(amount, { from })); }); }); }); });